Adding fuel to the Hog dumpster fire

Hog can no longer cancel a pull with whole hog.

McCree flashbang also stops his pull, which makes sense, but it’s not the best time for it.

Hook 4.0 is here


Why can’t we have nice things :frowning:

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People hate Roadhog and so do Blizzard… they just can’t let hook 1.0 go. To the point of it being perfectly balanced with 2.0 it still wasn’t enough.

My fat husbando will have his day again though you’ll see ;_;


Too many cry babies begged for him to get nerfed over a year ago and they still have PTSD and wet their pants when they see an enemy roadhog. They should just retire him and remove him from the game at this point.

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I don’t mind the iffy one shot, if it was a 6 second hook. Scaring Tracer players (who still got one shot), would be totally worth it.

Time to grind Zarya I guess.

At least I still have D.Va

Honestly i’d love for them to make all stuns consistent and stop all momentum. That would solve most of the issues surrounding hook. You hook someone running for cover and get them. They are stopped in place. Too bad, they were too late and get brought to you. None of this running you get them and their momentum continues around the corner breaking the hook. Flashbang does this so why not hook?


Yeah that’s exactly right.

Hey OP. You’re name means highly praiseworthy lizard. Just though you’d like to know.

Enjoy Zarya while it lasts. If Rein gets any buggier, he won’t get picked. Then it’s goodbye Zarya, hello only Hammond is picked mainly as a main tank.

You have got to be kidding me.

I’m glad I mostly moved off Roadhog a year ago.

Ohh Roadhog…

I don’t even know if it’ll be possible to play the fat lug anymore.

How do you figure that?

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Tony: Highly Praiseworthy

Saurus: Lizard

Dinosaur names have actual meanings behind them. I just used the same method.

Apatosaurus- Deceptive Lizard
Opisthocoelicaudia- Hollow Back Tail
Megaraptor- Big Thief

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Omg, can it be, is this the real life?
Overwatch PTR Patch Notes – August 29, 2018