A solution to Mercy + Ashe (and other DPS) damage boosting

Or put a delay time when mercy change of dmg boost to healing beam. With this change, those 200hp boosted heros Will be a bit easier to kill

But on Mercy’s input. On the output they can deal more damage than other heroes. What if that damage is too much?

How is it that one hero has the same TTK with a boost. Yet another hero can go from two hits to a one hit? That is not really consistent.

I agree on Mercy’s end everything is consistent. However boost effects heroes differently. Some do not change with a boost while others change a lot.

Here is the thing, I am not speaking only about Mercys. I am also referring to the hero who is boosted.

…but again, it’s just a flat 30% boost.

Why do some heroes have 1shots without and not others? Why do heroes have different health pools? Why do some get armor? Why do only a few get barriers?

It seems a really weird thing to complain about, and a horribly unnecessary complication to want added to a fairly balanced hero.

Yet not every hero has the same impact with it.

However non of these are increased by another hero.

Well personally I feel boost should be impactful and balanced with all heroes, instead of being a mixed bag.

I see it more as an upgrade. Keep in mind not every value has to be changed. We can even keep everything 30% but one or two heroes who are a problem. Or just keep everything at 30%.

It is not so much I have a problem with Mercy’s flat boost. Rather I would like a system such as this for more flexibility. As well as to fix future boost issues.

Pocket widow isnt really a thing, she one shots anyways. Besides hitscan generally isnt meta right now. Dive is currently meta, to be honest I think dps balance and tank balance are perfect. Support balance is still crap tho.

That is unfortunate, I hope it does not get worse. Though I fear they might target Ana or Mercy next.

I doubt it. I think they will look at bring and bap to make them more viable. I honestly dont think they are going to add more nerfs. The source of the power creep which was extreme healing doesn’t exist anymore.

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