All Heroes AI for Quick Play rule?

Hello there, does anyone know if there is a code for this? I’m sorry if this will sound very dumb of me; I have no experience with coding here whatsoever, so I’m wondering if it would even be possible to make dummy bots follow objectives and the like. I am only asking because the default bots in Play vs. AI are completely broken right now.

Any help is appreciated.


It is definitely possible to create AI for dummy bots, I’ve done it myself.

The real challenge is telling the bots how to get to an objective. As of right now, there’s no efficient way to do that.


Ah, that’s good to know. Thanks for your reply!

They started getting broken around Retribution, where they stopped headshotting.
Then the navigation AI was changed, so they would fall and jump to higher/lower places (they hopped a bit too high back then).

The weird AI jump is patched now, but after the hidden bot update to the AI (bots have the same AI as NPCs in the events), the bots have been getting stuck in weird places like on Oasis: University, where they struggle to get up the stairs now.
(I remember when I first played Overwatch September 2017, the bots would actually go underneath to flank you from behind or from the middle).

But I’ve been spectating the bots and they’re worse than ever now; getting stuck in the most open of places, where they shouldn’t get stuck.
Like this:

Funny thing also, is that this similarly happened to other bots in games I’ve played like League of Legends and Dota 2; hardest bots were very scary and dangerous, whereas after many changes to the game, the AI have lost their challenge and haven’t had their AI updated.

In short: The hard bots used to be very scary, but after many updates, the bots have been forgotten about and the hard bots ain’t even a challenge as much.


Check this out: COOP VS AI (Custom Bots/Legendary AI)

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Thats wrong my bots working perfect on all control maps and are much more stronger than blizz AI

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First off, sorry for the late response.

I’m an avid AI player, and it truly sucks the fun out of the game for me that the bots are in such a state right now. I and many others have reported the issue of them getting stuck for months now, but sadly they fall on deaf ears.

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Yeah, same here mate. Reported the headshot bug for ages, but nothing.

Funny that they made the dummy bots able to headshot, but the default bots bugged lol. :+1:

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Here’s hoping that when they release a new map and have to code pathing for it, they’ll notice that they become stuck. Otherwise I don’t think we’ll ever see this being resolved. lol

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I said there’s no efficient method, not that no method exists.

Right now in order to tell a bot how to move to a place you either:

  • Do it manually by telling a bot to move along a hard-coded path (which is time-consuming, especially on control maps since they have three areas)
  • Do it automatically by having the bots each generate a path and move along that during the game (which is more taxing on server resources)

An efficient method of pathfinding would have be fast and less resource intensive on the server, as of now we don’t have that.

Dude my mode has 200 rules and a very effective pathing system. sure its static but bots can choose 1 of 3 paths to the objective and cant fail the path. My way is efficient. My pathsystem does not consume many resources. If you’re a programmer like me you’ll always find a good way.

That’s called doing it manually. It isn’t efficient because you create a path for every map, including alternate paths to keep things fresh. Not to mention paths for both teams.

Does it work? Yes.
Is it efficient? No.

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