Advocating for GreyFalcon's idea to buff Orisa/Sigma

Aside from

  1. Basically a Defence Matrix
  2. An unmatrixable giant flashbang boulder
  3. Beefing up to 600hp or more with healing.
  4. Repositioning the barrier at least once, then shield dancing like a Winston.

That’s at least a good 4-5 seconds of peel.

Throw in a boop, a big slow for Orisa, more slows from Mei, and a speedboost.
Maybe a Mei wall or Orisa barrier.

And that’s plenty of time to bail out Sigma.

Name me the divable portion of September balance for
Orisa, Sigma, Moira, Lucio, Mei, Reaper

Why are you making a separate subject when it was a thread already?

Waiting time [for a game] is stuck.

I say lets fix that before we begin to manipulate metas.

So say we all…

Reverting Orisa is fine, Sigma can stay exactly where he is as an off tank with a 900hp shield - he is never going to be a main tank.

Whatever target of opportunity presents itself. Probably Reaper, Moira, or Sigma.

The point being they all have either near complete invulnerability, or some really strong “get off me” moves.

Nearly every viable character has one.

Yeah, but a lot of them get blocked by Defence Matrix.

I.e. Flashbang, and SleepDart

That’s a large part of why DM was nerfed the way it was. It’s not that much of a factor compared to having enough lethality to secure the kill if that ability is on CD or if people just aren’t fast enough on the trigger.

Well, for starters, what if Accretion was blocked by Matrix.

Accretion goes through matrix precisely because matrix was problematic. Relying on such a poorly designed mechanic is going to make things worse, doubly so because characters that can be DM’d can so easily be switched off. The threat of a pre rework Brig swap was enough to render dive unviable.

I think a lot of high level players would be perfectly happy with shifting the game towards Dive, instead of Bunker.

Dive struggles against far more than just bunker.

Which can’t block beams or melee. And the most popular tank combos are exactly that.

Whose stun becomes nonexistent the closer you get to him and actually stuns and damages him only a couple of meters closer.

You can kinda shield dance with him but its size and shape really makes it the worst to do this with.

So how about we don’t mess with kinetic grasp, give him immunity to his own splash damage, but make it so Accretion stun is actually zero within 10m range.