Already a dead game

I know it’s a beta but this game is already dead and wont make it to October. 5v5, player hype exhaustion, Q times, and no ranked make this beta unbearable. Larger content creators are only playing because of NDAs with Blizzard and would rather play ranked 6v6. I don’t see the vision for this game and what we have right now is a rushed update for monetization.


I don’t think it will be a dead game.

I agree that queue times look like they are going to be pretty rough, and I suspect they will stay that way until a second pure support is released.

The vision of the game was “drop a tank, because we can’t maintain the tank player base, and make the game faster, because people seem to enjoy that, and get rid of some CC because people don’t enjoy that too much”.

Which looks good on paper. If you can keep the support players on board.

Blizzard has been in a hard position there, since if they released the support hero earlier, then the shine will have worn off it before it goes live, which would make the queue times worse.

But they have also lost a bunch of support players since it seemed like Blizzard was just treating them as an after thought.

Juggling those two things is “hard”, and I can understand why Blizzard is struggling with it.

But basically, they are trying to give the louder parts of the community what they have been asking for, and seeing if that works.

it isn’t that the game isn’t fun, it is as a DPS player. Tank players seem to be also having fun, which is it’s own miracle. If Blizzard can get the supports to ALSO be fun as hell, then I think they will have a bit of a meh launch, but rapidly pick up players after that.

If they can keep the queues in a reasonable state, which I am not sure at all that they can.

It does feel a lot like that, not going to lie.


Well at least the 5v5 part has been a vast improvement over the current live game.


I agree with making support fun would solve a good amount of issues


It will be a death by mediocracy.

Not too big to make a difference, not too different to have an impact.


I play Overwatch for Mystery Heroes. No MH, no me.

Plus, I think MH is a good way to test characters because you get combinations you normally wouldn’t get in QP/Comp.


Yeah, it is just a hard thing to do, I’m an ex support player, and still play support in pretty much every other game which has supports in them.

Overwatch is hard to make supports fun, if they manage to keep a lid on the flankers, it may work out better, but I’m playing Mei / Sombra, and Sombra is a monster of a flanker right now.

I am SURE the supports I am playing against are not having as much fun as I am, and that is a problem.

It honestly doesn’t feel like any of them counter me at all, which felt pretty horrible when as a support I didn’t have a target to switch to, to deal with particular threats.

So, I have a lot of empathy there, and honestly, I’m not sure what Blizzard will do about it. I guess Sombra / Genji nerfs may be the answer, if foxgirl isn’t a really good anti flanker.

That could happen as well, I hope it doesn’t. I think most people can feel the potential the game has, if they can get it to hang together properly.


I don’t think it will be dead. I think it will be late to the party unless they make an incredibly rewarding fun, not grind, battle pass.

The f2p market is getting crowded. There’s only so many free games people can play long term.

Right now Ow 2 has no momentum. Maybe next announcement and final beta can do something.

But as they say, you only get one chance to make a good first impression. Blizz whiffed on Beta 1.


Flats had the best take on where ow2 is heading. It’s gonna have a decent launch but quickly bleed players before the year is over. There’s gonna be a looonngg climb to get those players back if they can at all. Blizzards made some good choices but a LOT of terrible ones as well regarding this game. The twitch viewers and general “hype” around the game is supporting this too. I just don’t see the game launching and staying a huge success post launch without a massive overhaul to the roadmap/plan


I think people are missing something important: its F2P. And a very high quality game at that also.

If OW2 would be P2P it would be dead after a few months I would agree with that. But with F2P? I think we could have another really BIG OW era ahead of us.


The whole point of a beta is to find problems so they can fix them.
Sadly, companies have become so much of money grubbing scumbags they lost the pride and desire to make quality content. Thus spitting stuff out in beta and saying it’s complete. Patching stuff later and not caring. Since they got their money, they can drop it like a bad habit.
Is OW2 dead, not really. Will it limp along, most likely. Will they have managed to squeeze some money out of the franchise, 100%.


Dead? Just see the number of full players custom games already it will give you a good idea that the game is definitely thriving, and a lot of people aren’t allowed in the beta still.

The only thing to fix is queue time. They have to find an incentive for people to play support, like in OW1.

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I’d play it more if it weren’t for the performance issues. OW1 runs better by a country mile. Even some people with 8 core CPUs and RTX cards are complaining about significantly lower frame rates.


the only people playing this game after a few months will be cheaters and smurfs… because its F2P


Honestly? I think they could have just made Overwatch 1 completely f2p and added new maps and heroes and it would have done better than what this game will.


Blizzard made a HUGE mistake in setting up a sequel label for this transition to F2P / 5v5. Someone in the marketing division probably thought it was a stroke of genius but really… it just wasnt.

People outside this bubble are all confused with what changed, its very hard to convince someone outside this bubble that 6v6 to 5v5 is a big difference. Gameplay videos for the casual audience is just received with “meh… it looks the same…”

Never have I seen such a lukewarm and apathetic reception for a Blizzard game. I think even WC3 Reforged had a bigger hype.


If you really think that its worse than currently than I can only laugh. Because its not. You maybe want it to fail but it will not.

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Yeah that marketing of 2 was a big oof. If they had called it an expansion pack or DLC it would have translated way better to old and new expectations.

I hope the best, but I prepare for the meh as far as their future marketing announcements.

Maybe the silver lining can be Diablo Immortal and Ow 2 died for their sins to give Diablo 4 a glorious launch.

Worse case scenario if things are still ennh, at least we get consistent content in October

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Ya know, I hadn’t considered this… What is the vision for the game… Like the greater picture…

Oh god what have you done to me… (keep in mind, im about to list a bunch of good things)

Their greater picture is seasonal updates, Crisper clicks, new sounds, story and you can tell they are putting their heart in, even if it’s not 100% perfect…

But i ask, what game play greater picture have the devs mentioned? They have talked about everything but… this explains mercy, sym, the 4 balance changes for a huge game play change and barebones less than we would have got without OW2 hero pack dlc.

There is clear direction in all regards except gameplay…

The saddest part for me is that I was looking forward to the pve and it can’t be that great if they are not showing anything at this point and the only thing they are willing to show is the same pvp in 5v5, wow it’s nothing.