Alternatives to nerfing goats

So instead of directly buffing or nerfing dmg / health values why not add modifiers to certain heroes as this system is kind of there already with Torbjron. Torb’s ult does 160 dmg per second but if you have armor it does 190 a buff if certain requirements are made. So why don’t we make heroes who do explosive dmg deal bonus dmg to shield’s lets say 20% for junk and 10% for phara. Another idea as most rein players may of noticed when facing a mei when she channels her gun into your shield it gives a freeze animation why not have it where the shield becomes brittle so bullets do extra dmg to it forcing reins to risk resetting shield or have it deplete faster. This feels like an easier solution then blizzard playing the buff and nerf game as we are seeing in the PTR and it would also help keeping brig in check without nerfing her shield health.

How about a hero that can puncture shields

As in my hero concept

How about we don’t make tanks more squishy than they already are?

the tank’s themselves would remain the same only difference is there shields will burn faster making goats less viable but still effective it would offer a rock paper scissors set up. Goats beats dive, dive beats shield shatter, and shield shatter beats goats it would make comps swap on the fly and could allow for less standard 2/2/2 comps to work again.