Algorithmic Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Overwatch

Yes I remember: you quickly joined the ranks of people who will say or believe whatever they want.

Just the type of person who is comfortable ignoring facts I suppose.

Absolutely not, and you have no evidence of this, you deplorable liar.

I am saying that the NFL is not even attempting the same thing as a competitive ranking system and is not a useful model to follow if one wishes to best rank players according to skill. You never engage that argument and simply try to deflect from it as you are now. And when you do this it makes it really hard to understand if you know what you are doing and are intentionally attempting to confuse the issue (for whatever reason), or if you actually do not understand the specific argument being made.

To what extent are you even attempting to communicate (as in honestly attempt to exchange ideas) as opposed to simply doing some bizarre dance for some unknown purpose?

If it were part of a scam it would make way more sense.


I never said that I was filing a lawsuit.

You are positing a CRAZY AND BASELESS CONSPIRACY THEORY about me. I have not been “scammed,” this is my real opinion as Overwatch as a player, a technical writer, and a legal scholar. Stop trying to confuse the discussion with LIES and AD HOMINEM ATTACKS. The things you are saying are not real, they are hallucinations and/or fabrications.

Firstly, words have meaning. I made a claim about either or both of you. It was a three part claim (one I stand by)- either part 1 is happening, or part 2 is happening, or part 3 is happening.

One of those three is absolutely the case, because there is no lawsuit.

I can demonstrate this a whole host of ways, because I happen to know several attorneys. But, again, if there is a class action lawsuit- the very first step after a firm takes the case is for them to file in court (which is publicly accessible) and to petition the court to allow the class (a judge somewhere needs to decide that the firm can represent a group of people- in some jurisdictions the minimum number is 40 in order to qualify for the class) rather than a single client or some small number of clients.

That’s a public filing. Any lawyer can verify it.

The second point is that the lawyers make money in proportion to how many people sign onto that class action suit- which means that a lot of work goes into publicizing the suit and communicating with people who may be party to the suit (that’s all of us).

Have you been contacted by any firm? I sure haven’t?

So why is the lie happening?

It’s worth considering the possibilities there. As I said, you may be a victim here.

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We are DIFFERENT PEOPLE. You shouldn’t have MENTIONED ME at all. You have NO EVIDENCE of what you are claiming. You are a LIAR.

I mean it’s fairly obvious that you are just a troll since no person could possibly lack that much self awareness.

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Cuthbert, there is no lawsuit. How do you explain the public insistence over years that one is happening?

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You may have inadvertently given the impression with one or more of your posts that you were working with Rigged on the lawsuit. If that is not the impression you want to leave, it might be worth clarifying that whenever Rigged brings the lawsuit up to you on these forums in the future.


Wait, players are now trying to take blizzard to court because they are in the sr they belong in?

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I gave no such impression of this. I take no responsibility for your conspiratorial thinking.

Again I NEVER SAID that I was suing Activision/Blizzard, or said if anyone else was. That is something that you and others have MADE UP.

Okay Cuthbert. I hope you are able to be clear on that point the next time it comes up. I think it would be helpful.

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What I have said is that Activision/Blizzard deserves to be sued of this. Consumers need class action lawsuits to protect them from this type of false advertising and online game operation by predatory tech companies. Such lawsuits would form the basis of much needed and long overdue tech industry regulation. And just like the criminal case against Donald Trump, in 2022 we see that our decrepit judicial system is unable to bring it.

So, to be clear, you have no actual knowledge of whatever Rigged is suggesting then. As far as you know, that is simply a claim that Rigged is making that you have nothing to do with?

That is a useful clarification, because any time someone takes Rigged’s claim of a lawsuit seriously it increases the opportunity for some sort of scam to be perpetrated. Whether the scam is actually happening or not, it would be useful if we could create an environment in which it would be less likely for such a scam to succeed.



It sounds like you are drawing parallels between my thread and current political events. These are separate realms. But the law applies to everything. Lawsuit is the only possible solution to the problems I’m suggesting.

I wasn’t drawing any parallels to current political events. In all sincerity, I was fine with sort of arguing these points in a somewhat half-hearted manner, composing quick replies as time warranted but not being too heavily invested in the discussion…

Until the lawsuit was brought up… and the discord server… that’s when the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I became actually worried that someone might be getting bilked in all of this.

Politics never entered into any of it.

I became legit worried that someone might, at some point (whether it’s happened yet or not), start in with, “Yeah guys, the lawsuit’s looking really good, but I have to pay for a retainer to keep the firm working on it. Can we come up with $x over the next couple of weeks?”

That’s why this conversation became a bit different on my end. People should really be thinking more seriously about the implications of what is being said. Some of this stuff can have real consequences, and I don’t think people are thinking those through.


What an absolute joke.


He has tried to start a lawsuit as well so sounds like more BS


I think this thread needs to go now


“turns skilled, experienced, competitive Overwatch players against each other without their knowledge or consent”
Also what?

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