About those rigged losses

Has anyone looked at whether Blizzard tweaks the parameters in the rigged games. I just lost a game in the extra rounds where I swear Ultimates didn’t do anything, and spawn times were messed with in overtime.

Well in order to examine if Blizzard tweaks parameters during a rigged match, you first need to be able to determine if you are in a rigged match. What makes you believe a match is rigged? Is it when you lose? Is it when you get steamrolled? Do you ever win a “rigged” match?

Why is the game you describe rigged? You mention that you made it into extra rounds, so neither team was steam rolled. During overtime, the spawn timers are increased from 10 seconds to 12 seconds. This happens in any match, not just those you think are rigged against you. Do you also believe the ultimate you swear did nothing, did so because Blizzard was intervening? This sounds like some pretty bizarre tinfoil hat stuff.


Wow, look at this guy.

He’s so important that Blizzard goes out of their way to make him lose.

Try learning how overtime respawns work, and how does sustain + spawn time difference interact with damage applied before writing this kind of “I’m being hunted by Blizzard” type of nonsense.


Competitive matches aren’t “rigged.” However they are handicapped with Match Making Rating.

or boosted, you know it works in both ways

Part of the reason for the handicapping system is to accommodate groups, anyway. Players should only be allowed to solo-queue in Competitive.

where did you get THAT from?

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Spawn times for the defenders are lengthened in certain circumstances to make stalling harder. Overwatch Forums

Many ultimates can be cancelled by many things: dva defense matrix, stuns, death, etc.

None of this is rigging, but a question of balancing. Both teams have the same advantages/disadvantages with these mechanics (at least in competitive, where they switch sides).

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I’m guessing because he only landed half of a pharah ult or didnt stand close enough with trans he thinks it’s rigged because he died when it should have been OMG CLUTCH TK!

I never knew the spawn timer increases when it‘s overtime after three years of playing.
You always learn something new every day.

They do not exist.
Instead of blaming fictional occurrences and systems how about you actually focus on improving yourself?

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Okay I’ve heard of people thinking the system is rigged by putting them with bad players or against good players but thinking that the game itself is actively being tampered with to make you lose??

This is next level dude.

Here’s something from the Overwatch Wikia:

Respawn time will always take 10 seconds on normal case in every standard game, except:

When it is overtime, in this case the respawn time will be extended to 12 seconds.
When attackers outnumber defenders on a objective on Assault, Escort and Assault/Escort maps, there will be a respawn delay for the defenders. If the point hasn’t been captured and the defense team hasn’t regained the advantage after 15 seconds, the defender respawn timer will slowly begin to increase until it hits a maximum value at 75 seconds (where the respawn time will be 15 seconds).

This is not a Rigged Competitive game, it is just the default mechanic of the game on Assult (2cp), Escort(Payload maps - Dorado, Route 66, Rialto etc) and Assult&Escort (King’s Row, Blizzard World etc) maps.

As for the Ultimates not doing anything, well that’s the sight of your team members messing up their ultimates. Overwatch competitive is not rigged. Maybe the SR gain/loss is at times messed up but the game itself is not rigged by any means.

It actually happened only about a year ago in a patch. They also made it so that if the attacking team is outnumbering the defending team while taking a point, the defending team has a longer spawn time. This made it harder to stall.

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