Am I the only one who thought Torb was perfect?

…Why are we giving more turrets with less hp and damage?

We already have a hero like that.

Why not just shrink Sym’s hitbox, give her a beard and an adopted daughter named Brig?

Even the Tracer OWL main who was forced to suggest something, didn’t understand why he was forced to.


Because Symmetra doesn’t get new skins.

You mean in ow2?

They just try to give heroes some gimmics in the tree.

Since it’s pve2 you’ve got more enemies with less hp so less damage with more objects is actually nice.

If you don’t like it you can pick the other options in the tree…

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Making everyone child of Torb is still more then 2 years away.

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They’re referring to the OWL experimental card, where they decided to give Torb two turrets that have less damage and health.


Is that a thing? Where can I find info on that… I tried looking at the ptr, checked if there’s experimental in live and couldn’t find anything…

Will it be only for the owl or for the ladder as well?

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*Reorganized* OWL Experimental Card Changes List here you go, spent 2 hours on it… unlike any youtuber… who all have still been silent on it.

I still don’t think I understand… Is that something official they are gonna release or just discussion?

And if it will be released will it be to the whole game or just for them?

Something something 3/22 something something

So… their guess for changes for 3-2-2?

no, that’s when this is gonna happen, aka thats next Monday.

Sounds terrible if that’s gonna be official for everyone.

But I guess it’s not a big surprise they do stuff like that…

Thnx for the answers btw :slight_smile:

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Your welcome…

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