Accept button, why not?

-why should i stare at my screen loading for 3mins? (srsly u force ur playerbase to do this every game…“Abslout Zero”-Moira)
-(but u can hear it)- Yes but i want to rest my ears between games.

-There is no reasons besides maybe u want us to stay and look at skins?

Edit: Format


What are you talking about?

I think it’s about having an “Accept Match” button for competitive mode so all 12 players are ensured to not AFK.

…Which, should have been implemented since Season 2 the latest.


Ah right. I still don’t get why OP didn’t just say that.

I would say less than 1% of games ends before it starts with a leaver. I would say less than 10% of my games has a leaver in general.

I’d take the early leavers as not AFK.

i have lost a lot SR for being AFK when i was not realy i just didnt notice the game had started on the 1st 20 secs and got kicked out. srsly sometimes i still rejoin and the hasnt started yet but it get cancelled anyway even if i had already rejoined… lost more than 200 sr this way? srsly game dev dont give a **** about the community they only want our money and there were a lot more people playing this game when it was released. you know what this means? the game is turning to **** instead of getting better

I don’t understand WHY they need one.

so, game found, people click accept

but 2 people don’t, what happens? you still wait? how long do you wait? if you wait longer will the game “fill in” different people?

What happens is, it returns the groups to searching and tries to find the next 2 players in queue that meet the requirements to be in your group.

The same exact way it works in the other blizzard game where you enter a battle after you queue up. how long do you wait? you wait till the next two players are found so like a min less than a min? Your group is at the top of the queue just like in the other game where same exact thing happens.

Besides starting a game to get it cancelled after a min is much worse than just clicking accpet and the search keeps going again

I don’t understand how this will solve the issue. if you are not going to be on your PC, just DON’T QUEUE.

if you queue and you are not there to accept, then nothing changes, other than giving longer queue times for the rest that have to wait for you to press the accept button

It solves the issue of false start games where the game just ends and you have to queue again taking 3+ min potentially a few times over just because one guy was afk and didnt realize he got a game.

What I dont understand is how you fail to see the benefit of this and arent annoyed that this type of QoL change hasnt already been implemented over a year ago.

It’s more of a problem with groups. A ready button before the group leader queue’s would go such a long way.

There is no accept/confirmation button because they do not want to encourage “queue dodging” with how Competitive matches load and display the names of players and Average SR of all players at the start of the match.

I have proposed a drastic modification to how queue dodging be avoided. but still have a confirm protocol to ensure a match does not cancel early, in a topic I posted in General Discussion that I encourage everyone to check out:


I rather have someone AFK to dodge their queue automatically than end up ruining a round (just happened). Queue dodge isn’t an issue with this one button as we can still have penalties if someone’s repeatedly cancelling the queue.