Aimbots killed this game

Might be subjective, but in the nearly 3 years of playing this game, I’ve run into only as many actual cheaters as I can count on 1 hand, not using all my digits mind you (4). All of which have been reported and dealt with.

Compare that to CSGO in which I’ve run into more than 60.

Reports are cumulative, not necessarily in relation to the reason you reported them. Most people might just consider the players as throwers, or spammers, or gameplay saboteurs.

They have always done that, as well as meis icicle. When confronted about it a year or 2 ago, they justified it by saying they wanted everyone to feel good about playing certain heroes, namely hanzo and mei, bc they were harder to hit with.

Hanzos isn’t nearly as bad as it used to be, but mei is still awful

I encountered MAYBE one cheater in 3 years playing Overwatch, what are you talking about lol

what elo do you play at? lol. I have encountered 2 actual cheaters in my whole 3 years of playing this game. 2 actual cheaters…

People tend to not realize how volume projectiles tie into hitboxes. Mathematically the way hit detection works, two colliding volumes is about as similar as a raycast versus a single volume of the combined radii. Small changes to the radius of a hitbox can actually increase the total volume by quite a significant amount. This means that despite it being tiny, it can still be extremely easy compared to a hitscan/raycast bullet. Additionally since it is long and a projectile, it means that the target player actually has multiple frames where they can be moving into it, so now you’re effectively comparing a sweeping volume versus projectile volume which is even bigger.

Hanzo’s arrow has the smallest hitbox of any projectile in the game.

Why bother saying this? It’s like that is the hurtiest bullet you will ever be killed instantly by or this is really wet water…

Hanzo picks up a ton of kills that are kind of bs, I play him as well and sometimes I’m just amazed at what lands. Compared to a hitscan it’s a bigger box. Sometimes I think that Tracers quick movement creates a vacuum around her that draws arrows in.

To keep in line with the op post though, that’s not an aimbot. That’s just Hanzo.

h ttps://

Actually just wrong lol. It’s Ana’s unscoped fire. That’s a projectile.

I see at least two players a week aimbotting! They are usually on Widow, Hanzo, 76, Mccree, basically hit scan.
It drives me nuts when people say there are no aimbots. BS! This was posted two months ago.

They banned 898 players 2 days ago and… thats it. Cheaters will be back soon. Comp lvl100 entrance. Or 50, for god sake!

Couple weeks ago we saw Rein cheater in comp.

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That’s nothing. I saw a Winston aimbot… it was h o r r i b l e

And so the console noob looked down upon the chaos taking place on PC servers and said
Who’s laughing now master race?
Before so very very slowly turning around and walking away

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we playing the same game?

in my 750 hours ive seen not a single cheater

Try korean server.

PS No wonder OWL is dominated by korean players lol

how do the two correlate?

We need a newspaper to swat at necro posts.

Thats was a silly joke lol

But comparing to other servers, amount of cheaters in KR server is very high, meaning local players are more skilled in dealing with players who barely miss their shots.

I have video evidence of a few cheaters I’ve come across, and I’ve played less than you. You’re either extremely ignorant/inexperienced or lucky. I’m gonna go with the former.


My first return game on CSGO had an obvious aimbot on it.

Immediately uninstall afterwards.