All my Competitive Open Queue History Disappeared

I played Open Queue Competitive for a couple seasons and all my history on Career Profile disappeared. It shows only gold from season 1…I wasn’t playing on PC on season 1 so it doesn’t make sense

Make sure you are not looking at the individual “Open Queue Competitive season 1” and “Open Queue Competitive season 2” dropdown options. Those were short 3-week mini seasons to test out Open Queue before they rolled into the standard Competitive Season cycle.

it does not give me any other option. How can I send you a screenshot?

Let me clarify… current Open Queue competitive seasons roll into the same stats as Role Queue. See these screenshots:

thank you for clarifying :slight_smile:
Dont understand why you guys set it up like that but ok.
Thank you

It used to be that each individual season of every mode was listed in the one single drop down. They organized it into multiple to organize by seasons.

They recently revised the dropdowns for different Comeptitive seasons to be organized by the game mode type (Competitive, Quick Play, No Limits, Comp Deathmatch) and then by the season number (since most Arcade competitive seasons now have had about 3 seasons and there is 29 seasons of Competitive Play.