After Reading the Brigette Hate I've Decided

First, I have seen no straw men used by those who believe that she is broken. A straw man is devising an argument that your opponent didn’t make and then refuting that argument.

Pointing out this hero’s massive design shortcomings which are across the board (she is as stupidly OP at the low end as she is at the high end) does not benefit from straw man arguments, because what others think or argue has nothing to do with whether or not this characters kit is way too strong or not.

There is no argument which changes her basic design kit, and that kit is an I WIN button in a multiplayer game. Yes, I will outright say without hesitation that I hope beyond hope to see her nerfed, because she is bad for the game. It doesn’t require me to make up any opponent’s argument to do so. They are all weak and unrealistic in the first place, so why bother making a weaker form of your already bad arguments?

My issue is that the reason it requires more coordination is because Brig functions as a rock to dive’s scissors. Personally, I despise having those ultra-hard counters in place. To make matters worse, we’re missing the option of paper to deal with the rock (although having it wouldn’t necessarily make the game better).

My ideal solution would involve Brig being toned down, so as not to be mandatory, but to absolutely remain viable. She’s been set up for failure, though, 'cause the answer to dive never should’ve been “Here is a new character that will fix it”. It makes me sad, both for myself as a player of the game, and for the people that legitimately enjoy Brigitte or are happy to see deathball return.

I know it happens. I’d recommend that people stop engaging in those back-and-forths, though. We all can be guilty of coming into a discussion with a closed-mind. It can quickly reach a point where there is no back and forth, and then it becomes important to walk away from those side-discussions. Just my 2 copper on that aspect of the thread. :wink:

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You caught him, he has an agenda to play a fun, well designed game which doesn’t have massively imbalanced heroes.


You and Zcar’s arguments are both Strawman arguments. His is that there are counters to Brig’s counters. Well yeah, nobody is refuting that.

You guys asked for Brig counters, we gave them to you, then you both went on to counter the counters which is a fundamental part of OverWatch.

That’s the literal definition of a Strawman.

You know as much about logical fallacies as you do about game design.

I agree with this 100%. My biggest issue is that a Genji / Tracer combo WAS the scissors to the paper before Brig. Perhaps I have loosened my view a bit on Brig since reading through the entirety of this thread, but I still don’t think she is any kind of game-breaking, and is easily countered by a Pharah or Soldier.

I understand not everyone wants to play Pharah or Soldier, and that there are other counters to Pharah, but they’ve always been there and Brig didn’t change that dynamic except by limiting an in-effectively coordinated Dive.

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Yes cause there was no imbalanced heroes before Brig, nope she was the first. Nope no dive hero was op not at all that could wipe out your back line.

What Zen has a 10.17% p/r with a 56% w/r, nerf him too

You see how stupid that crap sounds.

What does the existence of other broken or OP heroes have to do with whether or not Brigitte is broken or OP?

Are you arguing that earlier OP heroes make it OK for Brigitte to be OP? What of all of the characters who were introduced overturned then scaled back to be more app4thropriate? Do they count in this little scenario

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I cant think of any tanks outside of maybe zarya that is going to be even remotely fun playing against brig. Rein charge brig stun

Roadhog ult

brig stun

dva (actually find it funny cause screw here and am tired of her she needs about a 6 month vacation from the meta anyway)

Winston same as dva

I am sorry the shield bash needs its cool down increased. It’s literally flash bang on a 4 second cool down. Now people aer probably llike well her win rate is going down across the ladder. Of course it is she is getting mirrored on both teams. I dont see how she isnt s tier ladder wide on a KOTH game.

This season so far at least is whoever has the better brig is going to win.

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I agree that dive was too dominant, but I just think we’ve swung too far to the opposite end of the spectrum, if that makes sense.

For Pharah and Soldier… they might work in the normal ranks, but they don’t work at the upper end. The comps Brigitte is running with just destroy Soldier’s ability to do damage. Pharah can work in a small burst, but then the other team hops to a Widow to take her out. So, you end up in a situation where, yeah, swaps are happening (which is arguably good), but no one is swapping out the Brigitte even though everyone is trying to find a way to counter her. :frowning:

Here’s an example, I’ve seen people try to bust out Mei. Using her walls to separate the sections of the deathball in combat is a tactic that is being dusted off and put to use. Along with her ability to hit multiple targets with her beam, and the area denial of her ult, I’ve seen some limited success. Granted, her pick rate is still abysmal and it isn’t a go-to strat, but people are looking outside the box to try and solve the current puzzle. No solution yet, but I’m hoping they come up with something, 'cause I really don’t want to see a new hero go straight to the dumpster.

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Blizzard was so desperate to deal with dive that even if it meant putting in a hero that was roster wide toxic than so be it. Brig was a brutal answer for a real problem. Let’s not kid ourselves… Unless you were a dva/tracer/or winston main you are totally beyond sick of dive and those 3 heroes. Even in low gold those 3 heroes were flat out meta and in the majority of games.

If I dont see those 3 heroes for at least 3 months you wont see me shed any tears.

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This is what I’m saying. I think this has been a BIG problem for the last two seasons and while perhaps Brig was a bit of overkill, it is an answer.

The people complaining are the people who got very comfortable recycling this comp over and over and over.

yeah, too bad she hard counters rein more then any of those heroes… T_T

Every game I lost in comp last night had a tracer main/one trick that refused to switch to anything else.

You’re going to see a lot of tracer mains dropping to plat this season.

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Bri is OP, it’s a fact for me. I will stip the saison as a main tank (Mainly Rein) till they nerf bri.

I can bet i won’t wait to much. For me bri will be nerf by the end of may.

I think that was exactly their approach. Unfortunately, for someone like me that craves something that at least kind of resembles having the game in a balanced state, that type of philosophy is a quick way to drive me away. :frowning:

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That is false, I too despise dive, but think it foolish to simply embrace a clearly broken hero on the premise that it is a potential solution to dive.

To counter dive, all that is required is to facilitate surviving the impact and making it not worth the risk. What we ended up with is much worse, we ended up with a must pick hero that takes 5 minutes to master, and that includes the time it takes to remap your keys.

You also introduce chaos into the ranking system by artificially elevating people who cannot choose other characters and play at their expected level.

You create an environment in the game where legitimately people are packing up and going elsewhere as a direct result of the massive impact the introduction of a single hero has had on the game.

This is not the right way to fix dive comp, and it still needs fixing.

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you’re literally silver. flankers are absolute troll picks at your elo, and they NEVER “obliterate the backline with no contest” in ANY rank.
if countering her was SOOO easy surely the gms and top500 players would be able to do it without running a brig themselves right?
it’s quite simply not possible because she is absolutely the most overpowered hero in the history of the game.
and don’t complain about dive either, winston is only picked more than reinhardt in masters and above, literally only the top 3% of overwatch players are playing “dive meta”

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I can’t speak for everyone but I definitely don’t fit into your idea of the type of people who hate Brigitte.

I’m unflinchingly positive in all my games. I flex when necessary. And most of all - I play a lot of Overwatch in a Competitive 6-stack environment. I’m competing in the Open Division with a team and I play in scrims with friends via Discord.

I play this game with a very high degree of coordination and cooperation. And so far I really dislike Brigitte.

Why do I dislike Brigitte?

  • She brings entirely too much value for her low skill requirements (similar to pre-nerf Mercy)
  • She adds a TON more loss-of-control effects to a game that didn’t need them (juggle, stun AND knockback in one hero on short cooldowns)
  • She incentivizes a brawly style of play that results in a particle-effect-ridden supernova in every fight, making aiming difficult if not impossible
  • She greatly nullifies high-projectile-count heroes AND heroes that need to be in close quarters
  • She is a terrifying offensive threat while being able to play from a defensive position (shield bash while shield is up)
  • She retains the effects of her ultimate between and across fights, meaning she and her team can benefit from her ultimate while she charges up a second ultimate
  • She has 250-300 effective HP + a 600 HP shield and a tiny hitbox making her incredibly difficult to kill
  • She turns Zenyatta and Zarya into unkillable monsters

None of the things above is game-breaking in isolation but together they make her both unfun to play with/against as well as oppressive.


You completely washed away the rest of your post with this one line. Mercy 2.0 was head and shoulders more OP than Brig, and that lasted 8+ months.

Also this devalues your comment a bit too. You realize that at that level the only counter for a widow, is another widow. And for tracer, another tracer? Should we nerf them too?

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