Algorithmic Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Overwatch

Youre correct. I still think competing against multiple different metrics messes with the integrity of the ladder.

I dont have more of a response but to say,. I still think there is an issue when it becomes too complicated.


Of course. I wholeheartedly agree.

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They have an audience of young boys or non aware players about this kind of themes. Yesyerday the mod Wyom admitted in another thread that bronze to gm is not against eula, literally. They will go on till rules of the countries allow this or when not more profitable.

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Is it possible for you to post a link? I’d watch it.

[EDIT] I mean repost, I see that it’s somewhere above but the thread is so big I’m hesitant to start scrolling backward.

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It is right at the top of the original post, sorry I can’t repost it or I might be flagged for “spamming”

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Worth mentioning for context.

The first post that disagrees with you has 26 likes vs the OP 18 meaning in this case you only being supported 40%.

The 85% you cite is out context data on closed polls with loaded questions which could be considered basic data manipulation. At the very least drawing a conclusion that people are in favor in relation to that video is out of context and a flawed conclusion.


Wow, that is a surgical level of cherry picking. Never mind the fact that my other polls have hundreds of participants and this one had less than 50 in total. The original post doesn’t even contain my argument or my video. The 10% margin of majority opposition in this one instance is paltry, compared to the 35% margin of majority support shown in my other five polls. You seem to have no sense of proportion.

Also, I generated my poll results long before producing my video. So your argument about context is total crap. And I don’t know what you mean by “loaded questions” or “data manipulation.” The subject of the polls was that “handicapping is wrong for competitive play,” and the poll options were simply ‘yay’ or ‘nay.’


How is this thread even still open after threatening to start a legal issue?
And yes the questions we’re loaded, you are clearly an intelligent person, you asked specific questions and got the answers you wanted based on those question, the game isn’t handicapped, you just don’t want to accept you aren’t the best at this game, people climb and fall all the time based on their skill level.

The system currently being used is trying to provide fair matches (smurfs/cheaters/throwers/etc) are not accounted for, causing a massive imbalance of players in the ranks.

And to talk about cherry picking, lets talk about those quotes you used? All taken out of context, and without the full explanation of what was said.

I will also mention, the “polls” you speak of, with what? 300 ish players commenting, out of literally hundreds of thousands of people who did not participate in them, they do not speak in volume on the matter.


The MM here is the same BS like SBMM in other Activision games like CoD.
They even use SBMM in CASUAL playlists.
Imagine a „hidden rank“ in casual modes like quickplay :joy:

Could you please explain me what „fair“ means? :smiley:

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I guess you missed it, but yes, the tinfoil hat crew said something along the lines of talking to a lawyer to see what they could do about this topic, I could go back and find it, but I’ve read this thread one too many times lol.


i can only imagine the look on that lawyers face


Hey dude. First I have to say that Im 100% on your side because you are correct on this topic and about the matchmaker of Ow and many other games.
Blizzard themselves said that the MMR tries to „balance“ matches so both teams have a equal 50% chance of winning. This is clearly the definition of cherry picking, rigging and is not competitive. But you know that.

But I have a question to you. I dont know in which elo you play/played OW but IF you are a low elo player you should know that if they get rid of this system it would be harder for you guys to win. The MM is designed FOR bad players to get pushed to a 50% winrate and designed AGAINST good players to drag them down to 50% winrate.
If course its not competitive and fair for ALL players (the bad and the good) but its rare that low elo players that KNOW that the MM is rigged want to get rid of it because it INCREASES the chances for low mmr players to win matches.
Like if you are a silver or gold player for example with a 51% winrate it could be that without this system you will fall down to a 40% or even lower winrate and see yourself in bronze.
But if you are a high master or high diamond player with a higher mmr (too good for your elo) with around 50% winrate it will increase your winrate and you will rise the ranks more quickly.
So if you are a low elo player why do you want to get rid of it? Is it really just because its a lie in competitive play? If thats the case you have my highest respects.


People of equal skill, that would be fair.

He’s in Silver.

He’s blaming the system for his rank.

While I do agree the matchmaker is horribly flawed, it’s not the reason people get stuck in a rank, people get stuck due to their inability to adapt and improve, I myself am a low elo player, I do not blame the system for my rank, I’m bad at this game, even after thousands of hours played.

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Well thats what a competitive ladder should do.
So we think exactly the same which is positive i think.
But another question: could you explain me why the matches should not be fair without a hidden mmr system?
Imagine we restart the ladder and reset+DELETE the hidden mmr - why should it be unfair?
I mean if players are able to reach lets say 2000 or 3000 SR why is a match where ALL 12 players are about 2000 or 3000 sr (plus minus 100) unfair without hidden mmr? I mean… they are at the same SR :smiley:

Explain me how the guys that made the ladder thought: „hey we have a sr system from 1-5000 and it goes from bronze-grandmaster… that is a LADDER… hm it would work… how about we implement another system which is HIDDEN to match players“.
Wtf? xD

Well if Cubhert is a silver player he should hope that they dont get rid of the mmr system because its designed for bad players to help them. (No offense)
The only players which suffering from this system are Hardcore competitive players with high skill level.


Its a 50:50. you are correct its not holding good players in low elo. But it still tries to make matches as hard as possible if you are a high mmr player. It tries to bring your winrate as near as possible to 50%.
If I play on a smurf and have like 80% winrate after 20-30 matches I WILL 100% get matches that are simply rigged and not winnable.
I am high GM peak on console and low GM peak on PC and I had harder matches in diamond than in GM.
I played on at least 20 different accounts the last 5 years and I have 6000 hours playtime in Ow. Thats my experience.


I do not claim to understand this system, but if I had to put reasoning to it, I would say MMR is a personal rating and looks for other players with similar stats, while SR is a visible display in a fancy way, matches will always have some discrepancy when put together. The SR number (from what was said in the interview with Jeff and Seagull) doesn’t actually have any bearing on the match, since it’s just a visual representation of current mmr.

If mmr was to be deleted, and the ladder reset, we would end up with more topics like this current one, with the same arguments under different names.

As said above, SR is only a visual representation.

Yes I agree, but at the same time, it’s still people within the same mmr/sr range, like I currently have a negative winrate for my dps role, but I’m still up roughly 100sr (not sure how mmr ties into this).

The part you touch on about smurfing, if I was to be dropped into a match 1000sr below where I am currently, even I could hard carry (providing no other smurfs). One of the major issues with the current system (IMO) is the usage of alts, smurfs, cheaters, as the system doesn’t account for it, say you hopped on my account, does the game know it’s not me playing?


I suppose that ‘low ELO’ would mean low-performing/low-skilled, relative to others in my rank? And ‘high ELO’ would mean high-performing/highly-skilled? I’m not super familiar with how the term ELO is used colloquially, and I have avoided using it in this discussion because I’m not sure how much it really resembles what we have in Overwatch.

SR and MMR pose a constantly changing double standard. Meanwhile, according to Wikipedia, “An Elo rating is a comparative rating only, and is valid only within the rating pool where it was established.” Let’s agree to think of this in terms of ‘relative skill’ (the same way that Activision does, according to their patent descriptions). Relative skill can be high or low, compared with others near the same rank.

Back in the day, and when I recently played Overwatch just to get some footage for my video, I qualified for middling ranks and consistently found myself to be one of the most, if not the most, skilled player in every match. But as soon as I come into a fresh season and handily carry a few teams to victory, simply by playing the objective and using the meta, the MMR system kicks into gear and then every match is a slog.

I still observe myself to be one of the best if not the best player in each match (observable via medals, post-match cards, commendations, etc.) But typically there are a handful of other worthy players ranged against me on every opposing team, and every team I get is full of potatoes. Even in a match like this, I will do my best to carry, but that quickly becomes frustrating and when you understand how MMR/SR works like I do, it is unconscionable.

A player who deserves the highest respect, in my opinion, is someone who is currently high in the ranking system but still agrees that the MMR system has be scuttled. A true competitive player is one who knows the rules of the game they are playing. I have zero respect for the players currently in the top tiers. They are lucky incumbents, not champions.


Well the thing is that in the current system I think that its impossible that like a 1500 sr player is rigged by MM so hard that he should belong into masters, Gm or even diamond. (Not that you said that)

But I do think that 1000 SR is absolutely possible. I saw low diamond hardstuck players that played consistent above their elo.
But they needed way too many games to reach master.
The thing is that its a HUGE different if you are able to get a fresh lvl 25 account to GM at like level 33 or if you are a gold boarder player that was hardstuck 10+ seasons on plat/dia and then very slowly climbed after 1000 matches with 52% winrate.
The problem is that you get free wins and free losses in this system. And I dont want both.


I tend to think of the matchmaker as a college professor, and while you might have the skill to do well in higher elos, it however decides you are not ready to pass and therefore puts potatoes on your team until you can prove you can carry them.

It’s like you have to pass the “final exam” with flying colors before it more or less decides to let you play at any level higher than you currently are. If you fail the exam, it’s a nice long 7-game losing streak for you. So, enjoy your 50% winrate and try taking the “final exam” again after your next winstreak.