Account statistics missing or not working

Since the launch of overwatch 2, several of the statistics in my profile have been lessened or missing. I am aware that competitive stats will no longer track any further than 6 seasons back, however my competitive stats are not tracking at all, even as I continue to play in competitive. At first the unranked/quickplay hours were gone entirely and had reset, but then went back up to 62 hours, and are now back down to the amount I’ve played since overwatch 2. I used to have about 750 total hours, and now only have 214. My game browser hours have also been reset since moving to overwatch 2. Several of my hero’s quickplay hours have been reset, with wrecking ball losing roughly 130 hours., however, remains at her previous number and has retained hours. This isn’t an immediate issue, but it would be nice to be able to track my winrate in competitive, which none of the stats are tracking for. I’m not sure what’s going on but it’s inconsistent and none of it makes sense.


No sh*te.

So I was playing a lot of Kiriko in the first two weeks (maybe 70 total games with a 48% win percentage) and out of nowhere the game said I had played like 157 games using Kiriko with a 25% win percentage. It’s been several days and this number has not corrected.

I am also having this issue. Absolutely no stats are showing up for the current competitive season.

So I’ve looked through my stats, several of the stats/10 mins are skewed, as some of the heroes had their hours reset but not other statistics like damage done, deaths, total elims, etc. On top of this, I have over 100% winrate on at least 4 heroes. Somehow Mercy, Moira, Pharah, and Reinhardt all have negative games lost. Rein is at 134 wins and -90 losses, I’m not even kidding. It even averages out the two and says I’ve only played 44 games, and a 302% winrate. I have no idea how this happened, it’s entirely bizarre.