A small idea for a Sombra buff


She’s still hard to play, and still not as popular, but she is SUPER strong if you put time on her.

Hell, I meet Sombra one tricks who aren’t even in voice and still succeed at that rating.

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She does her balance right now is completly wrong.

She is “strong” in gm and proplay (rarly in masters its very situational)

Anywhere else she is bad.

We need to nerf her in what make her strong in pro play and buff what makes her bad anywhere else whitout making her easier.

Clearly not. If you actually think Sombra is anything other than a top pick, then maybe it’s to do with where you play on the ladder? Because my only experience with Sombra has been as free win.

And OP’s suggestion is a pure buff.

Sombra does not need a performance buff.

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Not in dmg or in hack power yes.

But I saw much worst then this for buffing pure power on Sombra so I took it more easily.


A free win with a ~2% pickrate in gm?
And lower the lower you go in Ladder?


Sombra is perfect where she is. She’s strong under two circumstances.Using her in teamplay, or just having strong situational awareness. And it doesn’t even have to be that Strong since you can initiate better than any other hero. I’ve never felt that on ladder she’s bad. Obviously not better than an organized 6 stack, but that’s true for every single hero in the game. Sombra doesn’t need buffs. The only thing I could see is increasing the speed that trans travels. But that’s almost nothing. She is perfect right now.

since the private profiles are active pick and win rates are pretty much not reliable on overbuff

Its the closesed we have.

And they can’t be far off.

You never go top to bottom dude. Always bottom to top. As you go lower down in ladder, everyone gets worse. Less people join voice chat too. And since the major thing Sombra needs is communication, it makes her perform far worse than she would. Even text chat (what a meme) would be better than playing solo Sombra. Again, top to bottom stats comparisons are generally made for the purpose of making a hero look worse than they are. Out of all the games I’ve had with the recent iteration of Sombra, I could count on one hand the amount that the team without the Sombra won on a single hand.

As for GM pickrates, I want you to go back to the site and count the number of heroes below her. Then tell me how many you honestly think are underpowered. There are some pretty obvious ones.

On a sidenote, I wouldn’t trust stats sites anymore since private profiles aren’t counted towards averages. There are certain heroes whose mains tend to have private profiles more often. Including Mercy, Doomfist, Sombra and Brigitte. So it’s more skewed for them heroes. But even assuming the 1.79% on Overbuff is in fact, the real pickrate in GM, have you considered that she’s a very hated hero there due to how she can pretty much “remove a heroes’ ability to play the game”, and because of that, a lot of people don’t want to play her.

The problem is that Sombra is more then an Extream case of that what is fixable.

9 out of 11 actually also think of how much the meta favors Sombra in comparison to everybody above her.

Moira and Orisa are both heroes that are bad in the current forming Meta and are underwhelming in comparison to other Healer/Tanks but I would not call them UP

So wouldn’t I call Sombra UP at GM and above the problem is anything lower then that.

Its the most accurate thing that we have.

We could also just guess but that would be random and for everybody different and would not allow a good discussion.

Sombra can be strong with extremely good Teamplay but it takes less teamplay to counter that.

Also I’m against the Idea of the OP any direct buff to her without a counter nerf would make her to OP in high level play.

What I want is counter nerfs to what makes her Strong in High level play and buffs that support Mid-tier play without making her easier:

Why would you go to hack someone with an empty magazine

That would be a good one or they could just give each bullet a bit more power.

Buffing someone who’s meta isn’t such a great idea.

No, “hack is worse than death” although I see how you can get that confused.

Tbh (because apparently that’s the case) why don’t we “nerf” her by having hack kill people. It’s no longer “worse than death” and hacking immediately contributes to teamplay, everyone wins!

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At best, being hacked is mildly annoying. One of three things are happening when you’re dying while hacked.

  1. You are 1v1ing the Sombra. If she kills you, that’s on you. You still have your primary weapon to fight back with.

  2. You are in a team fight a single person is hacked. Your healers aren’t healing hacked targets.

  3. Sombra EMP’s in a team fight, and you’re running Lucio & Zen and nobody gets healed (except for the person who already had Zen’s Orb before the EMP went off.)

Otherwise, you just had really terrible healers. Hack is powerful, but it’s far from a death sentence 100% of the time.

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Pro play exclusive meta

… do you even play her?

Funny thing she isnt even meta Goats is Sombra just counters it best together with Doom.

Yeah I agree, just so many people complain and say that so I made another joke about it.

Let me Guess you like Youroverwatch