About Orisa and Sigma


  • Barrier health increased from 600 to 700
  • Orisa health decreased from 450 to 400

These changes would make Orisa be able to hold the ground better and be a solo barrier tank. Keep fortify at 40% and later experiment lowering the cooldown to 9 seconds, if Orisa is still too weak

Yeah reading through, I was gonna say, they could remove the barrier cooldown if they did that.

The tank role is the most problematic regarding balance, it’s not a homogeneous role.

Some tanks are more just like highly self durable characters (like Hog and Ball), damage sponges. Others be more supportive to the team like providing barriers, bubbles and matrixes.

It’s not a role that all characters provide direct survival team value (like all supports provide at least healing). Some are more about self centered and don’t provide direct survival team value at all.

just ban one when the other one is active and you can buff both

Yeah, but if they make it so Orisa is an offtank, then Bunker isn’t much of a thing.

But if they make it so Orisa is a main tank, and Sigma is an OffTank, Sigma’s always would to be their weird hybrid tank, with too much peel.

At this point maybe they should make all tanks more Dive or Dive-ish so, regardless of tank choice, a chaotic scenario would always be installed. And by chaotic I mean less long lasting survival resources, so they get to be more precise, and more mobility to rotate around the map. Main tanks getting temporary & low HP barriers like Winston and Off tanks keeping their damage mitigation just like DVa’s matrix, powerful, but even more temporary.

I think I wanna give this post’s idea a try on Experimental mode.


Projected Barrier

  • Increased to 900HP, up from 600HP.
  • Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds.


Experimental Barrier

  • Decreased to 600HP, down from 900HP.
  • No cooldown delay when deploying and canceling the barrier.

It is better than how their barriers are now, definitely.

But what about regen rate on Sigma’s barrier?

Orisa’s barrier would last longer, maybe like 6 seconds up and 2 seconds down, depends on how much damage people would apply to it.

Rein’s barrier still comes back at 600 HP after breaking it and going down for 5 seconds.

It’s already pretty low at 150, compared to Rein at 200.
Although I guess they could lower it a bit further if the barrier is too much.

It’s 120 if I’m not mistaken.
Yeah, it is, just checked wiki.

Huh you’re right, that’s fine then

Thing is it comes back at 360 after breaking and going down for 5 seconds. Would that be really ok?

Well, maybe yeah, he has the KG to work with too, right?

I figure if it’s too much, it could always be adjusted down. But I feel like we’re getting into the range where you’d need to playtest it, to get a real feel for it.

And an unmatrixable ranged flashbang.

Also I’m not sure if the tempdarkblueHP feeds ult charge or not.

I think double shield is here to stay. Its just so good and an easy strategy to run overall. It works out in quick play because people love zarya, hog, and dva so much.

Would be interesting if they could balance this whole DoubleBarrier thing.

Then they could scale up the damage on Orisa/Winston/Sigma/Reinhardt to appeal to those Roadhog/D.va/Zarya players who go doubleofftank.

Honestly lets just get to play test these initial changes and see what that does. We just need for Orisa to be viable as a main tank so Rein isn’t a must pick, that way other tank combos can come back into the fold. Sigma in my opinion shouldn’t be designed to be a main tank himself but more of a well rounded tank, only able to temporarily fill in on either side of the tank specialties but not specifically excel in either direction.