Algorithmic Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Overwatch

I have adapted this thread into the second episode of my YouTube series, called Lars’ Lentils! The video is a deep dive on Match Making Rating as a Bayesian skill scoring framework. The episode features gameplay from two competitive matches, with me playing as Rheinhardt. I have done everything I can to make the video watchable, rendered in high definition with a soundtrack by Scattle and The Toxic Avenger.

You can find the video at the top of this thread now, or on YouTube with this title:
Lars’ Lentils – Episode 2: Algorithmic Handicapping is Wrong for Online Games

For making this project not only possible, but imperative, I must thank the thousands of Overwatch players who have voted and posted in my threads on Blizzard user forums, proponents and opponents both. Without your participation and clear majority favor (over 85% supporting votes across 5 polls), I would have abandoned my argument long ago.

Please share the video with your networks, especially influencers of gaming culture. Help me get the mainstream attention that this story needs! We must prompt legislative and regulatory action to reverse modern trends of corporate usury and consumer fraud. Unregulated corporate ownership of social media and big tech is sucking the life out gamers and tearing at the fabric of society.