Amount of SR points per win

in the new comp do people get less SR points per game if they maining a hero/role.

is the MMR changed in any way?

haven’t tried onetricking on it yet but when i play entire support rooster and i have become decent at each one especially ana/zen, feels like system won’t let me climb higher so i guess counter-switching is punished while onetricking is rewarded still!

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Are you refering to per game like not switching hero within a game and sticking to the same no matter what or do you mean playing the same hero over several games?

I doubt there’s much difference compared to before but I can’t say, there’s no PBSR in diamond or above. Even back when I was plat or below I have never had an issue getting good gains switching like 5 times a game and play different roles from game to game, no one knows exactly what variables that’s used but in the past anyways it’s been % based mainly in order to not punish people for hero switching.

However by playing a single hero it’s easier to maintain a higher consistency but it doesn’t really make you a better player and even though I doubt Blizz have done any major changes or any at all it wouldn’t surprise me if they’ve done some minor ones to promote players who try to climb by being good at the game and play it by design instead of playing a single one as that kind of allows you to minimize the impact from losing games while maximize them from winning ones.

I have been one-tricking brig and am earning upward of 75+ SR per match atm.

I am on a 16 game win streak at the moment.

I had been placed incorrectly due to playing another support I wasn’t very good at and my gains were the standard 25 to 30 SR initially.

A few matches after it went to 30 then 35, followed by 47+ then a few matches later into the 70s (last match was 76 I think?). I am not sure but I may have seen a 90 earlier.

I’m currently smashing through plat, I will let you know if I hit a wall.

( I am a DPS/Zarya player normally and just play Brig as a hyper aggressive close range DPS, usually killing the tanks first or just killing any squishies that get in the way)

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I don’t think so, but the biggest change in SR I’ve seen is when there are leavers. You get less SR now (and presumably lose less SR) when a leaver is involved

I’m not sure but on average I’ve been getting more SR for wins than normal. The most I had was about 80SR, the lowest was kinda normal, about 20

thats great for the losing side but for the winning side, do u want a win on your record with a measly single digit sr gain, cause game like devs said will eventually even out your winrate to 50%.

Yeah but it’s a near free win. You don’t really “earn” a win playing 5v6.