"Abusive Chat" report abuse

It indeed takes a big amount of effort to stand up for yourself when you know something unfair is happening to you. Being an a-hole in the past has nothing to do if you’re an a-hole in the present. In fact, it actually strengthens that you know how to not be an a-hole, and thus now have a better behavior arsenal and emotional control.

You haven’t gotten false-reported because the notification is probably manual. If it isn’t, and I’m making a blind assumption (my guess is I’m not), being on-the-fence means supporting people whether or not they are toxic: this means allowing people to be non-toxic, but also allowing them to be toxic; this is something I’ve seen the customer service representatives take pride in; they will not deny an appeal if you get false reported, because of this (if it hasn’t happened already).

I’m pretty sure it’s very easy to get false reported because you went on the mic (see: people saying they’ll get reported for saying “hi”; they aren’t exaggerating, because I know from experience it is almost actually like this).

According to a few threads I’ve read up on the CSR philosophy, they consider your past behavior as your present behavior (safe to assume), and as such, having him improve his behavior would be irrelevant (according to the philosophy). I’ve tried appealing when I’ve done nothing wrong but point people out for being toxic, and the appeal got denied.

I’ve found far more truth being sure about myself, than questioning everything. I’m not about to go through my old mistakes. Perhaps you’ll learn the same someday. I personally don’t accept one answer; I accept all answers, and summarize them. I know it may seem like otherwise. :wink:

If someone is emotionally stable, their assessment of themselves is more than viable. I’m sorry if you think otherwise; else you’ll screw a lot of people over, especially if you have power.

Assumptions aren’t bad. They’re only dangerous if there is a lot of weight put on them. Penalizing someone based on an assumption, for example, is dangerous. Giving someone the benefit of the doubt, based on an assumption, is a bit less dangerous. Making an assumption based on past experiences is actually the safest bet as far as assumptions go, which is what I do.

Not everyone knows how to handle their emotions. Unfortunately, it isn’t often taught. Being emotionally mature will allow you to gauge how someone will react, and will give you the ability to avoid rejection. Being on the fence won’t allow this; being on the fence is a sign of emotional immaturity. It shows you don’t know what you want, and therefor don’t know what others want.

Making a post standing up for yourself, for something unfair, is certainly a gauge of honesty. You should try it yourself. :slight_smile:

I swear, we are the same people, because that’s the exact thing that happened to me (sans the forums Silence; I got Silenced in-game; but that ruins the joke :stuck_out_tongue:).

Edit: you should read my thread about being an emotional zombie. Holding yourself back, trying not to offend anyone, is a tragedy waiting to happen.

I guess I’ll open a ticket to know why I’m getting reported because I’m genuinely curious, I’ve been very self aware about my way of talking to others in OW since my silences so it’s a bit frustrating to still have a warning.

False reporting is the new Toxic.

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Good luck! Be sure to ask for specific examples!

If you do end up getting silenced, it’s important to ask for specific examples in the first appeal. Otherwise, they say something like, “we won’t give you more information about your silence than the initial person gave.”

It always existed, and was always toxic. We are just bringing light to it now.

Toxicity is all the same shade. I suppose if you’re familiar with seeing it anyway.

Tried that, you still get reported/banned if you call ppl “bad” or you call for someone to get reported cause clearly they are trolling like Lucio wallriding around entire map doing nothing just wall rides or ppl constantly afk at spawn point or Symetra and Tor on atack not building any turrets. Best advice to all getting banned that can’t say sunshines and rainbows all the time is to TURN OFF CHAT and don’t say anyhthing at all. You still might get reported for picking Sombra or Widow or Hanzo at low ranks, from now on if I wanna play will not say anything or even report anybody. Reporting is completly and utterly usless in a game that dosn’t let you ROLE PICK befor you go into competitive and let’s you be locked to that role. Reporting is usless when some algorytham is deciding the context of abusive chat, computers and programs still can’t get the context of things, they are all about numbers.

Just don’t say anything at all I’m gonna go with that experiment next time and wait and see if I get banned for playing on Sombra only.

Btw saying in team or match chat that you gonna report somebody for cheating/trolling/abusive chat chances are you are gonna be reported multiple times insted so it’s completly usless to point out cheaters or trolls.

maybe you have an aggressive voice…

i can tell you i’m also not an innocent person… i get toxic too and say things like “go play tetris” “bad dps”… but i didnt get a ban yet…

I say as well “bad dps” “bad healer” etc but I did get banned for 3 weeks, probably because I was in the past really abusive and already got banned once. Apparently if you get reported again and this time for just saying you are “bad” the bann gets longer and longer…and longer…

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Jeff Kaplan sitting on a tree, saying KI"I D G A F just buy lootboxes"ING

You must have said something to get reported

Please don’t bump a dead topic from 3 months ago.

You know that’s a fat lie by Blizzard unless they did a complete 180 in the last couple of months. People with SILENCED accounts have received bans for abusive chat. People are banned mid game and immediately after games where they are gang reported, which would require REAL TIME review to happen (think game marshals listening in on games). Unless someone can provide proof of them hiring the dozens to hundreds of additional employees this would take, we all know that what that dev claimed is patently false.

It’s not a dead topic until Blizzard stops using a grossly flawed, fully automated system for bans and silences.

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Just had my secondary account perma banned for abusive chat. Its such a joke; the fact that players cannot simply use the MUTE instead is out of this world.

From now on the minute I hear something negative towards me for simply picking Sombra or doing what the team wants; I’m going to consider it as “abusive chat” and report instead of using mute. The slightest “get off sombra you suck” or “you dont’ know how to play torb” comment is going to get reported up.

The report/banning system is BROKEN

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Seriously. Just mute and get lost, wtf do you guys want with ruining someone’s account and day.

I have had an issue with this recently as well, and at this point I think people are getting reported for nothing, and because of an automated system, we all get screwed.

Hey folks,

Threads like these are generally unproductive, negative and violate our Code of Conduct. As such, I’m going to go ahead and lock it.
