All that dev update stuff are why the devs don't talk to us

Proof of what? That they added features because community asked so? They never stated that! The only things they mentioned are what I said, because they adressed it in either developer updates or their videos.

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So when they do stuff it’s not because they listened to community but when they don’t do something it’s because they’re ignoring community
how convenient

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Like I said, this is how it works. When the community asks to not nerf roadhog - they do it anyway. When they ask for guilds - they don’t do it. It’s easy to track that.
What they did for community is almost impossible to track because they aren’t mentioning it. So your thread is stupid by design, but I still applaud your tenacity and love for Blizzard.

The reason I hate it is because Blizzard is obviously ignoring us, players, in favor of OWL. Balance, content, events - everything dropped in quality significantly. So call me biased - but I’m not giving them any praise until I see proof of that.

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Love for blizzard is interesting as I haven’t stated my opinion on the actual changes themselves
I simply like to point out hypocrisy on forums when I see it
and boy is there a lot of it

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Hypocrisy never appears out of nowhere. Often what is considered hypocrisy is just a bitter pill labeled “Truth” to swallow, though it can be a bit biased sometimes.

Well, considering the communication is minimal, no once can really guess what the devs have in mind by just saying 1 word.

If they were communicating and actually explaining things more often, we could have a better idea on what their plans are.

Then maybe he should be a bit more specific or better yet, not say it “should” go up next week?

He should have said “It’s possible that maybe next week we will get it out, but I can’t make any promises”

i hate blizzard feed back ,they try to attract interest through cycling power.
similar to several games like lol that launch a new champion but that after fulfilling its purpose of sales or attention, they balance and stabilize

That is the policy of feedback that blizzard follow for its public.
have not been thinking because blizzard games are not in other conventions of video games or tournaments and because the community does not have any weight in terms of the area of ​​development or where the balance is going and proposals.
they build towards sales, numbers and their ow league, the rest doesn’t matter

To be honest, as a developer, I think I would want to interact a lot with the community and state all of our possible plans, like, “We’re looking at Torbjörn atm. We’re honestly not sure what we want to do yet or if he WILL receive changes, but it is definitely being looked at. We also plan to look at Bastion after to get ideas of what we want him to look like in the future. There is no real plan currently, and there is no guarantee anything will change. We’re just cycling ideas to see if anything sticks better or feels more fun for the heroes.” (This is all speculation, not that the developers are doing any of this, but how I would like to communicate with my community.)

If anybody tried to retaliate, I wouldn’t get too upset and say they were only ideas and nothing was guaranteed to change and I’m sorry if it was interpreted that way.

Openness to admit wrongs, even if you’re not wrong, to please the community is something the Blizzard developers should DEFINITELY look into. I apologize all the time at work, even if I’m not wrong, because it makes my customers feel better, more reassured, and gain more trust in me as the representative.


I get where you’re coming from. I think the problem is people see what other people interpret news/information as on the forums and then repeat that same interpretation until it becomes a whole bunch of misinformation.

A good example are the lucio legendary emote and sombra legendary skin. Initially I never knew about it until people on the forum talked about it but instead of mentioning it was in a pass, the posts just referred to the skins as “$40 skin” or whatever. Initially I was shocked until I went and looked into it further and things made more sense.

On the flipside I get why peope are a little bit up in arms about communication and so forth.


People are skewing the information because they PERCEIVE it as you’re just paying for the skin or emote because they are tied behind paywalls if you want them. The only real incentive should be if you actually want to see the content that comes WITH the in-game items, but people only see the items that are tied with the extra content (when it should be the other way around). Blizzard also announced that Sombra’s skin will be released in-game in 2019. Those who buy the Blizzcon tickets just receive it early.

Blizzard made the mistake of stating the developer update was already recorded.

As a result, the lack of it’s release is a strategic choice rather than a case of the staff still working on it.

Apparently, Blizzard would rather launch the PTR with it than release it separately.

This can be for good reasons.

For example, launching it with the PTR allows players with fast internet to play it quickly and develop a response to it based on gameplay rather than theory craft.

However, as we saw with the Symmetra release the process can also have bad results.

The initial response to Sym’s rework from a theory craft perspective was that the primary fire was too weak. Players suggesting this however got significant amounts of push back because the primary fire was actually very effective in game because it was bugged. Once the bug was fixed the theory crafters were correct but, due to the experience of many players on the PTR it made it on to live despite having an incredibly situational primary fire.

The negative reaction to the developers is also expanded as some people are already deeply displeased with certain individuals on Team 4.

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This happens when communications so rare, people attach more weight. If they talked as much as the said they would, people would be used to devs just “talking” by now

I have seen some. I guess we cancel out.

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For every ‘proof’ you can find another thread asking for the exact opposite.

The age old saying “You can’t please everyone” aptly applies here.


Sorry we want wome consistency. There should be set schedules of updates, not 6 months without a word and dwindling posts on the forums.

They are probably trying to be extremely careful because overwatch is in a fragile state right now as far as balance goes.

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Aren’t you being a little nit-picky? We were never given a DATE for the release of the Dev update, everybody just assumed we were going to get it on Tuesday, then started getting all up in arms when it didn’t happen. For christ’s sake, it’s been two days, and we have a comment from Jeff today explaining why it didn’t go up as planned.

While I agree that OWL has been a big reason for lack of communication, you can’t seriously believe they don’t listen to us. Almost every change we get is something the community has asked for. And, PTR was never meant for balance checks. It’s not available to console players, and who is going to spend hours in the PTR on PC anyway? Not enough of a player base to determine in-game balance, that’s for sure. PTR is to make sure there’s no game breaking bugs, not to make sure you have a nice time against your least favorite hero.

You have your communication. You’re just being picky.


owl still the scapegoat in late 2018

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10 years later people will still accuse OWL/pros for nerfing their main.


It isn’t a “multi-billion company” as you put it. It’s a small Dev team that does the balance and replies to us.

The only multi-billion dollar thing about that is the name “Blizzard.”