Am I the only one who thinks announcing OW 2 seven months ago then going full silent mode was a horrible idea?

I know. My point is it’s about whether to invest in a product that will keep squeezing money and prioritizing it over what you bought the product for in first place. Do I want to support that by buying the PvE expansion of it? that’s my point.

There’s a sea of things they can do to fix it. One is making it not possible to play competitive unless you have an amount of play hours that makes it not worth dealing with to merely play your other account in competitive while at the same time that amount of hours not be too much for someone’s first account.
TLDR: increase the required level to play competitive enough to have an effect on the worthwhile of smurfing. There’s a lot of tailoring you can do to that idea. You just have to use your brain if you know what I mean.

I agree. With 32 (?) current playable heroes they could reveal nothing but their new classic skins, one per week, and we would have eight months of updates. They’ve already revealed some new maps, so a week each for those is another month or two inc. Push maps.
It feels like they’re building up to… nothing consequential. They told us the opposite in November and have done nothing to back it up, plus they cite “internet makes head feel hurty” for the delay of Blizzcon… Sod off! You’re behind on work because of Covid (or because they fired more than a hundred employees about two years ago LEL) and need an excuse to not announce anything.

Yet, I bet that this game will have bugs in its release, not many, but some…

Umm have you worked a customer service job before? Working with the public automatically makes you have to deal with them good or bad.

Hopefully it isn’t a dumpster fire like Fallout 76.

It’s okay we have disappointing balance patches to keep us busy FOR A WHOLE

Sorry, but these devs need 5 times longer than the guys developing Doom Eternal, which will have 20 times the amount of content OW2 has, without “pay for funny skin” lootboxes.

Yeah, it was a bad idea.

Now, I do think just going silent would’ve been worse, but they should’ve been prepared to provide us with semi-regular updates (like… even every 3-4 months) on what’s going on. Perhaps a new skin update, perhaps give us an indicator on how far along they are (i.e. we’re now 60% done with our maps), etc.

That, OR they just need to give us a ballpark ETA. I’m quite confident they know that it won’t come sooner than a certain date, so they can at least tell us that. Like, if they know it won’t be out in 2020… then tell us it won’t be out in 2020. Bethesda did that with Starfield and TES6, and boom, we’re all happy because we know we can put that on the back burner until 2021 or later. If Blizzard has nothing to show us because their game isn’t coming out for another year or more, tell us that. Don’t leave us hanging.

Clear communication is the best route forward, and Blizzard honestly is terrible at communication.

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There is good, there is bad, but you would never take a kid’s complaint seriously about something they know nothing about, or some jerks who don’t deserve your time. I’m pretty sure any customer service has the right to just simply cut you off when you start calling name and became unable to hold a proper conversation

Actually, forum is not a customer service center, it never was. No one is obligated to answer your complains here, precisely because of the forum’s nature.

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Problem with having your own company event. The OW team had to announce something probably before they were ready to. There was visible confusion in the audience and for a long time afterwards.

Only if you are honest in your intentions. Otherwise you can be caught in your own lie.