Aimbot Users Still

Sounds like you dont understand just how good people can be…mix in some occasional luck that is bound to happen on-top of already good/consistent players that aim well and quickly, and you will get countless moments (especially from high ranks on lower rank smurfs and alts) that seem ridiculous to someone like you who doesn’t know any better than to assume hacks. Seriously though In over 1k hours of playing I’ve maybe seen a hacker once.

You also argued something along the lines of “many headshots in a row without missing” as some kind of near definite way to detect aimbot yet feel free to watch my latest vid on YouTube where I get a sextuple as widow headshots only, and many quintuple/quadruple mostly headshots too in other vids …and I can guarantee you I’m no hacker either, i always had and still have bad moments and shots of course, even within my ow vids


Do you have any clear video reference? A single clip after all these shpposed cheaters have been in your Games and killed you?

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It is worldwide. Lol.

Worldwide comparing everyone at platinum who have signed in to overbuff and played x amount of time on McCree this season, yes. Is his aim in the top 19% of the world, no.

I can guarantee you that the Hack from these"hack sites" which you can find via google will get your acc banned pretty fast :slight_smile:

Andi can tell you therei s somebody i know who went from low gold to mid masters :wink: I will not write the name as Blizzard does not allow that and as i know him in person i would also not do that. He even offered to boost me which i do not want. You can config cheats now in such a legit way (humaized aimbot, randomness, aimkeys) that you would never 100% tell he is an obv cheater.
The old stuttering lock to the head 5 € aimbots are what gets you banned. If you are willing to pay for real coders that modify their cheat as the game gets patched you can go for 3 seasons (as he did) without a ban. People even compliment him on his flicks :smiley:

It’s an FPS. There will be aimbotters. Overwatch is one of the best games out there at combating them.

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Overbuff only uses information available from public profiles. You do know very few people have public profiles anymore, right?

Though I do agree sometimes people throw the word ‘‘aimbot’’ too easily. But they do excist.

It doesn’t separate by rank. You can easily verify this by checking one of your stats that is 99th percentile then compare it to a t500, there’s will be equal or a lil higher.

He’s hitting Plats with simple movements, his aim is not as good as someone with an upper 12 percent accuracy stat in GM dealing with better movement, aim and positioning in the enemy.

You were wrong but that’s okay.


Approximately what percentage of the entire playerbase do you think is cheating?

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Noone’s categorically the best Overwatch player in the world because not everyone in the world plays Overwatch. What a facetious argument.

There are so many legitimate reasons that you can’t call one person the best Overwatch player in the world, and you picked the one reason that doesn’t make any sense…

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Its all about the gamer glue

You know what? I’m 100% wrong. I must have been thinking about a different site or the in game stats. That being said, I would still never claim to be the top 10% of all Zenyatta mains :p. The point I was trying to make was that the person said his aim was amongst the top 1% of the world and he was in platinum, and that’s not really accurate (pun intended).

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They are using anti-cheat and detection.

But cheat developers keep changing the source code and logic.

No game is without cheats, particularly fps.

I honestly think Overwatch is one of the better games.

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Being the one person in a burning house that’s least on fire still has you burning.

I’ve been playing this game for a year now and I saw an aimbot for the first time the the other day. There was this soldier who is level 30 something and he was obviously clueless about the game. You could walk around him and he wouldn’t notice you but once he sees you, instant kill. He got ult almost every minute with his terrible positioning. No one has to believe me but after seeing that, I now believe aimbot indeed exist in this game.

They probably have a DPI switch on their mouse. I use a Razer Death Adder and my mouse 5 button is programmed to kick my dpi up to 6k when I hold it down. Normally it’s at 1k.

Everyone runs with different experiences and for a guy who played for 2 years, I encountered maybe 4 aimbots. It’s not as big of a problem as you make it to be at all.


Watching that video, you can see the aim snap up to the head every time the aim comes across to the body. Aimbot.