All is quiet, no footsteps, but suddenly a Hog in the face!

Old in-game tip: Your most dangerous enemies usually have the loudest weapons and footsteps.

Clearly and evidently NOT true.

The number of times I wanted to either run to cover, escape or just flank by taking an alley or run into a building or up some stairs to a balcony and a Roadhog came jogging around the corner, all 1000 pounds of him flabbing away, faster than a locomotive and just about as subtle, and before I could even think “Where the hell did he come from?” I was already hooked and one-shotted. When I should’ve been able to hear him from a mile away.

And yes I know we can actually sneak and go more quietly by crouching, but 1) he clearly wasn’t sneaking 2) I doubt a Hog can even crouch to take a dump, much less move around like that.

I have the music turned all the way off, so I should be able to easily hear any footsteps, which I do most of the time, yes. Except when it’s a Hog around a corner that seems to come out of nowhere, every single god damn time, without a sound. And all I hear, aside from my own gasping curse, is the sound his chain, his shot, and his mocking laughter, while still process the where and how of the moment.

So is this a bug or a “fair” feature? Because, as it is with many mechanics, it’s infuriatingly stupid.


Nah, his footsteps have been broken for years. His and Reaper’s and often McCree for me. There’s a higher than 50% chance they will not have footsteps for me. And I mean like they can step up right behind me, close enough to sniff my hair, and no sound queue at all. I’ll hear Mercy and Widow clip clopping around like horses from across the map, Hanzo’s padded little feet hurrying along, but a big ol’ fat guy that literally shakes the earth as he stomps around? Nope. Nothing. Not a sound. Magical cloud shoes.


It must be a bug, when I’m not crouching people hear me miles away.


The sound system gets overwhelmed easily if there’s a lot going on, and poorly prioritizes what it plays. Unfortunately, enemy footsteps is usually the first thing that goes silent, followed by enemy ult lines. Meanwhile, I can hear ally footsteps like they’re walking on my eardrum. :smile:


This has been bugged for years. They fixed it, then added the new audio system to OW1 about a year ago, which broke it again and never fixed it.

Blizzard polish.


It’s a bug that has been in the game for more than half-a-decade. Nothing new here, it is what it is at this point :man_shrugging:


The only footsteps I can hear anymore are mine and my team’s.
I’m not sure why it got sooo bugged out, but I haven’t heard an enemy coming around a corner since I was a Mei/Zen main.

Footsteps have always been a mess. It doesn’t help that a large portion of hogs gameplay is standing still (riveting), so he may indeed have just been sitting there the entire time as well.

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Hog has heavy footsteps and even farts from time to time. I hear those braps loud and clear.

Maybe it gets flushed out with other sounds? Theres usually a lot going on.

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Over thanksgiving i had a hog in the same hallway on nepal village make no sound at all until the one shot. I thought he had teleported or the game lagged or something. Nope in the kill feed he walked in had like 3 seconds to adjust around with me in the hallway and killed me. I also was playing with headphones and no music. Sometimes this game can be such a mess.


“close enough to sniff my hair”

Woah! Creep-factor! Hadn’t thought about Hog like that. And I definitely didn’t need that image. :frowning:

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There may be a bug, but regardless, crouch walking makes you silent.

Sound priorities in this game needs to be looked at and tested by the devs and needs to be constantly checked every once in a while to make sure it is working correctly.

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I hear foot steps, your soundcard or speakers/headphones are garbage

LMAO. Ok you won this post, those heels are hilarious :joy:

I got a Xonar DG and a pair of AudioTechnica 50x.

Tell me, how much money i need to spend to hear footsteps? Curious

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LoZ OoT hover boots?

You know their is a point when spending to much money when you start relying on the brand rather than quality

Which is why i bought good audio quality brands and not garbage like razer or logitech. And i still can’t hear half the footsteps

Using Sound Blaster AE-5 Plus, and either Logitech Z625 speakers, or ROG Delta Core headphones (depending on what I feel like at the moment)… exactly the same issues. But yeah, lets blame equipment when it is a single game having those issues.


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