ALT accounts ruining Competitive

I played 2 games today , in these games , alt accounts are ruining the game .
1 game : it’s overtime , we are better than the enemy team , and suddenly all of my teammates are gone , looking at the kill feed , all my teammates jumped off the map .
I asked them : they said they want to get 80 kills with pharah , and one of them said he’s in masters in his main account so don’t worry .
what they did is letting the enemy team push the payload to the end so it’s 3-3 and will go to extra rounds , they want the match to be as longer as possible to get 80 kills with pharah or more .
This is soo disrespectful to me and to the enemy team .
extra round : I’m the only one pushing the payload , and they flamed me for doing this and said they’re gonna report me .
(Edit : this is the code for this game : 8KHWG5
, 13:40 is when they jumped off the map).

Second game : the whole enemy team is afk in spawn room all match , and they shoot sometimes or move so they won’t be forced out of match due to inactivity , for the 2 rounds attack and defense.
We won by just pushing the payload 1 m from its start point .
Also their names are soo weird , it’s like it’s the same person with the 6 accounts : their names are : How ,who , where , when , what , why .
(Edit: also they are all lvl 25 , one of them lvl 26 and the rest lvl 25)
Also this is the code for the second game as a proof : KF0924


It’s been 5 years and nothing has been done about smu- …uh, “alts” :wink:


Posting that code also proves Lizzard doesn’t care. Curses on Blizzard.

  • cries in hardstuck gold

Aren’t you a salt mine.


U mean play a lot ?
srry , I don’t get it .

they absolutely ruin the game
i have several and am guilty of being part of that problem.

alts = ranks that should have x ppl now have x+1 times more sr to disperse
costing people time energy and frustration to surf thru
it ofc encourages more trolling more disposable games
and is more amplified by the blatant mmr rigging
where alts fight alts etc

sum1 already did the math on it:

solution is to paywall them out of comp
use proceeds to make actual seasons and resets and hire agents

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