An update on what's being worked on?

So about 5 months ago, Jeff said this:

which was really nice, because it gave us an idea of what the dev team was working on. Since then, Symmetra has received her rework, Sombra has seen significant changes, Doomfist has seen some changes, Mei has seen some changes, Hanzo has seen some significant changes, Hero 27 (Brigitte) has been released, Hero 28 (Hammond) has been released on PTR, they’ve announced that they are working on a Reinhardt re-coding, and they’ve announced that they’re working on a Trob rework. I’m not sure if these Doomfist and Mei changes are what they had in mind for the characters at the time, but basically everything has been addressed in this post and a little bit more.

Could we please get another update similar to this one as to what the development team is working on and possibly what they have in mind for the near future? I thought it was really interesting to see what/who they had plans for. I know that they’ve said they don’t really enjoy telling people too early, because it just creates tension when it’s not done soon enough. From what I could tell, that didn’t seem to be too big of an issue last time, but I don’t read literally everything on the forums, so I could have missed a bunch of “when is X being released” threads or something…

I just like being up to date on what’s being done (roughly) by the developers, and I’m sure many other people are as well. I really liked the old list, and I think a new one would be really nice. I don’t really expect that this will be seen, but it would be really cool if it did get a response.

Torbjorn and Reinhardt are being looked into!
Hopefully something will change with Reinhardt so he is no longer required to stand in the middle of the fight and take the punishment that nobody else wants to or is willing to take.

It would be amazing if OW team gave the community a roadmap for next 5 months. I love the way Ubisoft give the community a roadmap what is being worked.

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It would be pretty awesome if they would use Trello or something similar. Give the community a really nice picture of how things work and what’s being done in the Overwatch branch.

I’m not convinced they have a roadmap outside of OWL and eSports investments. Too much of this game still feels like a typical Blizzard development Beta phase.

I think one of the devs also said in an interview with Seagull that they’re still looking into some Ana changes, but they don’t think she’s in “rework territory”. So my guess is some more Ana buffs further down the line.