After watching Wrecking Ball, I can't see why Roadhog was nerfed or why they scaled back Dva

Every single thing about him is designed to kill, not to protect his team. He’s huge a 600 hp dps. Has better mobility than most dps as well.


Every inital PTR change is typically nerfed. I can see them giving him a time limit to rolling and having a cooldown before being able to roll again

me, waiting for Hog to be better and D.Va not to be a mess but viable


Anyone got a link to video?

Sounds kinda like Doomfist.

Here is Stylosa trying em:

Although he didn’t know how to use the piledriver skill haha.

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Here is a bigger issue: HE HAS CC

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knockback and knock up, while not being able to shoot his primary … it isn’t a huge issue. It is very situational.

Roadhog didn’t have anything tank-like about him other than his Hook and HP.

Tanks are high health disruption characters. Hammond has an ability that increases his tanking capabilities and his whole kit is centered around disruption, and he’s quite balanced from what I can tell. He takes a LOT of skill to use extremely effectively.

Also he seems to fit in with any main tank very well. Orisa can pull in enemies that he can hit with Piledriver or his ‘wrecking ball’ ability. Winston and him can dive very well. Reinhardt’s Earthshatter pairs with Minefield excellently as well.

He’s very flexible, which is really nice.

Any amount of CC is an issue at this point.
It’s waaaaay too much.
6/7 new hero had CC!!!

Yes, but your still limited to 6 heroes, so it doesn’t really matter.

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Appreciate it, thank you very much!


CC isn’t an issue.

The lack of CC counter abilities is an issue. We only have Zarya’s particle barriers and Fortify to negate them iirc.


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He is on PTR now to my understanding.

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Yes he was recently updated to the PTR. No skins/emotes yet though.

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Yes it does. Too many heroes have too much CC, it’s ridiculous.

For those interested in changes on PTR.

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I’ve already seen it ,but I skipped right to the “hero updates” part ,assumed that a new hero would be there ,thanks for telling me though

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