An Open Letter to Smurfs

Try 56 on for size jr.


So much sass, i love it


Well you know, I figured out the trick to keeping myself sharp is having a 26 year old boyfriend. As long as heā€™s young, so am Iā€¦ or something.

Actually I really only notice my slowing reflexes on certain heroes and in certain situations. Iā€™ve also kind of started to move away from melee-based characters in RPGS and MMOā€™s to ranged characters, as I feel like the distance gives me more time to react to situations.

When I really notice it is in the winter, because as Iā€™ve gotten older my hands have started to get really, really cold in the winter, to the point where the aforementioned boyfriend bought me these USB handwarmers shaped like pieces of toast with anime faces (they are called toasty hands lol) because I just canā€™t play games at all when my hands feel like blocks of ice.

Iā€™m too old to be nice~


How do you even cope with a 26 yr old? My youngest daughter is 30 and I am gramps for two wonderful girls, I find young people endlessly dull and too much into cell-phone trifles.
Apart from physical appeals, which I find aesthetic but not appealing, they are all blanks. Even my students, who are supposed to be smart, are justā€¦not smart.

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If this forum had the equivalent of reddit gold, you would get it for this.

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I wouldnā€™t even know what to talk about with a 26 year old. Looks can only carry you so far then you gotta have some substance.

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If it makes you feel better, I started this game in low Silver and one of the best friends I made in Comp is 40 (when I met him, he was in low Silver as well). Exact same age as you.

At the moment, I am in the High Gold/Low Plat bracket and he is already in High Plat/Low Diamond. He refuses to play DPS and is almost exclusively a tank player, but I think the biggest difference between us is: I am actually impulsive when playing and make a lot of very stupid mistakes. He doesnā€™t.

So good things come with maturity as well.


donā€™t hate the player hate the game

what smurfs are doing shows a mental deficiency, I agree. However I think the problem we need to look at is how the matchmaker handles these types of people. Because there will be smurfs until the end of time, we just need to create systems where they cannot flourish.

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Thank you. You are too kind.

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Imagine thinking these statements arenā€™t contradictoryā€¦

Also, thatā€™s an absolutely terrible idea.


thatā€™s only if you think smurfs are a problem, which I donā€™t hold that position

Well, i do have multiple accounts. But guess what my experience is:

People in bronze are chill. Up until 1400. They donā€™t say anything about team comp or whatever. But literal toxic land starts in 1400 onwards until top of the ladder.

I have a friend who I play with. We have fun and guess what? There are people who will be toxic (Iā€™m toxic myself. Wonā€™t deny that. But my toxicity comes from entirely different reasons. Trying to win while someone is throwing.) Thereā€™ll be people whoā€™ll be like kill yourself (itā€™s more common than you think). So yes, if somehow those players in next match, Iā€™ll play my main role in low gold from 3.6k. Am I bullying entire team? Yes and I donā€™t regret that. And then there are smurfs/boosters. Iā€™ll try my hardest to screw them over. Is it wrong? Who knows?

As for why Iā€™m playing in that elo:

In my main account when I que up for quick play, I get people from 4k. When I go into competitive, I get stressed out because of playing tanks.

I used to care about ranking up all the times. Even 4 months ago. Then I quit doing that and currently playing in gold. Donā€™t want to be a bully. But more in the sense of just playing. But if youā€™re toxic to me and get into next match, you wonā€™t get out of spawn or get to win again. Am I wrong to do that? Yes. But guess what? Most often than not Iā€™ll have to play healers because people in gold believe they are entitled to come into a match with 2 people and lock dps or any role without thinking what 4 others might play.

And lastly, somehow Iā€™ll have to pick X (most recently Mei since sheā€™s kind of meta right now.) Doesnā€™t matter if I can play her or not. If I donā€™t, someone will be toxic.

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These tend to be the same people to denigrate others with terms like ā€œtry hardā€, thinking itā€™s a sort of insult.
They believe itā€™s not cool to try, so they donā€™t want to face actual peers in competition.

Excuses like ā€œyouā€™ll only improve by facing better opponentsā€ misunderstands that the best way to improve is to be coached in a controlled environment.
Nevermind that ā€œbetter opponentsā€ shouldnā€™t be orders of magnitudes better.

Iā€™d never improve at basketball playing one-on-one against LeBron if he was constantly dunking on me and not providing constructive information regarding how to improve.

Smurfing is sociopathic behaviour, plain and simple.


i may not technically be a smurf, but i do know that i donā€™t play at a rank befitting my actual skill. i never want to climb to diamond; i love being in plat or even gold as the games are generally more fun and i can play heroes that the team needs as dps is most generally already taken. and even when itā€™s not taken, it gives me a chance to play widow in competitive as i can guarantee you out of all my mains, she needs the most work.

however, the thing i love most about being in plat and gold, is dealing with smurfs. they come in my game expecting to slaughter my team and they get a rude awakening when they realize thatā€™s NOT going to happen. maybe my team wins or maybe we lose, either way, that diamond/masters POS that thought he was going to get an easy win is suddenly in a panic, switching between genji/mccree/hanzo/widow/soldier because they canā€™t deal with me.

i donā€™t abide by smurfs in my games whether theyā€™re on my team or not. but if theyā€™re on the enemy teamā€¦ theyā€™re about to have a bad day.


See i simply canā€™t take this at face value because while admitting your bronze you almost immediately started making excuses for it. It still shows your looking to feel better about yourself rather than improving and the saddest part about this post is playing with and against smurfs is a great chance to learn that you simply donā€™t take advantage of

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My main point is that smurfs waste what little time I have to play by pre-determining the outcome of matches. Sorry If I didnā€™t make that clear enough.

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Just an analogy.

A smurf is like a genius level student with photographic memory who has the option to go to an ivy league school but chooses to go to a community college instead. And they achieve nothing but perfect scores in every class, and slightly skew the curves for their classmatesā€™ grades and the class rankings in the school. Financial situations aside, this personā€™s actions affect the standings of other students, and makes their rankings slightly inaccurate. If there are more people like this, the more it skews the results.

There is nothing illegal about this, and everyone has the choice to do whatever they want, but there is no denying the fact that someone of a higher skill playing in a lower rank can skew the games they play in, and the ranks of other players.

Heā€™s not really like other people his age. We met when he was 22 and I was 36, we both share a huge passion for the Star Wars Expanded Universe and a mutual hatred for Disneyā€™s Star Wars. We actually met playing Star Wars: The Old Republic and pvping together, we became quite the notorious duo in warzones there, when we would load in, people on the enemy team would leave (lol) rather than deal with the two of us. We had a lot of synergy and natural chemistry/banter.

I was kind of put off by the age difference at first when I realized he was flirting with me lol. But he kept saying to me that it didnā€™t matter to him, so why should it matter to me, if that was literally the only doubt in my mind. He also helped me through a really hard breakup prior to this, because we were friends for about six months before getting together.

Heā€™s justā€¦ different. Heā€™s a writer like I am, heā€™s a black belt in taekwondo and studies Wing Chun Kung Fu, he has two degrees, speaks three languages, reads books, is an amazing writer (this is what attracted me to him in the first place), he makes me laugh, we were both raised in law enforcement families, we share a lot of the same values, neither one of us want children, weā€™re both introverts. We also justā€¦ get each other when a lot of other people donā€™t.

The only real difference thatā€™s noticeable is when he references a show from when he was a teen, I generally donā€™t get it because I was in my early 20ā€™s and not watching much Nickelodeon anymore lol.

That and when we argue, which isnā€™t very often (weā€™ve only had two blow-out arguments in four years), I get over it quicker because I know that there really isnā€™t that much worth being super angry about when you love someone. I tend to get pissed, then get over it within about ten minutes, and he takes a lot longer to cool down.

Usually we talk about Star Wars, current politics, music, dogs, our families, video games, the books weā€™re writing, and the characters in those books. Of course I also spend a lot of time watching him train his martial arts while Iā€™m working because :crazy_face::drooling_face::heart_eyes: lol.

Weā€™ll also talk a lot about history. He knows almost everything about Japanese and Chinese history, so for example when Total War: Three Kingdoms came out I got about a weekā€™s crash course in that era of Chinaā€™s past lol. I know a lot about ancient Scandinavia, Arthurian legend, and Greek mythology, so weā€™ll talk about that as well. Sometimes we discuss ocean conservation as marine biology was one of my huge interests when I was younger and I still have a deep fascination with whales and dolphins. We also talk a lot about past wars of the more modern age. Heā€™s been to several battlefields in Europe and I lived near a Revolutionary War battlefield (where Colonel William Ledyard was betrayed by Benedict Arnold, leading to the burning of New London, Connecticut and the execution of Ledyard by his own sword) that I visited often. These are the things we discuss :stuck_out_tongue:

Just because heā€™s young doesnā€™t mean he lacks substance. Heā€™s more than a piece of hot meat to me, and Iā€™m not just some cougar on the prowl.

Anyway sorry to derail your thread :stuck_out_tongue:


I have heard this sentence from virtually everybody my age who has abandoned his family for a young hot chick. But, if you get along, congratulations. You know, it is not only the age that would stand between me and her it is also my bitterness, my sardonic joy of failure and my impotence.

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you practice in quick play, you dont practice on us we are not your guinea pigs.