About the genji buffs

ok but genji, tracer, Winston, mercy and zen have all been left in the trash since season 10

but that’s OK?

blizzard has rotated their viable heroes since the game came out. Its been 12 seasons, mobile heroes are back in rotation


I mean. Not really to that either.
Winston received many many buffs and I’ve seen him played a lot, obviously not as much as rein or double shield. Tracer also got buffed and has been seen also a lot. Genji, after dive, was just always middle of the pack. Mercy was buffed recently and was always in an OK spot but poster girl Ana took precedence because people love Ana over Mercy because ‘skill’. Zen has been left in the trash I agree. I mean, he’s not bad he just requires a lot of peel.

The biggest problem is that a lot of DPS buffs have been given without any nerf compensation - hence power creep. It’s also that supports are very tired of being constantly nerfed. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, I’m just saying it gets old.

Blizzard balance always tends to rotate around opinions. They forceably kill metas and create new ones which always causes problems. They don’t like reworks are perfectly happy to leave some heroes rarely viable because they don’t know how to balance them.

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It is true. I tell the people who complain about Genji the same thing I tell the Genjis who complain about Moira, this game is not about 1v1s.

It’s about teamwork. And Genji’s teamwork requirement is too high. He needed the buffs.

I do think they should take away the ability to nanoboost blade as compensation personally, but this whole blade bot thing isn’t working for Genji. He needs buffs to his base kit so he isn’t just an ult bot.

Buffing Genji wasn’t the issue, the issue was Moira, one of his counters, was getting nerfed while he was getting buffed, that’s a recipe for disaster, i’m all for Genji getting buffed, but don’t nerf his counters.

Which alternate world you live in may i know its location.

Since when does “out skill” mean succ him from 20m while ad spamming. That won’t stop any good genji tho, we’ll just dash away or into your feet and flick to your head and kill and tbag like we’ve never tbagged before

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No, you won’t, because you’ve never been a quote-unquote “good Genji.”

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And why do you think so?

Keep that y’all hand strong Juice, keep that y’all hand strong.

People never learn lmao
I bet people who say this hardly even know what a “counter” means

Lmao so true with all the buff genji / nerf moira whine threads it’s so clear

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The reality is more simple from my view… The same applies to Roadhog. In Top 500 and OWL ladder (maybe Grand Master too), Genji and Roadhogs need buff JUST BECAUSE the enemy players have the perfect knowledge on how to counter these 2 (Roadhog was just a fast example).

For the rest of the community, Genji and Roadhog do not need buffs but nerfs cause they don’t usually face a real counter and they won’t face 6/6 people who would know exactly what to do in order to counter these two heroes.

After the last Blizzard changes, I can understand that they do realize that the game is waaaaaaaay more different on the Top Ladder and why more different in other ladders. If they cant make balance changes that they are going to have a good effect in aaaaall the community then they should start doing separate ones…

Yeah buffing Genji to compete against Moira and Brig sounds nice, but it makes the match up aginst him with other supports misrable only pushes those supports even more.

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You are correct… but is it really better to swing up numbers with no end, making one hero after another stronger so they can “keep” up with another one and then repeat it with the next?
Or wouldn’t it be better to just say "Alright… Let’s tune DOWN the game again, Put heroes back on levels where they competete with each other… Reduce Healing, Reduce Damage… Game Slows Down… is less about Burst-Everything and still all heroes can be viable.

It is actually more the opposite. Genji doesn’t do much with the team. He goes in the back, kills people and does his thing mostly solo. He does well solo, but doesn’t bring much to team synergy. That is why he is so highly played on ladder but not so much in OWL.

Genji doesn’t really have much to fear from most heroes and is an effective assassin in the enemy back line. This makes him very strong and gives him the advantage against most heroes. He doesn’t need buffs to be effective, as he is currently effective. Any buffs you give him to make him stronger in an area (say vs hitscan) really need to be tied to nerfs to make him less effective in other areas.

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Loolk, crees flash is no save 2hs anymore, he has no mobility, his ult is a reload/respawn button and the only thing he has is his left click mid range. Genji has 2 viable fire modes, strong ult worth a nano, resetting movement on assist, doble jump, wallclimb and dann deflect 90% of the roster. And HE gets further buffs. That is why people think blizzard is reta…ded

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Maybe because they are two completely different heroes and you can’t compare them? Something something apples, something something oranges

No supports should win every 1v1.

No ashe broken why cant i play brig like rein anymore new shield to weak

But genji gets free kill with oneshots :frowning: and its not balanced. double jump OP and i cant aim

Blizzard disagrees

But gengu oneshot everyting and dive ana and zen all the time why cant i play ana on the frontline gengu broken

But he deflect everything :frowning:

But i cant get value from holding lmb as moira in dive

Oneshot OP i shouldnt be punished for bad positioning.

but enemy dps carry in any meta why do i have gold dmg?

But skill should be countered by moira, not by other high skill

Nooo a meta that requires skill

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I am a support main and I want to see the genji buffs.
The problem is, people seem to think that Genji needs buffs because he is too weak. When in reality he needs them 'cause a lot of other DPS are simply broken and/or have one shot potential.

Exacerbating this problem won’t solve it(?).

Thus directly adding to power creep.
I’m A-OK with the Genji buffs.

But those heroes NEED to be toned down.

Can some of you go check out a thread I posted about a possible rework to Genji, involving a new ability, but a nerf to Dragonblade, making him less of an ultbot for nanoblade, and adding more sustain to his flanking playstyle.

Edit: here’s the link - Possible Genji Rework Idea - #27 by mixedguyty-1866