An extensive mercy guide

hey everyone who may be reading this! I made a post before but ive just updated it, so yeah

So as we all know mercy is… well pretty terrrible right now, even with everything I listed here I would still recomend using brig, because mercy just isnt good right now.

I’m only talking about this stuff becasuse I know some of you are very devoted to playing mercy and I though I would try to help you guys out!

The first thing we need to talk about is GA, I have a previous post about this so I’m just going to copy paste it.
edit2: - YouTube 1 thats the vid :smiley:
Edit: Im making a vid tutorial now, also please share this info! Shes so bad right now but this may help her!
Hey! I’m just a little mercy main that cant really play mercy any more (because of nerfs!) but I still try to play her as much as I can and one thing that helps mercy alot is everything you can do with gaurdian angel! so I’m just going to go through every kind and the uses.

There isnt really a reason to ever use this other than maybe occasionally switching up your flight pattern or maybe just general movement.

Wall GA is when you have your healing beam on someone and you GA at a wall, Its really only usefull if you can slide off the side of the wall to them because of a momentum glitch that will let you go somewhat faster than normal GA

Angel Bounce
An angel bounce is when you press space immeadidiatly after your GA is done or you stop pressing the shift button, it helps with cooldowns because with it your GA cooldown can range anywhere from 1-0 seconds and momentum carries vertically, great with pharas.

Angel Glide
an angel glide is when you continue holding the shift key and hold the space key in the middle of a GA or right after the GA, you go really fast and can glide as far as an entire zarya beam. Your cooldown does not get shortened. This is my favorite kind of GA

Angel Hop
An angel hop is when you hold down shift and crouch at the exact same time (down to the milisecond) and you let go/jump at the end, you will fly really high up but you have to be conpleatly still and you have to stop, its not great if someone is chasing you but its really good on first point 2cp maps, especially anubis!

Angel Skip
An angel skip is when you get knocked back (usally by winston in his ult) mid GA and hit the ground, if you jump you should go really fast and really far, you can use this in combination with angel glide and bounce

This is when you have your beam on someone (usally above you) and you force yourself into the wall that supports what they are on, if you do it right you can fly up really fast and far, you can use this in combination with skip bounce or glide,

If someone is standing on payload or even just jumping, if your somewhat near and under them and fly, you will go up pretty high, I like to use this right before I use my ult to make sure ill be in a safer position where I can see everyone when I first use it.
Edit:rein on payload OwO

Basically flying to someone when your above them and start using your passive mid way through, the momentum carries and you can go horisontally really fast for about a second, this can also be used with glide and hop
Edit: really really good with phara
If you are immidiatly infront of someone and crouch and use ga midway through the crouch and wait for the last second of the ga then jump, your model will freak out and give you a second or so of invincibility although it is not realiable, ive only had it work once on purpose but it was only for about half a second
Edit: I think it only works on koth for some reason, ive tested it some and ive been able to use it twice more
If you use GA at the very end of VALK some of the momentum carries, but usally it is better to just stay up in the air for a little as the GA is only for a second but it is very fast, you can use this with hop or glide and with skip it kinda breaks?
Edit: really good with phara

Angel Twist
During the middle of a angel glide if you press a directinal button (idk why but for me d works best) you can go really far, ive been able to go 10M in the practice range but if I was in the air I think I could get to 15.
Edit: good on payload and koth

angel slide
If you go down a slope and press shift and crouch at the same time you will basically follow the floor, your hit box gets really small and you go pretty fast, if you glide at the end you can get to 15 m in the practice range, you also get a pretty good hop at the end
Edit: first point thing dorado is amasing, its also good on control center ligang and garden. I also really like it on point 2 volskia to each side. Its really good on parts of enchienvald as well but not as easy too find,
Edit 2: I think the side is due to a slight floor shift (obiously) but the shift can be really small, like barely noticable small
Extra bounce
after the end of an angel bounce if you get to the floor before the angel glide ends and you press jump the second you hit the ground you get a small second jump, with this you dont have a GA cooldowns.
Edit: unreliable, dont practice it too much just try to get it to work if you can

directinal angel hop
just do an angel hop but try to conbind it with a glide, you can move before you do it, you dont let go of crouch, you can add an extra hop on sometimes
Edit: using this is really strong and on my ult ive been able to keep a 4 deaths per ten mins rather than a 5 deaths

Thank you so much for reading through this spelling mistake of a post! I hop you can find other uses for the things that I listed ^-^

So as you can see GA has many uses and diffrent things you can do with it, thats really the main thing we need to talk about because it is the one thing in mercy’s kit that isnt pretty bad or has nothing to it.

Anyways on to the second subject.

So because mercy’s healing is so poor damage boost isnt somethign you get to use often, but if you try really hard you can sneak it in every once in a while.

with ana damage boost you really only need to help her with phara, and because her damage is over time you dont have to be perfect with it, just try predicting when shes going to shoot is all

With Bastion you should damage boost when hes behind sheild and no one else needs healing, when you are in a fight you should only damage boost for about .5 seconds at a time, any more and he could die, also remember that bastion has self heal so if hes only a little under you can be a little genorous

With brig you want to time your dmg boost inbeetween swings and when she uses flail, I would suggest dmg boosting for about 10 frames then going back to healing each second (if your using 60 fps) or you could dmg boost when shes high hp and she gets low only do it for about .2 second or a fast tap on the mouse.

only damage boost dva when she uses missles or her ult, her damage isnt great to begin with so you should dmg boost her much

Damage boost him when he uses any of his abilities, you can also damage boost him when he uses his ulitimate for 1 frame but you have to know where he is.
Damge boost strikes deflects and every right click, he shoots for about .2 second so just do a fast tap every time you think he will shoot.
Damage boost storm bow and when hes in a safe position
Damage boost him when hes in a safe position, using rip tire or using a mine, its easy to tell when he will use a mine because he will usally jump and say a voice line before/after throwing the mine
Dont damage boost lucio, his damage is low and unreliable, damge boost spam when he needs his ult and when he boops people because you may get on fire and gain more sr
Damage boost flash bangs and his ult
Damage boost her ult and when she needs to kill reaper mei or brig or any tank
You cant damage boost mercy and if you can then you should already be in the overwatch leauge
Damage boost her when she needs her ult and throws out spam orbs and if shes shooting a grav with her ult
Damage boost during her ult and when shes spamming to get it, usally when orisa ults you should just heal anyways.
Damage boost for about a second after she shoots, a second on a second off, dont damge boost her ult just heal her, she allready has a lot of damage during her ult but she dies often so…
damage boost his ult and when hes shooting tanks for one tap
Damage boost shatter and when he fire strikes, really helps him build his ult
damage boost ult and when he hooks, count seconds after he uses his heal so you can damage boost as much as you want before he uses another heal, it helps him build his ult really fast
Really only damage boost his ult or when you hear him use rockets, if hes shooting a phara also help.
Damage boost her only when shes the only damage boost target, she doesnt do much damage and she would rather be stealthy so dont give away her position by dmg boosting her
damage boost sym when shes at max beam charge or when shes shooting orbs at a grav, I’m not sure if when you boost her if her turret damage goes up so if someone knows please tell me!
Really only damage boost ult or when hes at close range
Damage boost ult and when shes killing supports
Damage boost her before a fight starts to help her get picks
damage boost during a fight to help him get picks, he actually does alot of damage when boosted
Wrecking Ball
I dont have enough experience playing with them so im not totaly sure, maybe during ult or when he needs his ult? help him get ult charge
Damage during poke so she can get more ult and damge boost her if shes the only one shooting at grav (usally there is something better to boost)
Damage boost zen before he shoots all of his orbs or if hes shooting a tank, discord and damage boost stack

So thats generally how I use damage boost but its really up to you about how you want to use it, I find that sometimes boosting something else does alot but other times it does nothing so its really all about surcumstances.
So now we are going to talk about rez! yay the thing that no one wanted on E!

So basically with rez you want to use it around a corner or if a zarya bubbles you, if you get bubbled your basically safe and zarya gets some charge (unless they pop it)

There are alot of little places you can rez through like the sign on the first point choke of 66. Also when resing someone who fell off a beam or like a surface with a wall, you need to fly over to them, res when the soul is at eye sight and then decend down holding H.

So when it comes to who to rez you want to usually rez tanks like reinhardt roadhog and dva, but if a dps has an ult, especially mei genji or zarya, then you want to rez them instead.

If a healer dies before a fight starts then you need to wait, usally if a healer is picked before a fight then the team with run forwads but if you wait for them to go forwards, if you can sneak around you can usally rez, but you have to be careful because your team might die in the process.

Always res before valk becuase you will bring less attention to yourslef, and if you die in the process you dont lose res. If a hanzo has ult ask him to shoot it at one of your dead teamates corpes, if you can rez inside the hanzo ult then you cant really get killed, most people wont know your there.

Rez when other teamates are using ults or when the enemy needs alot of healing or is focusing someone, if their disracted there is less of a chance that they’ll try to kill you or even notice you.

Lets say that 2 teamates die, one is a torb and the other is a tracer, you always want to rez torb becasue tracer if faster and will get back faster (that is of course assuming tracer doesnt have ult)
So now the final and most boring part of mercy’s kit…


There isnt much to talk about with valk, I mean usally what I do is just fly around using my diffrent gaurdian angel things, and heal for 2 second and damage for 1 on and off, of corse if someones low i go to healing but other wise its damage.

There really isnt much to talk about here, You use valk before a fight to engage or during a fight.

If you have won then stop healing with valk and tell your other support to stop healing, you do this to get a little extra ult charge from your teamates who were not fully healed during valk
also one more thing I need to say is done use angelic decent all the time it makes you easy to hit use it on and off ; - ;
Yeah so thanks for reading this entire thing if you did, I really hope blizzard helps mercy a little with a healing buff becuase right now she really needs it!

Just waiting for everyone to say hold left click and spam ga.

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