All you Gold and Plats in bronze 5

It’s not just plats. 4k+ for many seasons, peaked in t500 for a few, light drop to high masters last season bc of inactivity. (in college now…)

And guess what I got placed after going 7-1 during placements? Bronze 5.

Guess who I’m grouping with on the way back up? the half my friends list in the same spot… i spent more than 30 games, 23w 7l, before i even made it out of bronze. it’s really pretty spectacular.

Could have something to do with the fact that my 1 L was a DC the first day bc of servers. Still though… I feel pretty rough because you never know if someones a clueless new player or a T500 that got placed in silver…

im almost certain that this B5 placement for everyone is a bug, a load of Gms and higher got put there for 0 reason. Good sign of that is that we can do simple math. B5 - 7 wins for division 7x5=35. Meaning 23W could be never enough to climb to silver. So system is very obviously currently just bugged.

there is no way you would be stuck at bronze 5 with those records…im silver 5 with less

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no it will not make you play every tier i went from bronze 5 to bronze 3, bronze 2 , silver 5.

perhaps its just hard to accept.

that’s my bad, i didn’t know 7w 20l were placements, not requirements for ranking up. I just didn’t get to placements yet coz of recently unstable wifi

they are the requirements for ranking up…yes thats correct…the 20 loss resets when u gain a new tier. you have to win 7 games to climb you have upto 20 games to make it happen.

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Ye, i’ve just read that too. I was just unaware how the whole thing worked overall

a lot of the really lame arguments…are the smurfs…ive noticed.

If it isn’t smurfs or high tier players dragged into an already bad cesspool, it’s new players with ZERO game mechanics jumping right into Ranked and ruining the match. Cowards should bring back SMS Protection for Ranked. Other competitive games have it no problem…

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I can’t relate to being in bronze at the moment but my Gold and Plat Matches are just Masters and GM widows and Soljourns popping off. Whoever has the best Smurf wins.

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This guy is in the ball :joy::football: footing the bill and objectives for bronzing players never easy.

Also Blizzard. Nothing wrong with a PR move lightly suggesting a core 1000 games played prior to ranked. Just saying…

To clarify…1000 games of any game…if you have to ask what type of game…then…woo boy, do I have an argument for you…

Welcome to the OW1 Gold/Plat experience.

Has any “GM” placed Bronze 5 that also played comp regularly and not just 5 games per season?

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On my second Account I went from Bronze to Gold and never saw bronze again, unless I logged into my original account, so I don’t subscribe to the idea that “Git Gud” is an instant panacea in a game full of casuals who are the worst of the worse in terms of gaming proficiency. It’s a bit too unserious, and the players aren’t even trying to improve in the vast majority of cases. They are like rank anchors.

Ended up in plat.

Still couldn’t be bothered to grind original account out of bronze. It’s the special ed of gaming. I don’t have the patience for it.

Once I learned how to play the game better, it was easier to buy a new account, skip past it with placements, and never have to see it again…

Or, so I thought!

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Yeah getting messages that I’m cheating as widow is annoying af I can’t help the rank system is stupid and I can’t help that you think I only have 4 hours on widow because blizzard destroyed the time played on all my hero’s. In all reality I was a widow main in OW1 but now I have to keep my profile private because it says I only have 4 hours and people are reporting me thanks blizzard

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Yes. Most players were put into Bronze lol. Its terrible the games are garbage, just stay away from comp they’ll never be able to fix it. Just play QP lol They just don’t have the ability to get competitive mode working correctly. Been like 6 years now they still cant do it lol. They never will. Actual bronze players you’re so bad its truly astounding, how can you make so many mistake per minute? Can we get an MPM mistakes per minute counter in game please or is there not even screen space at the lower ranks?

I nearly spit out my tea when it placed me. I was like uh what. When I bought OW over 4 years ago I placed silver without any ability in fps or much knowledge of the game. I was rusty at this game but ya… makes more sense now I guess. I know it’s not just me either cuz there was a Hanzo I was against the other day that was 1v3ing ppl consistently and he’s stuck down here with me too.