After OW2, double shield = insta-leave

Try playing something other than snipers. Pharah, Echo, Junkrat just eat shields for breakfast.

Again, pick some splash damage and just melt them.

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People play double shield correctly at all ranks plat and above. Its very easy to run. Jokingly easy.

If you want to rush past it thats a strat and it works with coordination.

If you want to dive past it that works with coordination.

If you want to break the shields and just target things down that works with coordination.

Double shield just takes significantly less of that just three people understanding the basics of their heroes.

Counter play has to involve all six players understanding and agreeing on what they are doing.

When i play against hitscan i leave aswell really can’t play against them anymore…

So annoying.


Play bastion and those tanks will swap lol.

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im kind of a noob with sombra sometimes but how does sombra thrive against a double sheild tank comp?? i think i have more success against comps that i can hard counter like hammond, doomfist, or any hero i can hard shut down … lucio, genji etc. i can do that too sigma too but it aint easy since he is usually around his teammates so i have to port

Diff playstyle. Doomfish and hammond you can wait for them to come to you. You can sit in yoir team like a mccree.

Against rein/orisa you get behind shield for hack to completely wreck their ability to frontline. On top of easy emp targets.

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UMM HELLO? WHY are you shooting shields? Flank around? Maybe don’t be a bronze bot shooting shields all day? Just a few suggestions.

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No, they most assuredly do not.

I started this game at 1500SR on tank and I’m now just shy of GM over 2 years.

Players in Diamond are still running the comp incorrectly.

Orisa is basically a throw pick below Masters. Reinhardt is absolute trash (Rein OTP here) and folks don’t understand how to play Sigma below Diamond. And all of this is funny because the core issue of Double Shield lies in Bap and Brig, who are absolute trash and quite unpopular below Diamond.

I assure you Double Shield is only an issue in high elo. Rein+Zar/D.Va and Hog dominate Bronze thru Diamond. Rein+Sig, Sig+Orisa, and Orisa+Rein is not played remotely correctly in any other elos on a consistent enough basis to be labelled “oppressive”.

Players are just awful at the game and don’t understand how to abuse the incorrect playstyles in these elos.


Regardless of if diamond players play double shield 100 percent correctly. It doesnt mean its counters are easier to run then the comp itself. Which they very much arent even close to as easy. Require much more coordination.

Bap is a huge issue with double shield making it stupidly twice as oppressive just be existing.

And no orisa is not a throw pick below masters. It doesnt matter if people cant play sigma as good as a master’s players because they are playing players at their skill level.

Rein zarya. Winston dva. Rein dva. Ball dva. Whatever youn wanna says all easy counter plays.

But you will probably never understand the issue so im no longer going to waste my time.

Agree to disagree.

Again, your blame is misplaced and you’re just parroting streamers but doing so incorrectly.

The issues with Double Shield and why folks cannot outplay them at high elo is because Brig and Bap deny Dive/Rush so they just continue to exist and spam.

At low elos though, Brig pretty much never exists, and Bap is both unpopular and subpar in performance. Also low elos tend to just stack both tanks and barriers instead of splitting and playing with two barriers from multiple angles, the way high elo players do.

Double Shield isn’t an issue on low ELO ladder and this is highly reflected in hero pickrates and winrates. Like I said before, Rein+Zar is the dominant tank duo all the way to Masters with a healthy dose of Hog and D.Va mixed in.

But Sig and Orisa are both unpopular and have poor performance in low ELO. All stats we have reflect this and tell us as such. Between their negative performances along with Brig and Bap’s, Double Shield simply isn’t as oppressive as the vocal minority on the forums suggest. What they are doing is parroting streamers in high elo where Double Shield is being played correctly and with the right heroes in place.

You as an individual having issues with Double Shield is fine, but trying to equate your personal bias to what the rest of the community is experiencing simply is false. The vast majority of ladder is living in Rein/Zar/Hog hell.

You not understanding how to outplay low ELO Double Shield Comps, or perhaps you do understand but your allies don’t, isn’t a consistent or oppressive community issue. It’s a skill gap. Especially when the comp isn’t even being played correctly.

Low elo is all about punishing positioning and mostly getting hard pressure on supports. It’s why I climbed out of near bronze on the back of Wreckingball. Support players down there have low awareness and aren’t used to pressure.

You need to change your mental when it comes to Double Shield at your elo.

I guarantee you enemy support players are just standing in the middle of nowhere, near no cover with no peel. They think they are safe because they have a barrier in front of them. You need to improve enough mechanically and positionally that you can expose them.

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The second you tried to discredit my opinion by saying i parrot streamers that i dont watch.

You have no valid opinion and id be surprised if you were even masters. Goodbye.

You dont understand logic. That simple. You are wrong. See ya.

Someone tapped a nerve.

You complaining about Double Shield as a low SR player isn’t valid in relation to the community experience.

Parroting streamers is a constant on these forums and Imma call you “Polly”.

Some folks just don’t like when you hit the nail on the head. :person_shrugging:

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The saddest part is not just double shield, which is orisa+sigma called comp.
There are still a lot of variations for it (monke, rein orisa, sig). But the worst part is og double shield with orisa and sig, those can shield and shoot you on the distance at the same time, that is the major issue. When I see rein, I know how to abuse him, because he is unable to shield and attack, however his attack is melee range still. Monke have to work around his bubble, so it is also not that hard to avoid damage trading your life for his space, so it is how the game suppose to work. Rein+monke, okay, they are the same of a kind, short attack range. But when it is sig+orisa, with their effective range disparity compared to any other tank - this become obnoxious.

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Or maybe its that im one rank below you.

And since you hold no actual arguement which you dont.

You resorted to discrediting me with insults due to your own inability to have a rational discussion.

So you resort to childish comments. Like right now. Grow up.

I cant call you what i would call you here because it would be censored anyway.

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Some people just dont understand logic. What you said is accurate.

Orisa sigma require six people of counterplay to deal with then you add bap and it becomes oppressive as hell instantly not that it already wasnt.

You wont find a full coordinated team to counter double shield comps but you can easily find a person to play orisa sigma. You can also easily find a bap to join in or a brig to contribute.

What you cant find is tanks to agree to go dive. Tanks to agree to rush comp. The counters. So as a dps or support you just are out of luck gg go next.

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Easy to play characters are major issue in this game, they shouldn’t be able to climb of that. Skill should lead you to top, not the hero or op synergy. Glad we have ow2 that at least fix this “tank synergy” issue.

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Biggest issue with the game honestly is tank synergy.

You pair with a hog. Against rein zarya. Doesnt matter what you pick as the other tank. Orisa ran over. Ball die as your team loses point for free or just hide. Dva free ult charge. Sigma ran over. Zarya or rein ran over. Monkey die or run.

The amount of games lost in spawn because the tanks dont agree is astonishing.

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leave then. enjoy wasting 5+ more minutes of your life.

The amount of games lost because some dps kid is impatient and queues for tank to instalock hog is astonishing. FTFY.

If you leave from competitive match you will get penalized for 15 minutes 1st time and so on, up to season ban.

That is q time issue most likely. Which is also fixed in ow2, I have had almost insta Qs or 2-4 min max as dps, and I am glad to never play tank in my life, boring role.