All of these Mercy threads are tiring me out

Yet you made a post about it… welcome to the forums as you seem to be new here… not everyone has to share your opinion… but what a part of the community that mains a specific hero are doing is just spamming the forums on a daily basis.

Only ~10% of forum posts are about Mercy

Except the general discussion page alone has 15 mercy posts while there are maybe 2 for each other type of post. That’s almost a 10 to 1 ratio on what people see, it’s flooding.

Mercy posts are the most active, but 90% of posts have nothing to do with her

I feel and everyone around who see these posts that you are extremely bored and disgusting by the decisions of Blizzard about Mercy.

Your people have been complaining about her for a year and still no changes about what do you exactly want, because one thing is wanting X and the other is forcing something in a game that doesn’t belong to you.

Many characters changed since this game released, when got reworked nobody asked for a shorter DM or for Missiles or the skill for shoot and fly and many things for others characters too, people doesn’t ask for changes, those comes "forcefully " because they need to keep their game fresh.

Spamming the forum every 2 minutes with " Please revert Mercy , bring back mas ress" is not a solution.

Also for be completely honest Valkyrie will stay as her new skill for at least 1 year if not more because when Mercy 1.0 was a thing, we didn’t have strats or characters like ;

Dive comps
Doomfist and so on.

I just imagine a 1.0 Mercy back on the current meta season 12, getting destroyed by with no chances to even play the game because Valkyrie helps a lot on keeps Mercy alive and most important independent.

These are my thoughts, I’m not trying to put your own thoughts about your character down this is just my pure opinion.

10% is a pretty obscene amount for one hero out of everything in the entire game.

Anyways, it seems both sides are tired of all the mercy threads. And yet we’re at an impasse

All mercy posts should be in a subcategory I guess, the frontpage is what most people see, at least it’s what I see I dunno if i do the forums like everyone else xD
It’d just be nice to scroll past things other than mercy posts. It’s gotten to the point where I just can’t scroll past one without being lowkey triggered that it’s just THERE AGAIN.
Anyways sorry for any distress I have caused, but I have to finish it up here, I REALLY gotta sleep c: Happy posting to everyone :slight_smile:

Isn’t it already past the 1 year anniversary of the rework hitting the ptr?

If 10% of all topics on a public forum are dedicated to one hero, do you not think that perhaps there is an unaddressed issue with said hero?

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For the most part, the reworks are fine. In regards to Mercy and Symm, many people still have issues with them and find the reworks to be a failure.

There is no point to give feedback… Blizzard simply just doesn’t care for Mercy mains or how they feel… They care about OWL and streamers.

If you enjoy the game, play it. but if you’re only here for Mercy then you’re wasting your time.

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Yes, that being spam.

Looking at your activity, you are very active with Mercy threads, which means you are contributing to this “spam”.

Because it was a huge change for them.

Imagine if your favorite hero from one day to another dominates the game for almost a year on every single tier-mode-strat even at high competitive levels an OWL and suddenly starts getting nerfs until that hero gets put down until a "normal " state?.

Is just a reaction chain.

Yes it was a huge change. It was a change that started with her being OP then nerfed countless times to the bland potato we have today. This “reaction chain” will last until she is reverted or reworked again.

Me bumping threads that are already being and going to continue to be bumped in the first place is hardly a drop in the bucket. Making a new topic to say the same thing that others have said is entirely different.

That’s is a LOT of threads

“All these Mercy threads are tiring me out”
makes another mercy thread

but yeah I agree, there are just too many and at this point there are no more original ideas, they’re just repeating what has already been said.

That is not at all the point I’m trying to make

well considering this post, just like all the others, is repeating the same ideas as the other posts, I didn’t see a reason to comment on any specific part of your post.