Advice from a Grand Master

Obviously if you are still in that range you deserve to be there. It isnt hard to carry yourself to victory if you are good enough, especially in platinum. But of course its always your teammates that bring you down and you cannot win because of them, right?


Lets stop addressing this I think most people know that the matchmaker works fine, we dont need to keep feeding into this I feel its derailing the conversation


but your logic is seriously flawed, you’re asking to become a cog when a cog doesn’t fit into the mash pit of OW.

if you play correctly you are at the complete mercy of your dps, to hit the pharah or not. if they cant, the enemy team wins, every time.

you MUST play dps if you are going to outright carry. tanks and healers have to play hundreds of games to climb up to show consistent game making plays.

i consistently choose reinhardt on dorado defense, i go up and hold my shield up by the cactus, my hanzo is to the left looking at the enemy spawn. he gets picked off immediately by widowmaker. my soldier, looking out the side window on the bridge, fine, not horrible still under cover, genji jumps up the side and drasitcally 1v1 outmatches him. now what am i supposed to do on reinhardt other than peel back and wait for my now staggered dps who are incapable of outplaying their counter dps all while taking fire from dva/orisa whom i can do hardly anything about?

i swap off reinhardt to hog or zarya and suddenly im throwing the match because i swapped off the main tank that my team wasn’t utilitizing in the first place.

THIS IS MID PLATINUM and players do this EVERY SINGLE GAME. its just disheartening to play in this elo where players should know better by now.


Hi i love your post and advice, and from what the post said is that you are a rein main
I also main rein and i was wondering if you had any tips or tricks you could pass on
I ended this season in 2600s and i want to shoot higher, so if you have anything to pass on id really appreciate it!

Id really recommend Winston for climbing, especially if situations like that occur. He can act as a main tank in these situation and can easily disrupt enemy flankers especially genji, and can pick off enemy’s playing alone with ease. If you want to stick with Rein, aggression is the way to win especially at lower elos. Plats usually play in positions were they basically hand you free charge kills on the tanks, as long as they dont have a hog you can usually demolish the front line without opposition, charging there main tanks away from there healers and preferably twords your team can really crush.

Also from the sound of things, your not in the correct position for defending dorado. Unless you have a good widow who wants to try to peek there spawn, you should be starting on the ledge on the other side of the bridge that the enemy spawn dose not have line of sight on. Also if a player is in that narrow bridge area, like a diving genji, they usually dont have space to avoid flamestikes/charges. In addition, your whole job is to stop that widow from being able to pick off your hanzo, even if it means you have to walk a full 3 inches to your left. You need to be constantly re-positioning to keep your shield between your players and theirs, so they can focus on getting good lines and not worry about that. You cant blame your team for your rank, especially in this situation. Hope that helps some @fudge

@pokiine I just added some rein tricks near the bottom of the post, and mentioned some in this reply to fudge. Another important tip is finding good shatters. For shatter, you really want to do it when the enemy team dosent have a sheild, so if they have no main tanks you should really just use it on cooldown trying to get as many picks as you can. If they have winston, wait for his barrier to be down before using it. With Rein and orisa it becomes harder, because there shield up time is much higher. If your good, hammering at the start of an enemy reins flame strike animation will always work, if they have no other sheilds, and is always a strong engage. For orisa, i honestly just walk through her shield and hammer the back line but thats going to be a really oviose ult and also put you in a dangerose spot, so you might want to just hold if for players who move away from her sheild. Hope that helps a bit <3 You should also keep in mind that Zarya can block shatter by standing infront of you with her sheild, but its rare that a Zar actually knows she can do that and is good enogh to pull it off.

winstons great, except whenever i play him my moira acts as a third dps and never heals the main tank(or throws out healing orb, its always damage orb off cd). and my lucio cant put out tons of healing.

i run into mei more often than i do zenyattas. if i got a zen orb id be unstoppable.

i pick my tanks based on maps, and which dps i have on my team. if its soldier/hanzo/mccree im generally picking rein or orisa, if my team is leaning towards genji/tracer im on winston. i try and complement my team, but too often the enemy team is just balled up and my team cant make meaningful picks into it and they refuse to adapt to the situation, and theres nothing i can do short of reinhardt earthshatter all 6 of them to enable my 1 dps who is going to follow up on it.

I just meant to recommend Winston because hes not as reliant on the rest of your team as the two core main tanks, and can easily squish healers or snipers playing to far from there team. with proper cooldown management, you can play health packs and pick uncoordinated enemy’s off without much help.

you’re still working under the assumption my team can win a 5v5 in which i take out an enemy dps, and im contributing little else. besides winning my 1v1 trade.

its just that, a trade. i need to do more than pick off a dps for my team for them to become capable of winning. thats CARRYING them up where they dont belong.

but its already established my dps are not regrouping, nor will they focus their fire. so that means the enemy healers get to pocket one of the two for a surefire win on their side.

now were back to a 4v5, in which im down a dps, im out of the fight because i just took out the lone widowmaker for instance. now were 10seconds in and my team is hemorrhaging payload distance because they cant live on it or contest in any way without my presence.

there is no saving bad teams unless you’re a dps player who can consistently score picks.

its just what it is, a bad team assigned to you by matchmaker, destined to lose unless you grossly pop off and kill everyone and make plays.

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I really dont know why your still posting here if you think that you deserve to be higher then you are but wont admit to your blatant mistakes. You cant convince me that climbing through plat is some RNG casino game because ive done it a number of times using the strategies ive told you, and ive seen numerous friends of mine who wanted to actually improve do so and climb out. If you think that getting picks dosent give your team an advantage then I cant help you. Please stop posting here. Thank you.


Hey Skelly. I have been stuck in high bronze and low silver for the pas seasons. I have mostly soloqued because I only have one friend who has overwatch. A bunch of my other friends have gotten the game though and I’m not sure whether to six stack or solo/duo due I am a flex player and I really would like to place gold in S9 placements. Can you give me any advice?

If you’re Winston and you score a pick on Widow, the fight is now a 6v5 once you jump back to your team. The Widow has to come all the way back from spawn. The time she is away is a huge advantage as she is not pressuring your team. You can apply the same logic if you score a pick on a slow moving support or another squishy DPS.

If you win the 1v1 trade, your team is in a better position, hands down. You can’t control the skill of your teammates, but you can’t honestly say you’re better off not going for the pick.

Or you can just let the Widow get picks on your team from a distance, uncontested…

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Placements are not going to move you all the way to gold from bronze, at most you can probably get to high silver. The placement system still uses your MMR from previous seasons to place you, and wont move you far from that. (at most about 600 points)

If your in bronze, there are a few really good ways to move up slowly over time.

I would recommend playing healer any time your team has no healer. Without sustain, you will not be able to win fights.

I would also recommend finding a duo que partner. Anything below gold can be carried pretty well with a torb/sym defense (if you have a healer) and a phara/mercy attack.

Alot of bronze players have bad hardware, make sure to play at at least 60fps.

Ive got to go, ill be back in a few hours.

Rank doesn’t matter. It is all random. Teams are setup to try to keep you at 50 pct win rate. High mmr doesn’t mean high sr. History counts too much, each season should be fresh, that’s the entire point of seasons. As it is, those that got some lucky string of matches in s1 or s2 whatever, will always be master or gm.

The ways to fix:

  • Seasons start fresh.
  • Don’t need to win to increase sr.
  • Don’t compare vs other players of same character. Tanks and healers will always have easier time to gm. Have some baseline in the sand for tiers.
  • Make ranking up more transparent. I should get prompts saying something like your damage was below avrage, do more to rank up.
  • Deaths shouldn’t be a part of the skill equation, not in this game. Death is often better to get faster spawn. Also sometimes its better to be aggressive, but more dangerous. Will lead to more deaths but isn’t bad.

This thread is focused on helping people improve, not to explain why the “matchmaking is bad” conspiracy is wrong.

However to adress some of your concerns, you should know that win/loss really isent what has the greatest effect on your rating. Below diomond, your MMR is mainly based on your individual performance compared to other players at your rank on the same hero in simmilar situations. Your SR will always trend twords your MMR, if your SR is significantly lower then what your MMR is expecting you will lose less SR when you lose games and gain more when you win.

In addition, ive never seen a player stuck in a division who dosent belong there (meaning there not trying to improve and genuinly looking critially at there own mistakes), and i have seen multiple people improve over time and move up (myself included, i placed gold season 2 and look at me now) and anyone whos made a smurf moves close to there main accounts rank very quickly. Unless you can explain this phenomenon and have it fit into your idea, I have to disagree with you.

From what ive seen, this conspiricy is perpetuated by people who cant accept there own faults and improve on them, not any kind of actual factual information.

I would apriciate if people stopped brining this up here, there are dozens of fourms adressing this topic.


Needs to be made transpatent or it won’t stop happening. I should see what afgects my sr mmr.

Its transparent for a reason. Back when that system effected Masters and higher, I would farm stats instead of trying to win.

I knew that as tank, something they wanted to see was damage taken. So damage I took. I would play winston and litteraly feed ults all game, negitivly impacting my team but making me look really good.

I would offer to solo heal as mercy, so that my healing numbers would be way higher then mercys assist healing.

I would play lucio and make sure to get speed boost assists on every kill, even if my team was in desperate need of healing.

Playing like this I had a 40% winrate, however i gained over 500 SR and got to GM for the first time doing this nonesense.

Adding transparancy to that garbage system will only encorage elo feinds to exploit it more then im sure people already do.

I think its good at low elo however becase it gives players a mechinism to climb dispite bad teammates.

The matchmaker works and if you improve so will your SR. Stop talking about this nonesense, its blatantly wrong. I just want to give people cool tips not sit here repatedly explaining reasons why the MMR/elo system that has been around for hundreds of years used in any compeditive game from chess to leage of legends to sports actually works, and why Blizzards additions to that system are positive.

If you want advice ill give it but this is the last time i talk about this in this fourm.


Also. Your point about sr following mmr is wrong even without taking into consideration how the system works. Mmr is the result of teammates just as much as sr. Skill-wise i can be master, but never have a chance to show it if a team is too bad.

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Skill wise im master. The idea of getting stuck below mid diamond is laughable. Please stop.

Would you like some advice on how to improve your gameplay?


i really dont understand you posting “the basics” of overwatch when no one follows them, go play 20 games below 2700 elo as a non dps hero and you tell me the same things you’re spewing here on the forums.

the game plays out vastly different than what you’re saying.

if i follow your guide, i will not get higher on the ladder at all, i will still be plagued by awful dps exepcted to carry their abysmal damage.

once again, i MUST adapt on a PER GAME BASIS and do what that situation calls for. if i apply your flow chart for how to win games i will fall in rank because the MAJORITY of OTHER PLAYERS do not follow it as well.


All those metrics may still exist. You just invalidated your own argument. If I’m better at avoiding damage, and not helping other team charge ult, I’ll go down in mmr. I’d like to know that is happening. I’d like to know what they expect a good player should be. I know I’m a good player, well above average, yet non sensical metrics are doing something.

There could be just as non sensical metrics at work so those that are higher rank really aren’t better.

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