Ana "I need help" voiceline

They only added voicelines for Zenyatta, Lúcio, and Moria.

Well I mean

I think they think people don’t like her as much as Mercy, but everyone I know would rather Ana be more playable since she’s actually fun to play

It really feels like a double standard. Look how hard the nerfs to Ana were back in 3 Tank, and then look how long it’s taken to tone Mercy down after that disaster of a rework

Mercy has been so strong, that she literally overshadowed another main healer’s release with her rework, yet Ana has been left in a poor state for so long


Oh I know! I recently updated a posted I made awhile back talking about how their balancing logic doesn’t make sense. I have been begging for Ana to have a passive heal in a skillful way like…

15 HPS for every shot she lands on teammates. We can’t get something as simple as that which helps rewards skill and helps with one of her weaknesses.

But no…we don’t get that. On top of that they give these QoL voicelines for every other healer in the game except Ana the support who defenses themselves the worst among any another support in the game. It’s mind boggling.

Then when you read the PTR developer comments about Ana’s kit it just pissed me off more because this great kit that she has isn’t being used because its weak even though it sounds so good on paper. The indirect nerfs keep piling up as the game changes more and more.

I don’t want to wait a year or two for them to admit we are right.


Don’t worry, when Hammond hits the scene people will hopefully realize that even with the Nanoboost buff she’s still useless to play

It’s the same cycle every time they give Ana a buff that doesn’t solve her main problem of self-sustain

People see she might have use, lots of people jump on (Because people actually LIKE to play Ana) realize the buff didn’t do anything, then swap back to Mercy/ Moira

This has happened EVERY SINGLE TIME


Perhaps an alternative would be to give our favorite grandma one of those Life Alert “help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get back up” necklace things.


I remember when she got her damage back people were hyped. I was hyped then after awhile I said to myself ok her damage needs to go back to 80. This DOT still moves too slow even though I can three shot again.

I’m still upset about that Seagull Interveiw…


That should be call for help voiceline.

I can swear that granny uses a walker already. Why not get her a Life Alert pendant?

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That always burns me

Why shouldn’t the higher skill cap hero be used in the higher level of play every game?

Mercy dominates from Bronze to OWL

Even at her PEAK Ana only beat Mercy from Diamond upwards

Ana was meta for at best 5-6 months

We’re at a YEAR with Mercy, TWICE the length Ana was even thought of as good

With mobility creep, the addition of two new supports, and the Lucio/ Mercy re-works Ana can’t be fixed with these weird bandaid buffs or tweeks they keep giving her

You have a problem when someone who is known to play Ana, who’s rise to fame came from Ana, and they don’t even play her anymore


Can Ana also say something like “target slept!” when she sleeps an enemy? We don’t really have much voice-chat on console and it would perhaps help people not accidentally shooting slept targets and also help teammates notice if Ana needs help dealing with a target.


Even if Mercy falls Ana has no place left in the game. Moira is just going to replace Mercy and Lucio is going to be her partner. Ana will only get played because we like her that’s it.


Seriously the sleep dart needs to be just as effective at point blank range as McCree’s Flash Bang. As is It’s a harder utility to land on anything in the game. That sorta defeats its purpose as a panic button…

Even when you do hit anything any accidental stray damage will wake the target. Waking someone should be about as tough as breaking a Symmetra turret.

Ana is literally out in the open to dive as a lamb for slaughter. She can’t run, has weak DPS, weak self heals and has to be pinpoint accurate against high mobility heroes with very low to hit requirements. Further it seems most new heroes they put out add to dive.

It once was just Winston, D.VA, Tracer and Genji. Since then they added Doomfist and Sombra; and now we have Hammond to look forward to. This and they have the audacity to say that Hammond will help Ana’s survivability. Isn’t that what they said about Sombra then later Doomfist when they came out? Now look how helpful they are.

Honestly, one of the DEVs needs to start maining Ana just so that they can feel what it is and how bad Ana actually has it in this game. They honestly seem to think she’s a hero that she’s not. They’re killing her and think that she isn’t popular to play because she isn’t liked. That too is wrong.

I seriously wish they would make the sleep dart a hitscan instead of projectile.It would make one able to land it more often. :confused:

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Look at all the indirect nerfs Ana has taken. It’s only going to get worse and worse.

You forget the increases in damage rates around when Doomfist was added to the game. They also upped Junkrat and Reaper’s damages. It got so bad that no support could heal through it.

As a response they then added shields and buffed up shields. Great.

You forget when after her big nerf they buffed the distances all mobility heroes could leap and jump from 4 meters to 7. The complaint from Genji and Tracer was that they couldn’t bypass the tank line without getting stomped on. That minor buff to all high mobility heroes is what made dive possible.

yeah she does. she’s like “they’re all over me”, “get them off me”, and “i’m under attack”.

You right I did miss those lol. But even you see that these indirect nerfs keep piling up and none the buffs she gotten has compensated for all the nerfs and indirect nerfs she’s taken.

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I don’t think the voice actress was available.
Just look at this touching video;

She lives at the other side of the world.

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I remember that. I also remember hearing that she records the voicelines and sends it to Blizzard.

But yes she does live on the other side of the world but how Blizzard treats Ana doesn’t make it any better even if this is all true

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I’m slowly switching to a Mercy main. I don’t want to but its becoming much harder to be a main healer as Ana. She’s far too unreliable and I’m getting tired of having no escape to asimple hero like Winston, heck even Symetra counters me now. Not like I have much mobility to outrun a turret once I see it land in my piss poor near ground level sniper nest, let alone the death beam; let’s not even mention how her entire alt cancels everything I do just like Winston’s bubble.

The guy above is right. Everytime a new hero is added or one is changed Ana just gets more indirect nerds. If it isn’t a new hero taking over something Ana used to have a niche for, it’s a rework to another hero’s kit taking away one of Ana’s strengths or exploiting more of her weaknesses.

Not to mention those clutch sleep darts I pull are instantly ruined by stray fire, its annoying. One time I slept a Bastion as he ulted. My team praised me but half a second after the dart landed a stray bullet barely grazing Bastion woke him back up.

You have to have hive mind synergy yo make sleep dart work as Blizzard intended. My team read AND I called the sleep but it still was bad to use mid fight. Add in the fact its hard as hell to land as is, and Ana’s only form of escape, on a very long cooldown and you can see why her win rate is terribly low.

Picking her is getting to attack Torbjorn levels of bad. Only thing really holding her from troll level is her ultimate. Why Blizz decided to buff that is beyond me. It’s a great buff and all but it does nothing if Ana’s mobility and self sustaining isn’t addressed. It’s like if they tried fixing Symetra 2.0 by increasing the health of her shield generator.


Oh yeah I’m sure if they gave her 100% Amp, 5 second Nade again she would be bad.
