Abusive chat warning popup not showing

Hey some people who have been punished by the report system (people I was talking to on a discord server) claim they never received a warning about “abusive chat” prior to their punishment because they say the report threshold was lowered, but the “abusive chat” warning popup was not.

Just thought I’d make this aware as this is not the first time now I’ve seen people talking about this and I know it’s been a long time since the system was changed, but this one thing was never changed with it.

name removed, but this is the user who claimed they should have got this warning before their punishment.

edit: also forgot to add the people who said this also say they get the popup AFTER their punishment has ended, not sure if that is intentional, or because the reports for punishment were lowered to the same amount as the warning.

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Just don’t be toxic 5head

As mentioned in the thread, it’s not me. Also if it was me I wouldn’t be ashamed to say it was.

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I got a report and I only ask people to switch heroes or stop boosting their friends in ranked. I think it’s fair to say those things, but this new generation is extremely sensitive to everything. Because of the abusive chat report exploit, I have hidden chat and stopped all communication in game, it’s the only way to be safe. Based on how the report system works, not talking or communicating is what the OW team wants until they redesign it. It’s an unfortunate design flaw that I hope they correct soon. Just chill out, put some music on and play. These toxic report exploiters aren’t worth getting your account banned. =)

I read in another thread a while ago that if you’re in the team chat and got false reported enough times and didn’t say anything that your appeals can be denied due to the fact you were in that team chat.

So I agree with you fully having to leave everything, I’d be terrified to lose my main.

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