According to my research....[Brigitte discussion]

I just wish they made her ALL dps, or ALL healing, not strattling the fence like she currently is, as someone good at a lot of things but master of none. You won’t be seeing Brigs get gold for damage or healing ever. They’re mediocre at everything, they just excel at 1v1 up close duels.

I think Id want her to become fully healing kit only, we have a lot of damage dealers as it is (and I’m hoping junkerqueen is a full DPS!)

To be honest she’s the same as heroes such as Lucio and Zen.

She can deal damage but shouldn’t be getting golds in damage over the DPS or healing over an Ana, Mercy or Moira.

Im happy to sit in the middle as long as she keeps some utility to keep her useful

Cant shield bash if your shield bashed first

What we truly need is a shoulder bash

Shoulder bash > shield bash

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The amount of crying is ridiculous, yes. The nerfs were unnecessary, consider OWL plays vanilla pre-nerf Brig and she is still situational. I’ll still live with the nerfs, not an issue for me. Hopefully Blizz doesn’t take a more drastic action towards her due to low tier SR players and Tracer/Genji mains constantly complaining.

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Or play with brigitte or play with snipers. Very fun…