A solution to Mercy + Ashe (and other DPS) damage boosting

That is a good idea. Maybe we can make those adjustable as well.

My only issue is that this would technically be a nerf to Mercy.

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Mercy’s best quality is be consistent, your suggestion would ruin it.


Why must it be consistent though? Not all weapons do the same damage so it is already inconsistent. Plus it is not like the boost will go away, she will still give a 30% boost if we want it.

I would take this over a flat damage boost nerf.

Except it’s not a problem anymore. Ashe got nerfed and is no longer overly strong with or without Mercy.

Widow is stronger than Ashe now and needs nerfs more than her, and Tracer has a higher pickrate than both in GM now. Sombra and Reaper have almost passed up Ashe’s pickrate.

Let’s not try to “fix” something that’s not broken.

Why should is be inconsistent? That’s dumb. “Hey yeah you do 18% damage boost for this hero and 47% for this hero, here is a spreadsheet of all 32 heroes you need to memorize !”

Mercy damage boost has been 30% since launch, for 4 years. The devs design heroes with damage boost in mind considering Mercy and Zen are both 30%. Leave it alone.


Then why are there still complaints about it? There is also nothing stopping Mercy from boosting other heroes.

Because it is already inconsistent. Not every weapon deals the same damage.

And here is one of every hero’s damage with a 30% boost.

So, does not mean we have to keep it that way. We rework heroes and changes modes quite often.

Honestly if you love boost so much just keep everything at 30% but Ashe.

Because people on these forums are stupid and complain about everything? There have been complaints this week that sleepdart is OP, Pharah is OP, healing is OP, damage is OP, zzz who cares what they complain about. None of it holds any weight.

Ok…and? She’s been boosting all heroes with the same 30% damage amp for 4 years. It’d have been changed if it was an issue. It’s never been changed because it’s not OP.


Damage Boost is consistent in that it’s a flat 30% boost to all heroes. That is consistency.

That is much easier to memorize than giving every hero a unique damage amp value. I know how the majority of heroes primary fire and abilites function/deal damage when damage amped by Mercy.

No, but it also shows it’s not a problem that you’re pretending it is :slight_smile:

Ashe is fine so why would we nerf her power level with Mercy?

I’m gonna drop this here to tilt you:

Geoff saying he wants to buff damage boost if anything ^^ :rofl:


That would make things way to complicated. Why touching Mercy, when Ashe is the problem? She is the broken part, and need 2-3 nerfs.

These are really bad arguments.

Mercy doesn’t need a change or a nerf. She’s not getting a blue beam nerf. Mercy-Ashe isn’t some OP monster(…anymore).

Relax. People complain about everything, I HIGHLY doubt Mercy will see a nerf in the near future.


Because people always complain about Mercy.


Did you really? I saw that edit :eyes:

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Boosted damage caps at 50% and only adds value to base damage calculations, not critical damage calculations.


That seems very harsh.

Actually I see people complain about boost for the past four years.

But the 30% + weapon’s damage is not consistent.

Why memorize at all? It deals more damage, that is all you need to know.

I do not think it is a big problem. However I am trying to find an even ground for the people that do.

That is a year old. Well if you want to buff mercy boost we can just give every hero a 50% boost.

Would love to see the outcry of that actually.

Why so? Ashe and Soldier deal different total damage when boosted. It is consistent with Mercy but inconsistent with other heroes.

Which what I am trying to say.

Better to not jinx it.

Or we increase Ashe’s firing speed but lower her damage per shot.

Balanced or even weak heroes have been nerfed before.


Truly you are not wrong.

“Been here all along!”

It’s not different though, it’s a 30% bump to whatever damage they do. It’s consistent(…except a few Ults).

It’s a bad argument because it boils down to you asking why different characters deal different amounts of damage with attacks.

No arguments there, but I’ve been happy with the last few patches, so I’m temporarily optimistic.

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Well I am not asking, I am stating it. Since the overall damage is different. If hero gets a 30% boost and deals 1000+ damage overall. That would be a big difference compared to the hero who deals only 50+ with a boost.

So yes Mercy damage boost is consistent. However heroes with the boost are not.

They are though, they consistently deal 30% more damage.

The difference between good and great Mercys is knowing what abilities that 30% pushes over breakpoints and the CDs on those abilities.

Or put a delay time when mercy change of dmg boost to healing beam. With this change, those 200hp boosted heros Will be a bit easier to kill

But on Mercy’s input. On the output they can deal more damage than other heroes. What if that damage is too much?

How is it that one hero has the same TTK with a boost. Yet another hero can go from two hits to a one hit? That is not really consistent.

I agree on Mercy’s end everything is consistent. However boost effects heroes differently. Some do not change with a boost while others change a lot.

Here is the thing, I am not speaking only about Mercys. I am also referring to the hero who is boosted.