Aim help, LF tips

I use a g305 and a Glorious Helios at highish sens 4.8k edpi, but I used to use around 2.8k edpi so I see where you are coming from. That sens was really holding back my movement and close range aim as Tracer. So I guess I could say I’m more consistently better at a higher sens. That’s why I try to keep this all generalized and each person may not get the same results depending on their aim style and mains.

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As a soldier main who is currently in masters…
the best tip to aim is play “MOIRA”
ur aim becomes 10000x better magically when u pick that character. Cuz, since she doesnt have lockon and i cant miss my right click. Its the only possible explanation.

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It’s highly subjective. It’s probably easier to track with a heavier mouse and easier to flick with a lighter one, although I could be wrong.

Sens is pretty wide in ow. Some of the best owl dps have relatively very high sens . I used to use low sens but switched to high sens and get same accuracy stats. It’s really just whatever is most comfortable for you. Your Movement and predicting enemy movement is more important, it’s only widow who uses pure mouse aiming really.

A lot of tips here already…

Just gonna add some more - try to take a deep breath and to re-adjust yourself if you feel like panicking and missing a lot of shots. Take that one extra second to aim before shooting and then increasing speed again once you feel like you’re hitting shots again.

Change the enemy outline colors, play a bit with contrast, brightness and gamma correction and set your settings to low in order to not get distracted too much.

This second part is very important for me because I have a red-green type of colorblindness.
Red outlines are very good for me in close combat but very bad at long range, plus I simply don’t notice people if they don’t move sometimes.
Neonblue is very nice and visible for me but not on all maps plus it’s confusing when team mates are also blue.
Yellow is what I use currently since it’s the best for me personally. I have gamma and brightness sliders in the middle and contrast slightly up. It helps me a lot to see and aim at enemies and after increasing the contrast a bit it was way better for me.

All depends on your monitor, vision and preference though. :smile:

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Also do some push ups between games.
Get the blood flowing.

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As a sidenote : if you are a plat player then there is a ton of stuff holding you back. I do not say that to make you feel bad. Adjustment about positionning or general decision making are simply easier to make and thus have faster impact on your gameplay.

Now about aim and consistency. First you have to accept inconsistency. the badest pro have it, simply at a lesser level. As for improvement, you have to first set the start proper.

  1. Get your sensitivity, IPS, Crosshair down define if you are a wist or arm aimer.
  2. Then spend some time to understand what style of aiming you prefer. Hitscan, projectile, tracking, flicking. and focus on that one, you will improve faster.
  3. Then choose from that aim style a hero pool of 3 to 5 heroes. exemple of hitscan tracking could be Tracer, Soldier, Zarya. Projectile Hanzo, Junkrat, Zenyatta. Hitscan flicking Widow, Cree, Ana
  4. Then grind deathmatch / competitive with that hero pool. No secret. Aim is a skill to own with time.
  5. A nice technique to learn though is crosshair placement (go google).

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