A wiki on everyone's Overwatch opinions

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The opinions go here:

I think Roadhog was always fine, he only needed minor tweaks, he got them and I think he is perfect now


I think that Ana does too much. She have amazing burst-heal with her bionade, Can outheal almost any sustained damage without even trying, and on top of that she is super hard to deal with. She just overshadows any other main healer and make almost every dps hero without oneshot ability pointless


Overwatch lacks new content


I feel that no effort went into trying to slightly tone doomfist and instead massive nerfs were pushed upon him most likely to one day push a rework using the excuse ā€œhes too hard to balanceā€ despite no active effort to try


My biggest problem with how Junkrat has been balanced isnā€™t that I think heā€™s in a bad state (he is tho), but itā€™s that the devs didnā€™t even fix the problem. Junkrat is still too strong at low ranks and the nerfs have done nothing to fix that, itā€™s like they were trying to make him useless at high ranks on purpose. They just made a mess and have been ignoring it since, and it keeps happening to heroes.


I donā€™t think hanzo is some overpowered no skill hero, he is rather balanced despite peopleā€™s spite towards him, if i were to nerf one thing then they should give him reverse falloff on his storm arrows only, nothing drastic ether, 50 damage at point blank and his max 70 damage at mid range would work well


The game is alright once youā€™ve taken a huge break, but it still isnā€™t quite enough to keep you playing for long enough. Honestly, Year of The Pig was the reason Iā€™ve gone back to ā€œbreak modeā€, and the only reason I might play is for the Solider emote. All the skins sucked this year, and itā€™s a huge disappointment. TL;DR: Overwatch is lacking enough content to keep me playing.


Please make the events better ;-;


Balance changes take waaaaaay too long.


Junkrats is too inconsistent and needs buffs. Junkrat being bad is one of the main reasons GOATS is an issue in high ranked play. His main issue being that his projectiles are too small.

i really wish the devs would listen and give junkrat his old projectile size back. if they did that i would be really happy.


They need to be way more active with the PTR,I want to see more crazy changes for us to test out,not everything has to make it to live.


Heal Stacking is the reasons for the Sniper meta and subsequently, GOATs. So in my opinion, we could apply the TF2 healing mechanics into Overwatch to counter Goats, mostly this: The healing rate would be evenly divided if there are more than 1 source of healing on the same target. For example, an Ana and a Mercy both healing a Rein. As the result Rein would be healed slower while the total amount of healing he received from both of the healers are still unchanged. The downside to this change is that Dive would be the to go META, or people would just run solo healing Ana permanently unless they are doing Death Ball.


Where. Is. The. Lore?


The lack of new content in the recycled events of year 3 thus far is super underwhelming.


Plz buff Doomfist


Competitive hasnā€™t been fixed for 3+ years, a handful of characters that have been tweaked since the RELEASE are still broken, no truly new events- nothing that keeps me excited- awful new no skill, no depth boring heroes that donā€™t even fit into the lore right. Developers not listening to the community and even INSULTING the playerbase.


Overwatch is an incredible and fun game, with the only major downside being slow balance updates.


The devs havenā€™t actually made that many outright disastrous mistakes, most of the time theyā€™re just 2-6 months slower than they should be.


Bronze is actually a really fun rank to play in.

Hero bans would ruin the game.


I donā€™t know if I could handle a second year in a row of recycled events

- LongJohnTbag

I love Overwatch, and I want to see this game prosper for a long time. I think a simple way the devs can appeal to both the competitive community and the causal community is simple: maps. Maps are the content we need in Overwatch more than cosmetics or even new heroes! Imagine complex, competitive maps with features that elevate gameplay to the next level. Iā€™m talking mazes, multiple floor levels, tight maps, open maps, sky maps, water maps. This type of diversity can allow for more metas and more engaging gameplay. As for the casual community, Chill Kill maps with interactive features like balls, instruments, cafes, obstacles courses, fighting arenas, walls for graffiti, etc. Thereā€™s so much the devs can do with maps.

- zenling

Hero balance would probably be in a much better state if the game editor was released. If they included old abilities and ultimates removed from the game. People could make custom games with heroes balanced how they feel they should be. If some changes got really popular they could add them to the main game. For example the whole issue with Mercy. People could make a custom game with her old ultimate and tweak it for balance testing. They said they wanted to make balance changes like that possible in the past. But instead we got the custom games settings while we wait for them to release the game editor. Giving players the option to tweak the game on the same level as the developers allows players to play their way. Right now custom games settings have nowhere near the needed level of options for trying to do your own balance attempts on heroes.

- Haze33E

Bug fixes. This game needs a lot of bug fixes.

There are so many bugs in this game, some even over a year old. I get that getting bugs is unavoidable and that some bugs are hard to fix, but for an Esport game do I find it unacceptable to have bugs for over a year old.

I love playing Mei, but the bugs sometimesā€¦ Itā€™s just soo excruciating.

- Bloggerman

The ripple effect of all these bizarre balance changes is what led us to Goats, the bugs that have been in this game for ages still left unpatched, recycled content, story progression is at a snails pace, competitive matchmaking is a joke and features have been missing from the console side for ages.

Archives and Anniversary maybe Overwatchā€™s saving grace. But that wonā€™t last foreverā€¦

- Terx2

ā€œTracer is the best waifu in the game.ā€


ā€œDoomfist and Brigitte should both be reworked. Doomfist has a kit that is unbalanceable, and he should stay in the garbage if he is gonna stay just like this. Brigā€™s kit is overloaded, something needs to go for her to be more focused and more powerful.ā€

ā€œThis game needs serious nerfs across the board to account for power creep. Nothing ever dies anymore because of too much healing, and some characters simply has too much damage to offset thisā€


Overwatch could be twice the game it is now if Blizzard made a more serious investment and took greater risks with the franchise, such as adding PvE modes or allowing community creations into the game, but maintenance-mode approaches and over-investment in OWL make it one of the biggest missed opportunities that Blizzard has ever had.


I would love to see a MOBA game mode for Overwatch, something different, with towers/bosses to take down, and random elements on the map to give extra resources similar to LoL or Smite.


Iā€™ve been playing this game since Summer Games 2016. This was my very first FPS that I played on the regular. All of my free time was spent online. Iā€™m not a good player at all. I loved that I didnā€™t have to be mechanically skilled in order to have fun and play a few rounds. I donā€™t enjoy it anymore. I feel like Iā€™m not good enough to play it anymore. I only feel frustration that I cannot be better; I am what I am ā€“ bad. And I donā€™t feel welcome playing anymore as a low-skilled, casual player. It feels like itā€™s either leave for something else or have more faith in the game and community. Itā€™s been two years. I guess Iā€™m just waiting for that something else to come along now.


ā€œI mean, whatā€™s the point of Overwatch League if there is no Overwatch? :thinking:ā€

- LOL21h

The game was so much better without competitive because there was no incentive to abuse the system for gains. It was only about having fun and playing a game with other people on the same team. The toxicity about perceptions of what is skilled and what isnā€™t, the anger over flavor of the month characters, hero balance problems and perceptions of them, one tricking, smurfing, the factions of people who think others opinion doesnā€™t matter because of a lower or higher rank, elitism over stats and profile history, and refusal to flex and work as a cohesive team, etc. Those problems all stem from and are made worse by competitive and the mind set it brings to the game because the system is broken, and it is exploitable. It is not hyperbole to say that competitive was the ruptured aneurysm that is causing the continued hemorrhaging of players. Until it gets fixed, the game will continue to foster toxicity and will continue driving itself into the ground. It is a very shameful way for such a marvelous game to go, and its downfall will be entirely enabled by unflinching misguided pride in changes that donā€™t always work, and a refusal to address mistakes when they are made.

In the mean time, what would otherwise be the rest of the game for non-competition type players such as the events, PVE, and lore aspects of the game, as well as custom game modes and arcade modes, can all be sunmarized merely as woefully anemic. I love this game, but the game and path it is taking makes it so easy to hate the game.

- ReverendPaqo

In my opinion zarya is not overpowered.
The archives event should be permenant.

- Yourself

  1. Mercyā€™s rez should(?) be turned into something earnable, tied to ultimate, or deleted. If something must cause a hero to get repeatedly nerfed, maybe it holds too much power alone?
  2. Archives is the best event in the game, and itā€™s the only thing Iā€™m excited for this year so far.
  3. Orisa and Junkrat needs buffs. Moira could POTENTIALLY use a small buff but sheā€™s not too bad.
  4. I think if we nerfed Ana, how about a grenade duration nerf?
  5. Mei is one of, if not, the most inspiring hero in overwatch. Imagine waking up in the middle of the arctic to find communcation cut off, transport wrecked and everyone else dead - and you still manage to find a way out, without losing hope? Mei is incredible!

-oceanman :heart:

The balance team needs a rework more than any hero ever did.


Although I like it as FPS, I would sign right now that the game stops receiving new content (maps, modes, heroes, events ā€¦) if they do a campaign mode and we get more lore as animated shorts and comics too.

- alain9331

I would like devs to talk about upcoming changes, such as what heroes they will be looking into changing, so we know what upcoming changes will be like before they are released. The balance changes are currently super duper slow, it would be nice if they made more frequent small changes to heroes who are obviously under performing.

I think it would also be nice if the events had a little more content other than items, even if they were less frequent.

ā€“ Wabba

I dont agree with the Devs last patches, they killed Doomfist and Brigitte only to calm the constant crying towards them, and they just made Reaper an unkillable monster, thats simply being lazy.


The McCree and Reaper buffs have done nothing for anyone. Theyā€™re both still terrible heroes, its just now that much harder to argue for actual changes that balance the hero.

ā€“ Inky

Blizzard, I donā€™t care how you do it, but please for the love of Jeff Kaplan get GOATs out of my games.


Please, I dont mean to be rude, but find someone who knows balance. This game needs help, and the first step is finding someone who knows how to fix this mess of a game.


I would appreciate if certain heroes skill ceilings were raised so that their effectiveness is more consistant across different skill levels. Once done, this should make it easier for the balance team to adjust heroes at the highest levels of play without frustrating casual players.

Iā€™m OK with varied skill floors, but ideally all heroesā€™ skill ceilings should be both high and in the same ballpark as each other.

By ā€˜skill ceilingā€™ I mean how well a heroā€™s effectiveness scales with player attributes, including but not limited to aim, positioning, reflexes, awareness, and so forth. It is fine for a hero to emphasise some of these attributes over others as long as the heroā€™s total skill ceiling remains within the ballpark.

Also, I feel that a new QP/Comp mode would be the best form of content Overwatch could receive right now, morso than new heroes or maps for existing modes.


I wish D.Va felt more like a tank, the more the community complains, the more pruned she gets. She is hardly anything but reaper food right now, and its sad to see my first (and long time gone) main treated like this.

I also think that this community post is more creative than anything than I have seen in game for a very long time.


Occasionaly I still play, but the game has became rather dull to me. I enjoy it, but not like before. I used to play nearly every day. These days if I get 10 matches in a week, it's a lot.

The slow pace of new content and recycling of events, it just doesnā€™t keep my interest like it used to.

And, in my opinion, is starting to become a chore to play tank with all the CC and recent armor nerfs. The role I actually enjoy most.


Im sorry, but lack of new core game modes, no role queues, terrible, terrible hero balance, slow lore and patches, too much focus on OWL, too many top secret projects, slow hero releases, bad reworks, repeat events, not enough cosmetics, etc. Its all just too much.

You are slowly killing your game and it makes me really sad. The game has gone from a 10/10 to a 1/10. I dont know if you can even fix it at this point. Its all starting to feel like too little, too late. Overwatch just isnā€™t fun anymore. The problems just keep getting bigger and bigger and you are losing people and I dont know how to fix it, but I hope you do. Im tired of waiting for you to solve this.

(also, Tracer needs a real nerf like a reduced range on her guns, not a Pulse Bomb nerf)


Better hero balance. I know I hate heroes like Junkrat, Doomfist and Brigette, but they should not just gut them to F-tier like that. All heroes should be viable somewhere and one hero should not be viable in all maps/situations

Make tanks actually more enjoyable, rather than CC-sponge. The armour nerf wasnā€™t needed, they could have made Reaper and channeled weapon like Symmetra do Armour-ignoring/True Damage.

Also they need to keep the community as their priority, they should not keep focusing on e-sports like OWL, which is like 0.1% of the playerbase. All the time and efforts spent on e-sports can be used for creating new seasonal event, brawls and gamemodes, to keep the main playerbase happy.


Mercyā€™s healing output nerf has been the worst ā€œbalanceā€ change thus far. 60 hp/s has never been an issue before. They focus on the numbers and averages too much and miss the small consequences changes like this one cause.

  • There are less opportunities to utilise damage boost

  • Mercy struggles to keep tanks alive and fill the role of ā€œmain healerā€

  • Criticisms from teammates saying Mercy ā€œdoesnā€™t heal enoughā€ resulting in them asking for a hero switch (usually Ana).

  • Less time to do anything BUT heal, making mid fight resurrects even less attainable.


OW needs new game modes, new map styles, more unique heroes, better balance and matchmaking, better report system. Not to mention the lack of lore. I see that there is a thing called Overwatch League but where is Overwatch?


Overwatch balance-wise is in a better place than it was before in 2017 to 2018 but content-wise it is severely lacking. I believe genji and tracer are both perfectly balanced and donā€™t need changes.


Balance wise, the game has been in a downwards spiral since they nonsensically nerfed Roadhog and every balance change since then has either been ineffectual or just elected to solve a problem by creating a larger, more pressing problem, akin to solving someoneā€™s tooth pain by cutting off their arm and saying ā€œjob doneā€ because they arenā€™t complaining about their tooth anymore.

At this point, itā€™s hard to say whether or not any balance change will do what is intended because weā€™re so far down the rabbit hole itā€™s anyoneā€™s guess.

Brig need not have existed ā€“ they should have nerfed D.Va and Tracer, reverted Winstonā€™s shield buff, and given Roadhog the buff he ended up getting later on down to road to give anti-dive compositions more legitimacy on more maps. Having dive not be the go-to composition on 99% of maps let Rein and Zarya comps come back, since they fared poorly against Dive before Brig. Creating one hero with the express purpose of countering an entire composition and way of playing the game was only ever going to end in disaster, and because of who she synergizes with, you now have a rock that beats paper and scissorsā€¦ so why ever play not rock?

Having to change fundamental game mechanics to fit her into the game should be the sound of a million klaxons going off that they need to step back and go back to the drawing board with their approach to countering mobility. It will not be her that suffers the most, but the previously balanced heroes that she synergizes with that will be rendered unplayable unless she is also there, as well as the collateral damage suffered by the rest of the tank class.

All this would beā€¦ well, not fine, but acceptable, if there was new content coming down the pipeline, but even that has slowed down with no payoff in sight, so itā€™s like, why am I still around? The gameplay is trending towards miserable no matter how coordinated your environment is and itā€™s not like thereā€™s anything new to explore or play around with. Iā€™m just waiting for something to bring the spark back but I fear it might never come. :frowning:

- Doohickey

Reaper isnā€™t OP.


The moment to moment gameplay and art in this game is fantastic.

Everything else is pretty terrible. Why does balance take so long? Where are the social features? This is a team gameā€¦ where is the 6v6 team queue?



thanks for the edits so far, guys. I canā€™t wait to see how this thread turns out with the edits and the debates


It will end up being killed with rants


I will make sure to watch the debates so that no one is being utterly toxic

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thank you Alexis :3 <3


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This is actually a really neat idea.

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Needs to be said that previous wikis have had issues with multiple people editing simultaneously and undoing changes that werenā€™t there when they started. Cool idea though.

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I am experimenting with wikis to see if everyone editing the main post can lead to a good and healthy debate

Where. Is. The. Lore? 3:<

(Um, add this, pls? Kthanxbai.)

~ PyroPanda

You arenā€™t level 2 or up?
It is ok I will add it.

It is done.

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you are trust level 2 though

Waitā€¦ā€openly editedā€. Ok, I am stupid. Nvm.

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Uh, where did my post and Badarmā€™s post go?

I didnā€™t see them when I added my part.
Maybe someone accidentally deleted them?

:c I wish I could let him know

You can always re-add your part.

I readded your part.


My edit was deleted. :frowning: