*An Attempt at fixing balance v2*

The above is a post of mine where I try to explain my reasons behind these balance changes.
TL:DR - Backline has never been stronger and Frontline has never been weaker due to certain combination of abilities coming mostly from DPS and Supports making engagement too difficult or not worth it, promoting a heavy poke-pick playstyle.


  • If a CC is applied on a tank (again excluding hamsters in deathballs), another CC cannot be applied on them for 1 second after the end of the first CC. This excludes knockback abilities.


  • Damage per swing reduced to 75


  • Minimum damage at max range decreased from 50% to 30%


  • Spread removed in Recon. Now has a recoil similar to 76


  • Tri-Shot now has damage falloff which starts at 16 meters to 30 meters.
  • Minimum damage at max range is 30%
  • Sticky bombs cooldown increased to 8 seconds
  • Focusing beam cooldown increased to 10 seconds.
  • Ultimate cost decreased by 10%

Echo is supposed to be like Doomfist and Genji, a close range assassin yet she can poke from afar with great damage and minimal spread. This is the same reason Doomfist’s handcannon got fall-off even though its a projectile. I’m trying to so what the devs have done before.


  • Shuriken damage increased to 30
  • Ultimate cost increased by 20%


  • Storm arrow recovery increased to 0.3 seconds


  • Minimum damage at max range decreased from 50% to 30%


  • Spread angle tightened by 25%
  • Lifesteal reduced to 25%

I wanted to reduce spread so that reaper is better at dueling DPS and supports but it is also going to make him land more pellets on tanks hence why a slight reduction of lifesteal


  • Fall off now begins at 10m instead of 13m


  • Immortality Field is now targeted like Briggite’s Repair pack.
  • Range is 12m
  • Will only provide Immortality to the person targeted by Baptiste.
  • Will land at the spot where the targeted person is BUT will not move with the them like repair pack
  • Cooldown reduced to 20 seconds
  • IF Health reduced to 100hp
  • Healing per grenade reduced to 55 HP


  • Repair pack reduced to 1. Now heals 150hp in 2 seconds
  • Repair pack range reduced to 10m
  • Inspire range reduced to 15m
  • Health increased to 200HP.
  • Shield health increased to 300hp.

My changes to Briggite and Baptiste are trying to nerf them without gutting them but I would love to see a rework of both of them as they are almost fundamentally broken (for good or bad)


  • Discord reduced to 20%
  • Damage per shot increased from 48 to 50

The discord nerf helps tank and the damage buff balances it out for Zenyatta himself which means his personal DPS remains unchanged and he can still 1-headshot melee 150hp along with other breakpoints remaining same for Zenyatta himself


  • Damage boost reduced to 25%


Note : All this comes from a Support/Tank player in diamond, although I have tried my best to change heroes based on GM statistics.

I would love to try something like that for a experimental card.

Getting a bit away from “only being a tankbuster”
While able to compete a bit better with the other DPS.

I’m not taking no Zen or Mercy nerf unless they are buffed somewhere else. I’m sick of this forum trying to run the supports into the ground.

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Well… I don’t know about all of them, but I don’t think giving falloff to a projectile is a good idea, including Echo. Consistent rules are good for the game. So if Ashe has more falloff, other hitscans should too.

On top of those, characters like Mei, Sym, Sombra, and Bastion need help. Bastion having a changed spread won’t be nearly enough to make him viable.

This passive seems super weak IMO and I’d rather put a 10-20% dmg reduction

Baptiste should just get a cleanse field, it’s a horrible change to immortality IMO

Brig is fine but I’d like to see repair pack with 50 heals 50 armor rather than 150 heals. Also instant, instant pack never helped dive as much as it countered it

25% was already ok to bad for zen, don’t go under it for now

Mercy is relatively balanced and if you’re going to do this you 100% need to buff something else
Either base heal up to 60hp/s, buff Rez slightly or make it so valk dmg boost is 30%, but a net nerf is a no go

Everything else… It’s fine I think
Echo changes seem interesting

Not a fan of ideas like these. Abilities in the game should be intuitive and work the way you would think they would work. A new player should be able to pick up McCree and have confidence that if he hits a person with their flashbang they will get stunned (unless they’re behind a shield, which is still intuitive).

Look, I never wanted the damage buff anyway, and I consistently float the idea of reverting it in my Rein change ideas too. That being said, you can’t just straight nerf a hero that is struggling. He still needs help, not nerfs, if anything. You would have to give him something in return.

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Well the devs themselves mentioned how they treat Genji, Doom and Echo as the same type of get-in-kill-get-out close range hero and it is one of the reasons they gave Doomfist’s projectiles fall-off so that he can’t poke from afar. I’m just trying to do the same with Echo

Yes, I know that but before buffing the underpowered heroes we should always wait to see what happens after overpowered heroes are nerfed. The bastion buff was just a QoL for me.

Yeah… Doomfist shouldn’t have falloff either. Just like when I argued Mei was the only projectile with falloff and it was wrong then, it is wrong for Doomfist to have falloff now.