A way to fix the 5 v 6 matchs

Losing a person in a comp game is devastating, and it usually means you lose. But what if there was a system where a person could fill. And if they win they could not gain sr, but golden gun points or currency. These two things are hard to grind out. But with this system it would not give them too much to the point where golden guns lose their value. Another aspect of this system is that you get rated. So if you do it for trolling you will get rated a one star and probably not have the ability to fill in a game. Lmk what u think and maybe tell me some ideas for what they should lose.

you queue for competitive. and you join a game, where your team is already losing a 1-0 and 50%-0 on a control map.
even if you don’t lose SR, it would be sort of a waste of time, spending a few minutes in a game where you can’t do anything.


I agree, a ton of people are already frustrated when they backfill quick play matches, so I doubt introducing this to competitive would produce a different effect.

Competitive points would not give players enough of an incentive to play the game seriously, thus you have people who don’t care about the outcome of the match.

There will never be any sort of a backfill system for Competitive, if a new player was to take the place of a leaver, it would alter the original pairing of the match. Meaning if the team that had the backfill and leaver wins the match, the team without the leaver would be cheated out of the original fair pairing for that match.

Remember the best way to avoid dealing with deliberate leavers or players who disconnect is to group up with your eligible friends.

mostly agree but i’ve had games in QP, arcade, and ranked where a player coming back/replaced gets a win.

The solution is a forfeit option after 2 minutes in which you don’t lose SR. Unless you are grouped with the leaver to prevent abuse.

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As long as you would still get xp if you leave I’d be down for this.

Yeah sure. You played X time, you get X do and the winners get SR. Maybe less or the same, but they win so…

The problem here is that this creates an large increase in the total amount of SR present in the system. If most of the players on the enemy team don’t lose any SR while the other team gains… the ladder would be out of sorts.

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So, end the 5000 limit. Set a number for Max players in a tier down until silver and SR has no maximum for a season.

But that system would reward players who play more games, not necesesarily those who are actually better.


You have a point there. This needs more thought.

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I guess that’s what the devs get paid to do XD

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However there is nothing wrong with proposing solutions, but just be ready to be presented reasons why such an idea can’t work.

I myself have one strong idea to revamp Competitive Matchmaking so that it incentivizes players to group up into teams, which would allow problems like leavers and toxic players to be completely avoided. Learn more about that idea in this thread:

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