All zen have is his discord and trans

Doesnā€™t mean all 6 can/will shoot at the target.

His Secondary fire rate of fire was reduced by 15%

In August they buffed his secondary fire twice:

  • Charge rate increased 15% (0.6 down to 0.52 seconds per orb)
  • Rate of fire increased from 8.5 to 9 shots per second

And he still has his raw damage buff from when they nerfed discord

is what I meant to say

And again, Zen has been meta/overly dominant the majority of the gameā€™s lifespan and more meta than any other hero

I think almost everyone saying Discord should be 25% can agree to at the very least a few damage nerfs.

I, for instance, would nerf literally 12 heroes alongside Zen to decrease poke/spam damage output accross the board.

Also revert Lucioā€™s speed, of course.

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The devs balance around GM. Itā€™s not hard to get 3-4 people to shoot at the enemy tank you discord. At all.

Even just two people shooting the target is more value than Mercy damage boost. And your team has to be pretty trash for only 2 people to shoot the discorded target.

Can you cite this?


Yep :slight_smile:

From Jeff Kaplan in the Reddit Amaat the end of July

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design wise though his single target healing is meh his hitbox is large and his dps wasnā€™t as insane as it is now

because peel isnā€™t restricted to just mercy lucio and poke damage synergizes with him more then it ever has

But its suddenly hard to get 1-2 to focus on killing Zen?

zen is better than bap end of story lol

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And I can work with that. Like I said I am more mad that overall the forums have decided that the next mass complaint is Zen because itā€™s always either a tank or support thatā€™s a massive problem and they donā€™t stop until theyā€™re gone when Zen has been for the most part unchanged. Not only that, but three weeks ago everyone was asking for Zen buffs. I was against changing him then as well.

I meanā€¦heā€™s been a decent pick for majority of the games lifespan. Dive 2.0 second gen GOATs (first gen/OG GOATs was Moira Lucio brig) the three weeks of DragonBall but once double shield became a thing it was Ana+support of the patch. Sometimes it was Zen, but most of the time it was a mixture of Bap/Brig/Mercy. Like I said three weeks ago people were asking for Zen buffs.

Also Iā€™ve personally never felt the rof buff, but Iā€™ll give it to you but not the 15% because again dive started with that 15% nerf not there. It wasnā€™t until the meta was solidified for a few months that it happened. Not saying itā€™s not significant, it does make his volley more consistent.

But still his buffs are small in comparison to the significance of Hitscanā€™s fall off buff. Zenā€™s meta status has always been a ā€œflavor of the weekā€ outside of Dive, Goats, and right now. Heā€™s been a good pick, but also easily swapped out.

When Brig and Bap and Mercy can just hard pocket him and he has increased self-DPS output to shred whoever jumps him? Yes

Always makes me laugh when people think discord orb is why tanks melt.

Nothing at all to do with the DPS, and supports capable of doing flat out insane damage. Tanks just melt regardless of discord

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Please letā€™s not turn this into tribalism. Iā€™m sure most of us arguing for Discord nerf would nerf various damage heroes at the drop of hat.

I, for instance, think Echo needs a nerf to literally every part of her kit. And since the Oxford Dictionary recognizes the figurative form of literally, allow me to be clear: I mean ā€œliterallyā€ literally, not hyperbolically.

Add to that most mid-long range hitscan damage in there, Tracer, as well as Reinā€™s 85 per swing damage, Bapā€™s damage, some power shift to Sigma and Iā€™m basically saying nerf half the rosterā€™s damage output. Now thatā€™s hyperbole, but not too far from literal.

And of course I donā€™t speak for everybody - I can barely speak for meself on some days Iā€™ll be honest with ya - however I suspect all of us wanting 25% Discord can agree damage itself needs a tone down at least to some extent. We can and should indeed disagree with that the size of that extent, but thereā€™s common ground in here in we can step on.

Meanwhile, me as a former Zen main not having a sliver of fun as Zen because Zen has to be babysat to function. And at the same Time, Mercy never fu*****dies, gets to be super easy to play, never has to duel, has Res and damage boost. And for whatever god forsaken reason is still somehow allowed to play at the same SR. Such a joke.

Damage boost need to be reserved for ults only IMO

having an ability to be damage boost is not healthy for the game

most of the focus will be on zen because everyone knows if zen is ignored heā€™ll be trouble

this is not because this zen player is any good, but because of an ability that doesnā€™t miss, doesnā€™t have a cooldown and stays on target as long as los is possible

how on earth can this be balanced?

LMAO, are you seriously calling reaper and lucio overtuned ? Moira ? Doomfist ? Bwahahahahaha.

Yeah, not going to lie, suggesting that Reaper or Moira were EVER overtuned is kind of laughable.

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Imagine thinking lucio was overtuned when he didnt even have a nerf after double shield 1.0 (aka rush double shield not bunker double shield) lucio wasnā€™t overtuned, neither was reaper, or moira or doomfist, they werenā€™t run in orisa hog meta, actually suprising how bad that take was.

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Nono, thatā€™s what needs to happen. Witch hunts need to stop and flat damage reduction ACROSS THE BOARD needs to happen.
Nerfing Discord Orb wont do jack, removing 5% topical damage really doesnā€™t change that muchā€¦ The tank is still going to die in an unhealable amount of time, itā€™s just 0.2 extra bullets from each member connecting, which given tank hitboxes and sizes, is gonna happen anyway.

Once the tank is dead, the incoming damage doesnā€™t stop thereā€™s always a good 75-150 overkill. Nerfing discord orb wont change that at all.

Yes damage needs to be nerfed. Iā€™m not sure if weā€™re really disagreeing at this point.