Algorithmic Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Overwatch

I believe this best summarizes our disagreement. Regardless of the metrics used, I would want matches to be balanced. I want this to be a thing in hopes that it would increase the quality of individual matches. You do not seem to hold that view.

People absolutely can interpret things differently. Glass half full vs half empty is the most digestible example I can provide.

Here is the thread I mentioned where Kaawumba saved some blue posts on the off-chance you might find it useful.:

As a final, unrelated note, I may be going off the grid for a long while again. I find myself playing Overwatch to “scratch an itch” rather than actually enjoying the game. I think I’ll be uninstalling it soon. From there, I’ll probably abandon forums, too.

If I disappear, I wish you all the best. Keep the open conversations going. It’s been honor to contribute to the back and forth, even though what I’ve provided is modest when compared to most of you. Take care, you beautiful people.