After somehow falling to bronze this season after playing overwatch for 8 seasons I find myself playing more apex than overwatch

It’s not true cause the comp system failed ME, it’s all about ME!!!

get a grip please lmao.

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Well its hard to access with a private profile and no footage, but what I can say is this.

Many people don’t realize how much better each ranks gets every season. Bronze players from s15 could most likely roll gold players from s5.

As you play apex more and more, you play Overwatch less and less.

While players are practicing and increasing skill and rank, you are not.

i.e. you’re not really getting worse, everyone else is getting better.

Also You have to CONVINCE the game the rank you are. If you aren’t getting above average stats/wins, the game will start to believe you are at or worse then the SR you are playing at. If this continues, the matchmaker will make your MMR ( and SR) much less volatile, making it harder to climb, going up and down less per win.

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i mean the game is such a hot mess this isn’t unexpected. i can’t stand apex either but i’d play anything besides this mess of uncoordinated bullsh1t.

10 seasons in a row I held 3600-3850. Never above, never below. I don’t know how people go on wild swings. Pick a few heros you’re great at and only play those but don’t have such a narrow pool you end up taking the loss all the time when you’re countered.

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Low to mid Gold Season 2, ended 1960 something. Then they started that ‘Flattening of the curve’ Season 3, 4, and 5 (S3 -691 SR [other friends of mine received -1000 or more], -343 then -181 respectfully). Climbed back into Silver Season 3 and 4, couldn’t Season 5 and have remained there ever since. Games went something like this:

Loss against Smurf 6-stack (2 to 3 games in a row) of Top 500 and Grand Master players.
3-4 losses to Leavers my team, rarely win when 1 person leaves much less 2 or 3. Heck, even had 5 people leave an enemy team (except for 1) felt so bad they were gonna give me POG just for sticking around.
2-3 wins, BUT wins don’t offset losses since I play Tank/Healers. DPS are the only ones who get good SR due to kills, and less SR loss when they lose. An yet every team should have Tanks and Healers.

Trust me, I know how ya feel. Bought 2nd account 2 Christmases ago and it is over 1500 SR higher, and 1 rank higher, than main account. Playing same way on the same Heroes, but not as quick on DPS so go Tanks and Healers. I’m an older gamer, be 50 in 4 months, an with nerve damage ffom a childhood disease (Ryas Syndrom, don’t give children aspirin when they have a flue by the way), nerve damage due to broken arms (broke both of them several times over the years), I cannot quite keep up with the aim intensive parts. Top that off with the fact that I don’t want to buy a computer that costs over $1,500 every years just to have it’s speed at it’s highest for game play. Yet one can have a game console that is a few years old and the game plays great on it.

But you were in bronze for a long time tho. TBH, bronze silver and gold is not much difference, if you cant hard carry bronze games, you will have a hard time climbing in gold. Climbing is always hard unless you can hard carry.

sorry but what? even blizzard have admitted they overtuned certain heroes this season…sometimes it is the fault of the system. Most of the time its not. but sometimes it is. Its a good thing they didn’t go through with the junkrat buff. The reaper buff was in the game for too long. THey just fixed him so I am up again. The problem was him. They got rid of his 50 percent life steal and now I am climbing again. He broke the game and thats why I fell. He is fixed and now I am climbing higher than before at the moment.

If you’re in Bronze, you’re not a hardcore anything. Even when I didn’t know the vast majority of the game’s systems and was a hanzo main back in season 2 right when I started playing the game, I placed plat and have literally never been lower (and have been master for 7 seasons) just because of my gunskill alone. If you’ve been playing for 8 seasons and ever come even close to bronze, something (or more likely a great many things) is seriously wrong with your play.

There are quite a few explanations for this. You could have no gunskill, make really poor decisions, have no awareness (sight, hearing, informed guesses of what has happened, is happening, or will happen), have no concept of teamcomp or which hero you should swap to and when or why, or even have technical limitations like a garbage internet connection, monitor, computer, or mouse/keyboard holding you back.

There are very little people left in the game which makes everybody more experienced and game much harder. Maybe you didn’t catch up to everybody.

It’s just like league or esa. The smaller the community is(to a certain extent, not talking about numbers like 100 or 500 people but more) the more specialized it becomes , and time factor is a good example too. Tbh i’ve met 1 player that was under lvl 100 this month that admited he was new. Rest just alts and smurfs.

They force an even match, and don’t give enough PBSR to make up for bad teammates.

So… a lot of people are just stuck, winning half their games and going nowhere.

It’s beyond frustrating to try and play OW thinking you might climb. For most people. Not you, Mr. Masters about to come in and say “but i climbed!”

I usually play around low Plat. I have a 2nd account right now that’s high silver.
Yet, i just ran into a streak of 5 totally unwinnable silver games full of players that seem to be much better than you’d expect silvers to be.

I think “what the heck is going on here? let me check my Overbuff…”


OH. I see. That’s why i lost 5 in a row. The matchmaker said “Oh this guy is winning, let’s make him help out these hopeless losers so eveyone is happy!”

I mean, just stick me with 5 losses and spare me from having to play these idiotic games then.

They didn’t expect people to throw.
They thought this idea of sticking current winners with current losers would allow everyone to feel like they’re winning about half their games. It should make some pretty even matches. Cool.

WRONG. People throw. People suck too much to be carried.

But hey… can’t wait for my easy games tomorrow. Actually, getting fake wins because the matchmaker decided i’ve lost too much is just as fricking stupid.


But…why? To do what? To have a number nobody else cares about?

I wasn’t ever as high in SR as you but I was high gold and it super super sucked, for all the reasons you mentioned. Worst people to. Since Blizzard can’t balance their characters, and nobody is going to go ‘pro-esport player’ from console, I’d rather play all the characters in the game, thank you.

If that’s not what raises your SR, frankly I do not give two flying anythings. I’d rather play in Bronze (hell I’m looking forward to sub 500 if I ever end up there) and trying to win with the fun that the game was sold as. People are better, nobody thinks they are amazing players because seriously you aren’t unless you are in the OWL, and you actually get to play the Overwatch you want to.

I was silver somewhere along this season and that was fine too. Just I seriously hope I never get to gold or above ever. Thankfully Blizzard handed me a game without balance, and where I can apparently never learn one hero too well to rise, while still playing by their rules and trying to win.

Overwatch is really a great casual game. And it’s a casual game as far as I’m concerned unless you get paid to play it and do it for a living. I mean, at this point, if you are that good and aren’t getting paid to play it yet, shame on whoever that is.

You fell to bronze because you played like a bronze and maybe got a bit unlucky with matchmaking. That’s it. lmao, people always trying to do mental gymnastics to find a reason why their rank isn’t what they want other than themselves.

You can act like the system is perfect all you want but it isn’t. I wasn’t playing like a bronze my stats are the same as they were in gold. I got very VERY unlucky with the matchmaker and terrible balance to heroes like reaper that blizzard implemented to try to counter their mistakes that lead to goats comp. People many ranks above your rank have even said so. GMs have even quit the game because of how terrible Comp has become. People have quit the overwatch league where they were literally being paid to play the game on a stage because they got fed up. There are countless videos of full time overwatch streamers that stream other games now because they are tired of the system. I love the game but I am not going to sit here and act like the game system is perfect without any faults.

lol just fell from high plat to low gold in 5 days

Edit: Just fell from 2980 to 1975 lolz just 5 days weeee

gotta love the matchmaker :wink:

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A VAST MAJORITY of the time it is not. like 80 to 90% or something like that of your games are totally in your control.

No it’s not, Reaper has glaring weaknesses and you can just combo him on mccree, you even have options on how to combo it, flashbang rightclick, shoot flash animation cancel headshot, or, just stay at range.

Also like 10% isn’t gonna be enough to make a difference, and any % isn’t gonna make a different if he’s stunned or you’re out of range.

Just because you don’t know how to play against a character, doesn’t make them overtuned. It just makes you not smart enough to adapt, which means that’s exactly why you dropped 2 ranks.

TBH while he’s wrong about everything else 50% lifesteal reaper was actually busted in low sr if you are playing a tank, even an off tank. Of course this isn’t an excuse for rank because over time you can still outplay people enough to climb, but dps at specifically low sr just don’t kill reaper and he facerolls your tanks lmao. It’s not that there isn’t counterplay, but it does make it harder to carry if you are a tank player. Speaking from experience playing on a new acc in gold when I hang around high masters-low gm on this acc and other alts. (DPS, probs masters level flex tank play)

umm you make zero sene dude.

  1. reaper 50 percent life steal…I drop ranks.
    2)reaper gets nerfed …I climbed back up.

its called cause and effect. reaper was the problem. reaper no longer 50 percent life stealing me I start to climb back up. 50 percent life steal was and is a lot. You can pretend it wasnt but there is a reason every rank had issues with him and blizzard made a post admitting they overtuned him and thus nerfed it and gave him better teleporting instead which is what reaper mains wanted in the first place. To get his teleport to be better not to give him 50 percent life steal. That 50 percent life steal nonsense was only liked by people that hop around characters only during buffs and leaves them during nerfs thus causing them to suck with most of the roster instead going threw the heroes ups and downs.

Meta? in those ranks?

they don’t exist.

According to this page:

h ttps://

To be in bronze at all on Pc, you have to literally be among the worst 5% of the entire playerbase. Now, you can argue all you want, but only the most hopelessly delusional people will be able to look at that and say “I’m in this rank because a certain hero is overpowered”.

You’re explaining an entree level thing to someone that has 1500 SR over you