A reasonable Mei nerf

She is already imobile and ripe for the picking the moment she pops out of her cocoon.


this nerf dont will change anything on how mei hardcounter a lot of tanks with very low effort.

This is what I had in mind.

The intent is to make Meis have to worry more about their positioning and cooldown usage. A lot of the time cryo is best used for like a second to bait and block key abilities, like wrathe.

But it gives tanks a lot more options.

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The only thing Mei needs IMO is a change to her ice wall. Reduce the amount of pillars it has from 5 to three, and maybe nerf the health of it a small amount as well.

That’s her job mate…


Well, they could do this:

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The impact is that you essentially make cryo work like a slightly better pre-buff take a breather. Forcing Mei to leave combat way to often to hang in a corner.

She already has to consider positioning as when she cryo’s she is IMMOBILE and VULNERABLE to being surrounded and torn to shreds if she does it in the wrong spot.

Why this sudden wave of Mei wall hysteria, I have to ask?

For bad Meis, sure. The good ones already use it to bait and block abilities, so leaving early and using the wall immediately after shouldn’t be hard. Most already do it.

That usually means the team is dead. The inverse is far more scary- often one has to worry about being surrounded instead by the Mei’s team. Mei in cryo is an invulnerable threat that can pop out and attack or wall something off the moment one dares look away to address her team.

You are only partially correct

You are correct that Mei uses Cryo to bait out abilities. However, it is ALSO used as a means of emergency healing in case either the supports are unable to focus heal her (due to other teammates taking higher priority) or she receives burst or enemy focus damage.

Which means that she becomes vulnerable in these situations. Your nerf proposal would mean she would most likely be unable to use her cryo for these purposes and force her to step out of the fight and use it in the corner.

So no, it is not just BAD mei’s. ALL mei’s treat cryo and wall as tools with multiple purposes.

It CAN mean this. However, It ALSO often means the enemy team has pushed your team back due to a drop in pressure (because you are currently in cryo and as such are not applying any pressure for the duration of said ability) and placed the skirmish line passed you.

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She’s got nearly a 100% pickrate in OWL, because she’s the closest thing to a third tank.

She’s mostly been used to go for the “Isolate one or two enemies, kill them, then brawl out”.

And considering it’s a coordination based attack, and OWL has world class coordination, it’s really strong.


It’s like people don’t understand counters.

Multiple heroes hard counter a specific type of hero.

This game would not function well without the checks/balances.

And Mei’s team has a few seconds to regroup while Mei remains a threat that can pop out at any time. There is currently no counterplay to this.

This is exactly the problem, once the enemy pushes past you, you can pop out early and wall them off.

You’re underestimating how dangerous it is to have a Mei nearby that can pop out at any time, potentially with a wall that went off cooldown while in cryo.

If we are going to continue down this scenario based rabbit trail you need to be more intellectually honest or we are not going to get anywhere.

Mei’s team COULD have a few seconds to regroup ASSUMING the enemy team lets off the pressure. I would argue at least half the time this is not the case. It all comes down to decisions made by individual players.

This could go either way. Meaning its balanced.

Yup, if you ignore her and do not exploit her vulnerable state. Fail to punish? Then get punished! Perfectly fair.

It is you who are underestimating the power of burst damage, team focus, cc, and the amount of damage done to mei’s team (like a pick or two) .

In your world apparently none of this exists. You are dead set on saying there are ZERO variables and that everything MUST go this way. But it is all fake.

Your idea seems pretty decent. What if we also prevented it from contesting objectives?

I would say the same. You’re assuming some terrible team coordination, a state we should not be balancing around anyway.

The pressure is limited by Mei still being a threat, and there’s no counterplay to that.

Hardly. With the risk of a wall you have to dedicate disproportionate amounts of resources into locking Mei down.

I’m not underestimating this. I’m saying that they should lose if they’re that far down.

How do you get zero variables when I’m complaining about too many to reasonably account for?

I don’t see that as a problem honestly. Still, while it’s not the goal of the change, you can boop them off the point.

No, I have admitted at every turn that what you state was a POSSIBILITY but only one of several. Where as YOU have been talking in ABSOLUTES and near certainties.

I have been intellectually honest. Admitting when you present a potential outcome that it is possible. You on the other hand deny ANY of my possible outcomes.

A single McCree with a flashbang. A Brig with a shield bash. An ana with a sleep dart. A rein charge, a doom punch… the list goes on.

I’ve proven my point. I see no point in continuing since you are in full hyperbole and denial mode.

Read your statement again very carefully.

Someone has to sit there and watch the mei, with abilities up, and needs to land the stun before the wall goes off, and most of the ones you list have cast times, making it unfairly difficult when the Mei can pop out early at will.

Mei should not be able to command that much attention with that level of potential effectiveness while her team is unable to help, at least without some degree of counterplay, which is what this change does.

You haven’t proven anything except an obsession with complaining about things beyond the topic itself.

Then for the sake of consistency should the same thing be possible with Reaper’s Wraith Form and Moira’s fade.

All of these abilities are invulnerability abilities that renders the user immune to damage and CC.

Was that so hard? You know? Talking without absolutes?

Yes, There is ALWAYS potential for something to go awry. But that is the nature of any game with PVP.

Now let me break down each part of your above paragraph.

I see no problem with this. One character dealing with another. How is this wrong?

  1. Assuming she has wall.
  2. Assuming wall actually connects her to a means of escape. (News flash: it often doesn’t)
  3. Her wall ALSO is not instant. She does have to hit a combination of buttons.
  4. Learning the timing of your abilities is essential to good performance. However, it is also not all that difficult. McCree for instance is EASY to learn the stun timing on. Brig? That isn’t a cast time as far as I know? Junkrat? Trap placed at Cryo base and instant win. The list goes on.

Everything I have said is within the topic and scope of our conversation.