Algorithmic Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Overwatch

What are you even talking about?!

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Open your profile, then we talk.


Good job no match is impossible to win then.

Joys of actually having a match maker.


I can open it but it’s unplaced this season. So you won’t see any ranks as this is an alt account I don’t really play on.

I’ll happily add you on my main though.

Just another Masters player….

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What am I trolling exactly?

I’m simply saying we’re both Masters.

You’re 35xx for support and I’m 35xx for DPS

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Some people feel like any mention of rank is trolling…

It is like they are ashamed of a number/coloured badge.


Shame is the counterpart of pride. It is natural to for a player to feel pride or shame in a badge like “Skill Rating.”


Nothing. Dont change peoples words. Thats a jerk move.
You quoted me and acted like I said something I never did. Up until now I thought you were respectable. And maybe you are…that just really irked me. Its a new day.


Bump bump bump bump bmp bump bump this is how we bump

stop being so but hurt and grow a pair.

Bro you straight up need to chill. When did I try to put words in your mouth?

And what’s funny is, once you accept that rank is less important than personal improvement, rank comes faster and easier.

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They weren’t trying to put words in your mouth. If anything I think it was. A response to how some people say “well you must think it’s perfect then” when they’re told that they’re overthinking it and coming up with theories on how the game is against them.

It’s not like they tried to make it seem like you said “it used to be perfect” or “it needs to be perfect”. I think it was just more of an admission of “it’s the best it can be with players messing with it how they do.” Whether throwing, having dozens of accounts, hacking, smurfing, or buying/selling accounts, the variables mess with it to some degree (the extent of the influence that has on volatility compared to the inconsistent performance 12 random players can have from match to match is hard to really determine without access to every single match and every single players stats for a long period of time and there’s no real way to reliably get an unbiased dataset for that.)

No one is saying that the system is perfect or that it even can be. What they’re saying is that the thought that the game is actively trying to hold anyone back is overthinking the issue to the point of creating an invisible boogeyman to help cope with losses.

Yeah there are some improvements or even just changes to make things more efficient that could be implemented but the people who scream about it being as simple as “remove x and it’s fixed”, “add x and it’s perfect”, or “it’s literally the worst and doing all it can to hold me back” are just as bad and as reductive of an argument/“debate” as the people who say no smurfs or cheaters exist at all. It’s a perfect example situation where the two extremes are heard the loudest when the reality (and opinion of most of the population) is much milder and closer to a middle point. Yeah the system isn’t perfect but it’s also doing a much better job with what it’s given from the player base.


I can’t help but think your opinion is skewed…

I play in gold (also in silver) and honestly I cannnot even give you a number of ‘smurfs’ in my game. Because I have 10 fingers, and that’s too many… For starters everyone profile is hidden, which doesn’t help. Just because someone beats you doesn’t mean they are a smurf… this ‘smurf’ plague is horrendously overstated.

If someone makes an alt, then they end up in the same rank they were before lol. Thanks to MMR. The very thing this thread is lamenting. It pushes people up that need to be up, and pushes people down that need to be down…


Once again. I don’t think it’s a smurf plague. I think there are a lot of new accounts. that get put with Gold. Smurf or not.

Rhian. _ I don’t care. If I took it wrong so be it. Maybe you don’t have to respond to me. I don’t think you were trying to be malicious. Also I don’t care if I get better. THIS DOESN’T PAY ME.

HeyZeus. That’s this whole discussion, is how to improve the matchmaker. I know rigged/and such is a bad analysis. But I am telling you in the history of competition, the more things you put to measure, the more competition getse screwed.

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But how would you improve it?

This isn’t a Blizz system, tonnes of games use it, I don’t think there is a ‘better’ way than designing a system to match players on a skill basis. New accounts aside.


My big point is that the main issue with these discussions is the very observable pattern where the extremes are seen the most and heard the loudest. To the point where any attempt at a discussion quickly devolves down to “it’s perfect” and “it’s worthless”. The people who recognize that there are both flaws and potential benefits to the system don’t really have a place to speak their minds without being attacked by either side for either not thinking it’s perfect or not thinking it’s the worst detriment to society.

Until people start calling out those they are closer to agreeing with when they start to spout reductionist rhetoric there will never be any real meaningful discussion on the topic as people will feel confident to dehumanize anyone that doesn’t 100% back their echo chamber.


Valorant also has an SR/MMR system.

In the past 8 months, they’ve adjusted it a bit but Valorant is in its infancy. Overwatchs MM System underwent changes as they experienced and evaluated the game.

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I’ve said my theories a bunch

I’m not going through it again. Thanks for asking though.

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As well as League of Legends, DOTA 2, SC2, COD, Halo lol.

At this point if people don’t like MMR they should just sell their gaming computer and live in the woods.

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