I think you make a lot of great points but it is a bit wordy and repetitive. That said, would you also add this point?: the MMR system amounts to giving an unfair advantage to Blizzard employee-players, qua being insiders who know how it works and therefore how to adjust their play to best exploit it.
Would chess or tennis players tolerate an opaque unaccountable bureaucracy that decided how much a person ascended or descended the ranking upon wins or losses? I think not. I think they’d want to know precisely why they are being matched and ranked as they are, and that if you did to them what is being done to us then players would strike or form new associations that did actually respect the player’s need to understand why he’s ranked as he is.
How is this opaque matchmaker even a thing? It l…
Can Blizzard employees exploit matchmaker insider information in order to get higher rankings and/or better quality matchups? And if so, does this suggest that there would be a bias among Blizzard employees against fixing such problems with the matchmaker?
For example, if you knew that the MMR calculator favored certain specific behaviors, then if you were a Blizzard employee playing Overwatch, presumably you would consciously try to match these behaviors, whereas those of us without the inside…