Actually RIP Orisa

She’s dead. Even if this SOMEHOW doesn’t change the high rank meta Orisa is absolutely unplayable in low ranks now. There is no way nerfing her damage by about 20% is going to let her be playable when she’s already a very low damage dealer overall.


I literally don’t know what the point is of getting good at playing a small pool of heroes when they’re constantly nerfing them to the point of being useless. It’s especially painful when tank and healer mains have such a tiny pool of available heroes compared to dps players.


That’s because it’s not meant for us. It’s meant for OWL and GM players. Anyone else who still plays the game just has to suffer through it.


Is it really 20%? Good grief…combined with the old 9% damage nerf, shes down by 29% damage since her release

Shes actually a pea shooter now

EDIT: Did the math. Its 18%. Combine that with the previous 9% nerf and it totals to 27% total damage overall.

Thats reaching levels of Hog.

What the actual ****


It’s about 18.2%, rounding up to the .2. We don’t know if this will make her bad or not.

Idunno, combined with the nerfs last patch, and the nerfs she got this patch, Orisa is going to be in a similar light as D.VA I feel like


I hope so. Streams are all about Orisa-Sigma. It’s boring watching every day that comp.

Also I hope people finally stop asking for shields every ****** match.


Maybe I can finally enjoy the game again, playing against Rein, Ball, or Winston is much more fun then playing against orisa


To be fair …

Orisa does a ton of damage and she can do it while her sheild is up…

Has %40 dmg reduction … %10 less than an ultimate…

And still has a mini grav on CD that can be used to combo things…

Honestly these nerfs might actually make her perfectly balanced


Play against Orisa more while not playing as her, she creates way too many adamant defenses.

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Agreed, when sym got gutted at least I had 15 other characters to choose from, now that they’re nerfing Orisa and sigma into non existence, I’ll only have hog left, cause Dva and Winston are near unplayable they’re so bad, zarya and rein aren’t that fun to play for me, and I’m not even gonna try to main wrecking ball cause I know he’s next for crazy nerfs. And for support there’s Ana and Moira? And even Moira’s healing is awful now, just like mercy’s and soon to be Batiste. I like brig but she’s far too weak to realistically play consistently, but I guess insanely weak supports and tanks are the norm now while OP damage characters like Mei and doomfist run rampant


Nerfing Sigma and Orisa is an indirect buff to other tanks.


You’re high if you think this will make her “balanced”. This is the same level of nerfs sym got, at look at her now, sitting in F tier with bastion


Yes but no one gets excited to play a new patch even everything is nerfed, it’s common sense. Take something away and less people will be interested, but give them something new and shiny to play with and people with flock to the scene

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every time i see someone say RIP “hero X” the hero ends up doing just fine…so im going to withhold Orisa’s burial until I actually see it…

overreactions to patches are as common as periods in my sentences…


It is difficult to argue against the damage nerf when Orisa has averaged more damage per match than every other tank excluding Sigma (in gm) in the last month despite bringing far more to the table than most others do.
Now that plus the other nerfs is another story but we’ll need to see how it plays out.

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Im sorry but im pissed with this nerf. I have been playing orisa since i started playing almost 3years ago. ive played her almost 300 hrs before and during the meta. There are ways to counter her but instead of people switching and bullcrap at high rank they are punishing all tanks. They nerfing her and other tanks to be completely useless. Fixing stuff at high teir ruins it for the rest of us. Im going to have to change my main because orisa is dead if they go through the changes on ptr. Papa jeff!!! Fixing characters at high rank/lvl are ruining it for the rest of us if this is what were looking forward to in overwatch 2 screw it im not interested!!!


Oh while we are bringing in stats how about these?

This Week
Pickrate rein/orisa Winrate rein/orisa

Bronze: 7.4/5.0 WR 48/46
Silver: 9.5/4.5. WR 49/48
Gold: 10.1/3.8. WR 50/49
Plat: 10.3/3.5. WR 52/50
Diamond: 9.5/4.9 WR 54/51
Masters: 7.1/8.8. WR 55/51
GM: 12.0/ 3.1 WR 54/53

I can’t possibly see how triple nerfing orisa is any good for the 99% of us. She’s only high in GM. Where picks are always one sided because they play to be optimal to the smallest degree


I thought we hated spam damage? Is that not true if it’s in relation to tanks?


Why are you claiming that is fine? Or are you referring in the same context as Sombra being fine?