Am I the only one who

Stopped tryharding in Competitive, especially on push maps?

Not really a point until season 4, if even.

nah, im not saying this just because of matchmaking, this game is so stale and boring

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I’m sure your teammates appreciate you

Yeah because ranks will reset again in S3. I’ll be taking a break since I don’t want to have to climb back up again.

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Exactly. With a rank reset i wouldn’t see a point in playing ranked.


Yeah, you know, i dont really care anymore

I never tryhard, i consider it QP without masters players as opponents, i just fool around. Anyone has a problem with that, tell Blizzard to fix QP matchmaking.

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Last time I touched QP was in 2016 when ranked wasn’t a thing :smiley:

I won a couple of matches earlier this season, not enough to place. With all I’ve been hearing about the state of the matchmaker lately, I think I might wait until S3 to start again.

What does “stopped tryharding” mean to you? Because it kind of sounds like throwing.

I started playing characters that I find fun to play, not meta, and I started playing with music (not loud) while playing, I would never throw games because Im not that kind of a person

Okay, well it’s fine to not play meta in Comp, it will be incorporated into your MMR one way or another. Playing music isn’t too bad as long as you can hear basic things like ult callouts.